Ttv Players

Why is it everytime i encounter someone with ttv in their name, they are usually a toxic piece of #########. They either intentionally sandbag their teammates, dc when first down, almost always sends hatemail, etc....
Is it so hard to be kind
It's easier I guess.
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I find if I get a Ttv that doesn't have a hug following they are always toxic, and usually with a SWF. When it's a bigger streamer the game is sweaty for sure, but usually not with a SWF and usually a fun match.
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Because when you look at some of the big streamers and youtubers (not going to name anyone in particular) they are toxic.
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Maybe I'm lucky but so far I've only had 1 toxic ttv that was being an ass in game and when I went to their stream I only said GG because they left really fast, then I said "have a great stream, take care" and was about to leave then the streamer said "did the son of a ######### left? I'm sure she was stream sniping" the streamer said she because I was using Meg (that is what I assumed) but I usually get nice ttv players.
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Whenever I see a someone with ttv or yt in their name I know it's going to be a crappy match. They'll either be screwing over the team by sandbagging or by hiding the whole match so they can escape. 🙄
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I love the streamers with a “I’m so wholesome and goofy, tee hee!” image but they’re toxic as hell in post game chat. There’s one guy in particular that I’ve run into a few times and he always talks ######### but doesn’t show it on his stream, of course.
That said I’ve had pleasant interactions with quite a few streamers so I try not to generalise.
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There are just so many streamers out there. So the amount of idiots is high. I always play nice and try to reduce the toxicity in the game. There counterexample ^^
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I used to just mori them off. Now I don't bother. They are trying to play the game just like the rest of us. Most are pretty mediocre anyways.
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In DBD, more so than most other games, toxicity was glamourised. Being an arse is cool. If someone gets insulted by you actively attempting to insult them, it's their fault and they're a wimp that shouldn't be playing multiplayer games.
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I rarely come across such users so I can’t judge.
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Bad luck? Idk why people generalize. I see ttvs all the time and they are all different. I would way they are usually the quickest to say gg.
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Making people in the gaming community the center of attention either leads to light-hearted fun, or a narcissistic power trip that just exacerbates their terrible personality. I've found it's often the latter.
Come to think of it, this applies to everyone in all communities.
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They're trying to be cool.
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See a TTV?
Always bring a Mori.
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I mean, working generators and hanging on hooks isn't exactly good content. So... yeah, they'll try to loop you, go for flashlight saves and hook saves and all kinds of other risky stuff that most survivors don't do. Holding M1 on a Gen is the most effective way to escape, but it is boring.
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I’ve generally had a good experience with twitch streamers. I’ve been accused of stream sniping a couple times. I don’t put that kind of effort into the game since I play on a laptop but I’ll usually get out of matches for a bit and go onto their stream if anything remarkable happened in the match. Sometimes I’ll even stay for an hour or so if I like their channel.
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To the past me, you are an idiot.
To the OP, I will start bringing evony moris now to .ttv players, feels great being called the N word by a white TTV player and his buddies, if I knew how to record what happened a few matches ago on pc, I would gladly save it and post it here as proof.
Post edited by OldHunterLight on1 -
toxicity sells, especially in this game.
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If only i could bring a mori as a survivor
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Thats the type of ######### i'm talking about. 80% of people i have met on any game with Ttv in their name are dicks.
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If you have discord it offers to stream for you. I'XMm sure you can fibd some free recording software to get a game or too.
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I've met nice ttv players but just today after I commented here, I encountered a lot of ttv players who are genuine aholes, so if I see a TTV I will bring a mori and try to get them out of the game asap
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I do have discord I'm not sure if I remember the password but I will try to find a recording software that let's me record what happened the match before like how playstation does it.
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I've met a few over the years but the majority i've met are just dicks for no reason.
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Exactly, some try to pull out the "I'm a streamer" card, I just don't get why being a dick to other players is the only way, there is no benefit but getting enemies.
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Exactly and if your viewers are older than 12 and actually have empathy they would stop supporting your channel.
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Sadly there is lack of empathy in this game, most people just play one side and barely touch the other side, I usually say "if you hate playing against X killer play as him and you will find a lot of things", I just hope that people stop being that biased and learn that the other side has issues, instead of being toxic they can just either empathize with the other side or just not being rude.
