An in depth post on why DS is not ok.

First of all, read the thread before commenting. Second, this isn't a complaint about DS being an anti-tunnel perk, I think it being an anti-tunnel perk is absolutely fine, as I am not a fan of tunneling myself. People misunderstand why people complain about DS and say it's because "killers want to tunnel with no consequence". DS is one of 2 broken survivor perks along with object of obsession. Now, I will start.
DS used to be the most overpowered perk in the game, allowing you to get a free escape off of the killers shoulder if you were the obsession. This was nerfed a while ago to the DS we know now.
This newer DS has been called an "anti momentum perk" by the devs, yet it it designed exactly like an anti tunnel perk, are they going to call BT anti momentum next? The problem with it being an anti-tunnel perk, is that it still punishes people for not tunneling. Let me give you a scenario that happened recently in an Oni game.
I hook a Nea in the basement on Haddonfield, later she is unhooked, I see both survivors come out of the basement and go for Adam (the unhooker) I use blood fury and down him quickly, I hook him and find Nea on the roof healing, I down her and pick her up, get striked. I had 2 options in this scenario. 1: pick her up and get striked. 2: leave her on the ground and risk her having unbreakable or being picked up. Both of these situations are a loss for me, even though I didn't tunnel, thus the problem with DS as it is, and how it rewards bad survivors.
My suggested change to DS is to make it a better anti tunnel perk and less of a 60 seconds of immortality perk. Whenever another survivor is injured, hooked, or downed, DS deactivates. This would solve the problem of the 60 seconds of immortality when not tunneling. Now, to buff its anti-tunnel. When you are unhooked, DS activates for 60 seconds, if the killer chases you or downs you within that 60 seconds, D strike's activation is paused until you strike the killer.
Good day.
I agree it needs a rework, but when you risk unbreakable as all killer player say and even the streamers say this. They are showing a bias or showing a certain scenario. I for one if I have hooked the unhooker and down the unhooked then I slug them and they waste unbreakable or eat ds and now they don't have it. You add pressure to that survivor for late game. And of you slug someone has to pick them up meaning 1 person is on a gen. If they aren't on comms that even 2 people going to save meaning no one. Or you chase one person and now she wastes unbreakable and you slug her all you want later. She saves Adam and is injured you go back slug Adam and hook her and you're snowballing constantly. And youre at the point only 1 or 2 people are on gens. Now if it's late game then your whole point is valid but it still can be controlled. Thats what no one listens to or tries explaining. I personally know how bad it is to use ds to early then get camped and not have it
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Let me get this straight.
You want DS to deactivate as soon as someone else is injured, downed, or hooked?
Please explain what happens when the Killer refuses to leave the hook and a trade has to happen.
Down and slug the person unhooking then go tunnel the person that was unhooked because their DS is now deactivated?
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If we're going to add a condition to deactivate DS, it should be based on an action the survivor takes so they have to decide to keep DS active or not.
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Probably just if another survivor is hooked when they aren't in the dying state it should deactivate along with the if they progress the game like unhook, heal, repair a gen
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Just slug them both unbreakable has 1 use and it's still 2 people not doing anything DS is fine.
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It just needs to deactivate when doing a genny. That is it.
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" 2: leave her on the ground and risk her having unbreakable or being picked up."
This seems like the best scenario in this situation, if she uses unbreakable she doesn't have it anymore, and if someone comes to pick her up, that's another person not doing gens, and potentially another basement hook. Even if Nea gets up (either from unbreakable or another survivor) she can't go for the unhook on the Adam, and unless she heals immediately you can follow her blood orbs to find her again.
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you're still wasting alot of there time by slugging them...
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Why can't she unhook the Adam?
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She's already injured so she'll just get downed again. Which I guess would also be a desirable outcome. This is assuming the killer is in range to intercept, though.
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Soul guard and an insta heal medkit can deny the down. Then theres also the range problem you mentioned.
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Along with the usual problems with DS I dislike the fact it has the high chance of making the survivor the obsession. There are alot of obsession perks that require you to NOT do anything to them. I run dying light on a good chunk of my killer builds. Once they become the obsession if they are on 2nd or death hook it becomes to risky to take them out since I could ruin my slow down snowball. Then 2-3 or all 4 run it I have to flip flop so many times it's not fun. Same with perks like PWYF and STBFL. Hitting the obsession does nothing or hinders you.
TLDR: Take off the obsession flip flip of DS.
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My friend, that's a camping killer. Do generators.
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Sure, you can slug them, but the survivor shouldn't be rewarded for making bad plays.