The Problem With The New Matchmaking For DBD

Ekkles Member Posts: 10

So, a new patch just released for DBD. Cool cosmetics, aura changes, and a new matchmaking system. Personally I love the aura changes, I know they're gonna get changed again but still. However its the matchmaking I want to talk about. Currently the new system in place doesn't go by rank, it goes by MMR instead. Now in theory a system like this should work, but I don't think it works for a game like DBD.

Little info about me, I'm currently a rank 1 killer main, but I also play a fair amount of survivor I'm rank 4 survivor and have around 300 hours, and this is my first month taking the game serious from a competitive standpoint. From what I have noticed, and observed about this new matchmaking is it works just fine. The problem is how the MMR works. If you don't know how MMR works, instead of going off the little number rank it goes off your performance in your games instead. So if you play well your MMR will be the same as a rank 3, or 2 survivor and you'll be queued with those people.

As a killer main my matches have been incredibly easy even in what should be high elo, I've faced rank 20 survivors, and sometimes they will all be rank 20. This happens from what I've studied is when new players decide to SWF, they can beat low elo killers very easily, and their MMR goes up. This in return after their third or forth win puts them against a player like me. I guess I shouldn't complain about easy games, but id rather be back with the rank 1 survivors where I can improve at the game. Another issue is the survivor side of the MMR, currently if you are rank 15-20 you might encounter a game where you'll face a rank 1 killer, this is because of either you winning too many games or the killer losing too many games. Ranking in a game like DBD where a good killer that knows the basics of a chase, and outplay mechanics stomps all over low elo survivors, even if the MMR determines them to be able to face you, its to put simply, not fair for new players. I hope this gets fixed soon.

TLDR: New system is based off MMR, and that is not fair for new players or mid tier players for both killer and survivor, and the game is too easy for high elo players on both sides.


  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    The new matchmaking system ASSUMES that if you use a character often that you ARE good with them. This is not necessarily true as in my case where ive been playing 1 character for a while but that doesnt mean im really great, i just like playing that character. And now the experience is ruined because i can ONLY get unbalanced matchups because the game assumes my skill level instead of instituting actual algorithms that work for a player to player basis..... like they should from the beginning. That being said ive not had a decent match since these changes and im still looking.

  • Some_Dood64
    Some_Dood64 Member Posts: 122

    It's especially bad for someone who switches killers every now and then. Such as "That Hag game was boring, I'm using PH to give myself a challenge." Things like that can screw with the MMR since killer changing can't happen anymore once you're ready.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited August 2020

    I unlocked Deathslinger yesterday as a Rank 16 Killer with no perks and the first 4 matches were all without exception against Rank 1-4 Survivors. In 3 of those matches all 4 Survivors escaped rather easily so I just stopped playing Killer, I hope today it's better.

    What I wanna say is that how often you play a Character does not seem to matter. Nothing matters.

  • Ekkles
    Ekkles Member Posts: 10

    From what I've also seen it gets worse for new killers who are just starting to play killer, my friend decided to play 1 game of trapper for the first time and all their survivors were rank 1, no kinda excuse for that. I guess it takes your mmr from your survivor experience? and assumes you're capable of beating them? the noob killer aspect just is confusing for me.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I just watched my friend make an alternate Steam account, and family-shared the game to himself so he could play killer at rank 20 with only 1 perk. He played Doctor and was queued in 3 minutes to a lobby with a 300hr Survivor and a 1800hr Survivor. It was a Duo Rank 3s and a Duo Rank 5s vs a 1 Perk Rank 20 Doctor (he is a Red Rank Killer on his primary account).

    I watched as 3 gens popped immediately after his first hook, and he proceeded to scrape by with a 2k after hook farming a Feng who tbagged him at every pallet, and basement camping his second kill in EGC. It was not an enjoyable game to watch and it certainly couldn't have been enjoyable by any of the players in the match. Had he been a genuine 1 Perk Rank 20 Doctor, with very little hours on killer, it would have a painful player experience.

    Meanwhile, I am a Rank 1 Killer who has a 15 minute queue time proceeding an easy 4k, 0 Generators complete, match against Rank 15-20s with an occassional Red Rank survivor.

    The new match making system is not working, period.

    BHVR really rocked the boat with this release, and I am curious to know what their "successful" testing on Xbox One servers looked like. I cannot recommend this game to anyone in its current state. New players will find it incredibly frustrating, as the issues that plague this game are largely out of their control, while experienced players will find this game dull and boring until they can be matched appropriately.

  • Some_Dood64
    Some_Dood64 Member Posts: 122

    Hell if I know. Playing dozens of matches with Hag doesn't do a thing, but my first ever match with Nurse gets me rank ones with literally every one with the smol pp DH build.

  • Ekkles
    Ekkles Member Posts: 10

    Yeah currently my games are just too easy, I end up letting the worst player leave