Yet another unfair match up

Don’t worry too much it gets better the more you play.Eventually you’ll be in the right area you truly belong to.
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You know the matchmaking is broken as ######### when it deems it fitting to match you with a newbie Hag..
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most people spend a lengthy , dull orientation period for a paying job and not what they expect to be a break from that portion of their life
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just felt sorry for the killer he/she clearly had no clue what to do. we just blazed through gens and left. i also didnt like the others t-bagin at the exit gate
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Can you people stop saying that already? Matchmaking is broken, that's all. It shouldn't be possible for rank 20 to fall into a group of red ranks.
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I’m just repeating what a mod told me don’t get all hasty.
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I have to agree. In theory the MMR should get better but there's still the issue of que times. If a group has been waiting long enough the MM forgets about rank/fairness and tosses the first person available.
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Sounds like standard the standard DBD killer experience, so everything is working as intended.
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I don't see ruxxian campers since the rework, and before you could play against 15 of them in a row. I'm so happy.
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For us on PS4 last night. We had almost exclusively red rank killers. Which I have never seen in all my time on PS4. So something must be working.
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But WHY, even if that is true and working which I don't think it is?
The game shouldn't need 10 matches or whatever it is to determine this is NOT... A... FAIR... MATCHMAKING
You don't start someone against red ranks and then move them down if they suck, you start them against other 20s and move them uyp if they're good.
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It’s not exactly my words I’m just repeating what a mod told me earlier today.
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Its not true though. I experimented because I keep getting level 1 killers. I ran around the map only doing totems and suiciding on the hook if caught for 20 matches. The next map I played normal and lo and behold once again it was a level 1 dude.
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20 matches playing like utter crap...still level 1!!!
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Maybe if you stop killing yourself on hook🤔you wouldn’t be in such a situation.
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I've been playing every day since the new system, and I am still getting rank 20 killers.
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Well you might want to try and take this up with a mod🤷♂️.They will just tell you the same thing they told me.
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Killing myself to try out a theory.. And my theory was proven true. 😩
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You’re saying hook suicide is good for MMR and will keep you matched against other good players?
PS I don’t agree with Dc or first hook deaths but your logic is weird
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I work in mysterious ways thanks for noticing😀.
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IfI've never been past level 9 why am I suddenly only matches with level 1 people 95% of the time? What are they basing this skill level on?????? Why won't they tell us??
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I don't need to take it up with a mod. Their official line was play around 10 matches for it settle. Three days later worth of matches and still getting rank 20 killers. Obviously the new system is broken despite what they claim.
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Or maybe you should just try harder👍.Don’t give up so easily and it will settle out.
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Well I've been playing every day. I can't do more than that lol.
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Sorry, friend, i just annoyed by this situation((
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The MMR system appears to be precisely what I feared it would be when sent live: a Beta state system.
There is a lot of work that needs to be done on it, but I just can't bring myself to stay on as a Beta tester for them.
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Just keep playing! It’ll get better! Just play more, play 8 hours a day, if you’re not putting in the hours of a full time job do you really deserve a fun game experience?
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We have been running smaller tests of the system on select Xbox One regions for the past few weeks, and the results have been encouraging. The rollout on all Xbox One regions is the next step in testing the system on a wider audience. If all goes well, we are planning on rolling out this feature for all platforms in a couple of weeks.
The next phase that you will notice goes live with the upcoming mid-chapter update: We are no longer allowing Killers to switch their character while searching for a match, or once in a lobby (excluding Custom Matches). This will allow the new Matchmaking System to track player skill with each killer individually and match them against more appropriately skilled opponents based on their killer selection.
To put it simply: If you are great with The Oni but you struggle with The Nurse, you will now be playing against stronger survivors when you play The Oni than you do with The Nurse.
The most obvious thing you will see when the new system is active is that there will be a greater variation of Ranks in a single match. Rank 1s playing Rank 20s? It’s possible, don’t panic when you see this, as Ranks are not a true indicator of a player’s skill and are no longer used for matchmaking.
Additionally, this system comes with a revamped algorithm for matchmaking as a whole. This should improve wait times for finding matches, and we will continue to tweak this part of the system to improve them further over the coming months.
Ranks are not a great way of figuring out how good a player is at the game, because it primarily focuses on “How often you play” and not on “How skilled you are when you play”. Based on our matchmaking studies, there are a great deal of “low” ranked players (15-20) who can easily play just as well as “high” ranked players (1-5), but they simply don’t play enough games in a month to increase their rank before they reset on the 13th. And as an inverse, there are Rank 1 -5 players who perform at levels more typical of lower ranks but they play so many games that their rank is higher than expected. This results in unpredictable games: All five players may have the exact same rank but wildly different skill levels in practice, making matches unbalanced.
The new Rating system is focused on measuring a player’s skill and predicting how they will perform against a given opponent. This way we can build matches that are more objectively fair for everyone in the game. We have analyzed over 3 million games (at last count) during our tests, and the matchmaking system is proving to be extremely accurate at predicting the outcomes of matches.
By using this new system, we will be able to place players into more balanced matches more often. When a match is unbalanced, the system will know exactly how unbalanced it is and adjust the player Ratings accordingly.
Matchmaking has been and continues to be one of the hottest topics we hear about, and we have been listening! To get this implemented as quickly as possible, we have decided to roll it out independent of a rework of the Rank system. That doesn’t mean we don’t have plans for Ranks, however! We are exploring different ideas like turning them into a monthly activity tracker and reward system, when we are ready, we’ll communicate more about that
you should read it:) proves your wrong
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The most obvious thing you will see when the new system is active is that there will be a greater variation of Ranks in a single match. Rank 1s playing Rank 20s? It’s possible, don’t panic when you see this, as Ranks are not a true indicator of a player’s skill and are no longer used for matchmaking. here this part tells you:)
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What part proves we are wrong? They have said over and over approximately 10 games to reach the point of matchmaking making sense, I love how people choose to use post to show why BHVR is correct but refuse to look at the other MOD QUOTES that show they're wrong.