are they testing crossfriends with consoles?

i can literally add a friend from PSN right now, lol. (i'm on PC)
Atm they are testing console on console I believe
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how do you know? and i'm on PC like i said and i can add people from consoles.
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can you play with them tho?
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i'll try later, friend's currently offline.
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you can send the request, but they can't see it from console, well, guess we gotta still wait.
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How does it work? I couldn't find my wife on her PSN account from my PC. Also, can you play with them? The notes didn't specify, only stating it's different from crossplay
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after testing, you can see players from other platforms and add them, but they can't see our requests because crossfriends isn't enabled there yet.
nonetheless, this is a good thing. it means BVHR synced every player from every platform so we're all linked and this is probably one of the ultimate steps to enable crossplay in the next future. let's stay tuned!
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after testing myself, i noticed we can send requests to people on console, but they can't see them yet.
nonetheless, this is a good thing, as BVHR broke the barriers from other platforms. they synced everyone in an unique system so all of us are linked and i think this is the ultimate step to make crossplay avaible very soon. let's stay tuned!
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I feel like Switch is the forgotten console lmao.....I do not think Switch will be added into this function. I may be wrong. Does anyone know if Switch is included into this? I know you can switch you player name on the fly on switch so how would you add a switch friend from another system?
Thanks for any info anyone can give. =)
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yeah, it will
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btw, i tested myself and we can send requests but they can't see them yet because there is no crossfriends enabled there, but since we can see every player on the database, this means that barriers are broken and we're all linked. let's stay tuned!
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You can add them as a friend after game or by a friend code
edit; that’s how you add someone currently I don’t kno about crossplay stuff but I had somone add me before I went into a game
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I know on switch we have a Friend Code but not sure how a PS4 or PC or Xdud would add something exclusive to the Switch. I sadly have no knowledge though or experience in this stuff.
Like my Friend code is SW-2429-8666-9971......Not sure how other systems would add that as a friend. =(
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So a PS4 and PC and Xdud can add a nintendo exclusive code?
This is my nintendo Friend Code SW-2429-8666-9971.....Just wondering how it would work?
Would you type that code into the area when it ask your friends name to send a request to?
Sorry just trying to learn BUT also bigger flaw the Switch does not have Freddy so would we still be able to play if the killer is Freddy?
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After testing myself, we can send requests to people on console, but they can't see them yet since there is no crossfriends option on consoles yet.
nonetheless, this is a good thing, since they've synced every player in their database system, breaking barries to allow everyone to be linked. this is the ultimate step to make crossplay avaible really soon. let's stay tuned!
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Each player gets a special DBD tag meant for DBD only, it would be something like FilledPizza#c95c (some random letters and numbers at the end), someone another platform enters that code and they can friend you, then it functions as if you were their friend and on the same platform, switch friend code has nothing to do with it
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I have never seen that on my game. I can change my player name in DBD if I wanted to every game. Where would I find this tag?
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when you open your friends list, you can see a tag followed by an hashtag (#) with a code of four letters/numbers, that is your code. you search someone there with their code and you send them a request. that's it.
Post edited by NuKeD on0 -
It's the Xbone thank you. If you're going to insult me and my people, please get it right.
And as for the OP, I don't believe that consoles will be able to see your requests as the Xbone and the Pisspoor both have different ways of adding people and handling game requests. They'll have to add a way in game in order to do that.
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Rofl Thank you for correcting me I like that name much better. Xbone lol. I personally have nothing against any system and like them all just thought it was funny. =)
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It doesn't work like that. If you look in the friend list inside DbD (where you invite friends) you will notice there's your name up with a # (for example: UserName#ab79) when they enable crossplay in console, you will see a new option with the icon of a person and a +, by pressing there, you can add your friend's username tag. Then you may invite them inside the dbd friendlist.
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Check out Yahtzee Croshaw from Zero Punctuation. He's the one who coined those names and even came up with the infamous "PC Master Race" quote.
Absolutely hilarious game reviewer.