I need everybody to be honest.

How many of you that play killer, have ever had a survivor scare the bejesus out of you??? 😱
Yesterday I was playing as Pig and while crouched I noticed a scratch mark and so I thought I would be smart and scare the survivor near a gen that was barely touched, so I go through a pallet and BAM! This Blendette stuns me and I nearly dropped my coffee. 😂 I was like “killer?? Where?!?” Was the funniest match I’ve had in a while.
I've had that happen many times actually
It's like the survivor knew what we were trying to do
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Yup that scares me a lot of time as well. But ussually I dont know the survivor is near until i get the pallet dropped on my face. Then I am shocked so hard my mouse Will be thrown to the other side of my room.
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Those random pallet stuns always get me.
After a wild night I tried to play some Killer the next day but I was so sensitive and nervous that even just the gens popping randomly scared the bejesus out of me.
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Oml, the unexpected pallet stuns scare me many times lol
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I love the implication that you're playing the game with one hand and casually drinking a coffee with the other while stalking people.
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Lol I this happened last match.
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Same for me, the pallet stun when you don´t even know a survivor is there - biggest jumpscare for me every time :D
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Yes I've had this happen to me as well. I've jumped scared more as playing killer then I ever have playing survivor.
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I've sped through Yamaoka Estate with Billy using Infectious Fright and Both Speed add-ons. I ended up hitting a P3 Claudette in bushes that I didn't even see. The sudden stop and scream from my perk startled me so bad that I jumped and hit my knee under my desk. Everything was a blur using them as a meme together. Scariest moment I've personally had as killer.
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That post is all too relatable. Especially as a Pig main.
It's MY job to scare them! Not the other way around!
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Once, a Steve was following me and I got body blocked, but he was crouching, then he randomly pallet stunned me (I was setting a trap on the staple wall) and it scared the ######### out of me.
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Like many others, its the pallet stuns that get me. Especially if they are done out of chase. Im just minding my own business ye know. Just picking up my traps as trapper and then BAM!! 😱
The one other thing that gets me is survivors running into me during a chase around corners. Just suddenly a survivors face in my camera. So threatening.
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It's not fair, we're supposed to scare them, not the other way around
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Pig is just too cute honestly, when she is crouched it’s like she is in her own little world.
I know exactly what you mean with trapper. I’ve set traps at pallets only to find out there was a survivor right at the pallet the whole time. Haha
It really makes me question my role when survivors can scare me!
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I was a ghostface leaning round a corner to stalk and i looked to my right and bunny feng min was there
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Yeah freaked me the hell out 😂😂😂
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Oh definitely, it usually happens when I don't expect a survivor to be where they are and it freaks me out or I just get randomly stunned.
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I've jumped a couple times at pallet stuns, also had times where I don't react with anything but "why did you stun me? I didn't even know anyone was here"
Spookiest moment though was as survivor watching a meyers walk past the gen in shack that I was behind, just to go into the basement and find someone else. It was otherworldly how silent it was except for his footsteps.
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I have been startled by sudden pallet drops from a survivor i didn't see
but then again i can get startled very easily
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So many ######### times.
Sooooo many.
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I get jumpscared more as killer then as survivor
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As a survivor main who plays killer for archives, way too often. Literally, every game I play killer, that happens. ;-;
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Yeah, mine was as a survivor, I shat myself when I was afk for a second at a pallet, and I thought there was another surv in front of me crouching. 🐖 worst experience ever
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Surprise pallet drops or a sneaky head on have made me jump yes.
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Playing killer gives me way more spooks than playing survivor.
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I was playing Spirit and mid-phase had a pallet hit me.
I wasn't in a chase.
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I’ve had head-on scare me before, same with survivors sprint bursting away that I didn’t see
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I was running speed reload meme build on huntress (shiny pin + iron maiden) and when I went to reload this Jane head ons me while screaming. I think we were both a little freaked out.
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somehow i get jumpscared more when playing killer
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Not so much with pallet stuns, but I do share the same experience as someone earlier while crouching around as pig. I stop to look for movement, and as turn my camera ( hello ) face to face with a Meg.
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Never as a killer. I've had more than a few survivors come out of nowhere and scare the ######### out of me when I'm playing survivor though.
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I dunno if it’s my luck but any map with a drop down and I’m bound to get a falling David just jumpscare the hell out of me. I even researched if a David meme exists because it had happened too many times to be random.
Never found anything...######### is my luck? Scary ass Drop Down David’s...
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Randon locker with head on. I just wanted to walk by. ;(
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The times I've jumped out of my skin are when they drop a pallet on my head from out of nowhere. I have no idea they're there, I'm just walking through a jungle gym and BAM! Pallet to the face.
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I forgot about that one too!
I’ve been head on while holding my puke about to down someone infront of me. 😂😂
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there is nothing scarier than that blendette suddenly appearing on your screen mashing your head in with a pallet.
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the blendettes are too scary for me man...
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more time then it should.
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It's always a fun giggle when that happens to me... it always brings me back to when I first started playing lol
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Unexpected pallet drops make me jump outta my skin. I've been jumpscared more as killer than survivor lol.
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The first surprise pallet stun scared me pretty good. Was on Doctor at swamp and had no idea that meg was lying in wait. So from now on when I chase a survivor and they vanish by a pallet I always lunge through it just incase. Honestly it has worked a few times. I still get the hit before the stun and the survivor got the ol turntables.
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Unexpected is the key to make scare.
While survivors can hear Killer coming at 32m. Killer doesnt know where survivors are.
This rule makes the Shape scratched mirror the most fun game for Survivors
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I was the Shape in Haddon, a Gen done in the basement of a house with small garage. I stood there the whole time and that survivor didnt look up while walk upstair.
Im sure that scared him.
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A few pallet stuns have given me jump scares. I won't lie.
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Pallet stuns and Hag traps. They still make me jump, particularly if I'm listening really carefully for footsteps. :D
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Survivors are freaking terrifying.
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Lol I like your little cartoon visual of your little story. 😂
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Being super focused and getting those awkward, long-ranged pallet stuns while playing Hag gets me sometimes. It's very annoying. A lunge-centric killer like The Pig never gives me this issue, though.
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As a killer that actively avoids tunneling, I can say I've been frightened into attacking the guy that just got off the hook cuz they ran into me from the corner.