Where is our MMR stat and why doesnt we use our player level instead of an MMR?

Hi, since the update, i noticed that there are nothing on my screen showing me my MMR stat like on Rainbow Six Siege for exemple where i can see my MMR when i play in ranked.

And how am i matched with rank 20 survivors and killers, when we doesnt have the same strength in game? Im only a devotion 4 player but i bet im matched with under devotion 1 players when i see how they play. Everyone play his way but its totally unfair and i feel bad for them. Why everyone (even the devs) keep saying "ranks doesnt matter" when a full rank 1 SWF squad repair gens in a low amount of time even before somebody get hooked when a rank 20 squad doesnt have any chances to repair a single gen on a rank 1 killer? Does the devs play dbd? Who were you spectating during "3 millions games analyzed on XBOX" to get to build the matchmaking this way? Are you sure you were analyzing DBD's games? it doesnt seems like it. MM was already unfair before, i cant tell about now..

And as the "ranks doesnt matter", why doesnt you guys use the player level, as its a good indicator of playing time and experience in the game, to get a fair matchmaking? The ranks doesnt matter but the time played does.. Stop matchmaking me with under red ranks please.


  • legion_quen
    legion_quen Member Posts: 11

    I've had some issues with matchmaking too, on both ends. Had matches as survivor (rank 12) with rank 19-20 teammates and a rank 1 killer. Also had rank 17 killers with rank 2-3 teammates. I'm hoping it'll get better. I don't think matching based on player level is a good idea, because it's not fair to assume that just because someone has a certain number of hours that they are good at the game. Like for me, DBD is the first video game I've ever really played, so learning how to do even basic things has taken a LONG time, whereas someone coming in who has thousands of hours on Overwatch or something would probably surpass my skill level in 50 hours.

  • IIAkim59II
    IIAkim59II Member Posts: 6

    I got you but today, i was playing in a 2 man SWF. My friend and i are pretty much solid rank 1, not the best but we know exactly what to do and when to do it. We were matched with 2 solo queue Rank 1 versus a rank 20 Hag. The hag couldnt do anything to stop us from repairing and escaping.. Then a poor rank 6 oni that we destroyed because he wasnt a strong as a rank 1, then a leatherface i cant remember exactly his rank but it was his first game as a leatherface he was like rank 19 with 1 perk level 1. We repaired 4 gens without him to get a single hammer hit. He totally gave up and this is not what i play for.... I play for both sides to have fun even in the defeat. i havent died in weeks now as a survivor and would like to know how the beginners killers have fun in this way and how they learn from a match where they couldnt get a hook, which is the main objective of a killer.

    In this way, i would rather to be matched with devotion 4 players instead of beginners, i dont know what is a devotion 4 means in hours but lets pretend its a 500 hours playing time, another devotion 4 will also have 500 hours playing time, if not, it would be very close to it like 400 to 600. This is more balanced than facing a 500 hours player vs a 10 hours player.

  • IIAkim59II
    IIAkim59II Member Posts: 6

    I wonder how this rank 20 hag have a chance to kill any of the survivors and same for this freddy farming because he gave up on the end game with zero hook, both of them didnt have fun because of unbalanced matches, it is the same for every killers faced. sadly..