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I think playing both sides is healthy but doesn't always help, I've seen people who do and they do the exact things they (heavily) complain about when they switch over i.e. you might have a meg ranting about being 'tunnelled' for being hit twice in a row and last week she was a bubba with an ebony moriing right off first hook.
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i'll dodge twitchies in my lobbies, even as a fellow surv, from my experience twitchies are some of the worst players
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I have never understood the hate for TTV players. LIke dude most have 2-5 viewers and are chill, just streaming a game.
If you really look at the "anti-TTV" personality it is fostered by large streamers who used to put TTV in their names but now have a large channel. They literally used to be the 2-3 viewer guy, but now ridicule, mock, and avoid them while they stream. They dont want to give anyone any promotion so they dodge them in lobbies etc,....Its a way to bully and keep the little guy down like large businesses do smaller ones. People watch and want to be like them so they begin talking trash about "TTV players" - you can really see it in certain "clicks" of DbD streamers in this community.
The regular players who do it, learned it from someone else and have low confidence in their ability so they bring moris and tunnell you out if you have TTV in name so they dont get beat while on cam.
But go ahead, tell us how every TTV is trash and deserves to be camped out the game.
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And, I'm ttv solo player, and get hated first from killers lol ttv killers are more worse than survs, killers with ttv play way too toxic, for viewers, and abuse you in the end
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"they are usually a toxic piece of"
Like most survivors then?
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Name me one Killer streamer that purposely plays toxic for their viewers and abuses the Survivors in the end. Go ahead.
Without even heading over to Twitch I could name you a handful of Survivor streamers which do exactly this thing
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If I see a TTV guy in my lobby, I bring a Mori.
They must be good if they put a target on their backs.
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My possibly unpopular opinion, is that anyone with .ttv in their name probably isn't worth watching.
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I said nothing about being camped out. I could care less if they were small or big streamer. Their is no reason they have to act like a prick for no reason. My experience comes from mainly be on same team as them on this game or seige. They almost always tend to be fragile egostical pricks who always screw the team over. The occasional time i verse them as killer they tend to almost always dc. Yes some are chill but alot have some desire to be a piece of trash for no reason.
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Dude, I'm talking about small, not famous streamers lol
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Because most people think that acting like a jerk, is the only way to be successful on Twitch and YouTube. We are not all like that...
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Not to clump every streamer, but in my experience I've had far worse games with/against people with TTV in their name. Had a guy DC on me when I played Freddy because he used a fake pallet. Waited all game to talk smack in post chat. I've even seen a streamer send their followers after someone because they thought the killer was hacking. In my opinion, if you're gonna broadcast yourself being a tool, that's fine. People can choose to follow you or not.
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Thats the way to farm viewers I guess. Streams thrive because of toxicity and bullying weaker players.
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So name me one small streamer? I never said they have to be big lmao
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It's not necessarily the TTVers fault. For every toxic TTVer, there's probably about a dozen times they were mori'd simply for having TTV in their name, and doing nothing to deserve it. That particular toxicity isn't exactly their fault.
Most of the TTVers I have come across in my 4000 hours of gameplay have been pretty nice :)
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So as a streamer (Myself) i'm always toxic to someone.. bully every survivor / killer i come across and are never friendly, which is the Huge exact opposite of what i do, since there isn't enough wholesomeness in dbd (Besides Otz and a few others) i tend to believe even trying to play nice no matter what you'll get hate =D
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I do not get toxic behavior. Just be happy you won or outplayed the other person and move on. How does it help making others feel bad about things or how does it better your life?
The sad part there are other youtubers that are toxic and people love it.....until it is them in a game with a toxic player then they hate it. I do not get it. They love watching it but hate dealing with it themselves so why support it by loving youtubers that do it.
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A lot of the time it's not about "not wanting to give free promotion". People like Hexy and ANGRYPUG for example explain it perfectly.
They just don't want that smaller streamer getting harassed or ######### talked if they screw up in the game, so they avoid the streamer. It's not about publicity in the slightest most of the time. It's about having a huge community and not having the ability to control everything they do. No matter how many times they tell their community "don't do that", there will always be bad apples. When you're Hexy or PUGs size in viewership, that's actually a lot of bad apples. It's more about protecting them than it is not giving them publicity.
Besides, the amount of times ANGRYPUG has sent his community over to a smaller streamers channel after a good game with them, and ultimately bringing them to tears because of the raid is insane.
You've got it all wrong, dude.
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I'd say you're the toxic one. Not them.