New Matchmaking made the game unplayable and not fun

Freddy96 Member Posts: 767
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Dear devs are you trying some kind of experiment to see how long it will take before everyone leaves the game?

First you destroyed billy one of the funniest and most balanced killers in the game. Then you released an update that is one of the worst ever. Auras are bugged, frames are so terrible and there are tons of bugs. Eventually just to rub salt in the wound you released this new mmr which is completely terrible. I don't know which kind of formula you made but it's clear that even with 100 games it won't get better. A nice mmr would have had at least some kind of basic filter where people with more than 1k hrs wouldn't be paired with players with less than 10hrs. Solo is unplayable right now since sadly not everyone has the same views of your beloved fw like tru3ta1ent where even if you died at 5 gens but you made the pip its all good.

Also you told us not long ago that you would have given us a proper server sided hitreg, so my question is where's this new system?

To end this i really don't know what you're trying to get lately, i am having a lot of troubles to understand your latest choices, i hope that you will find a way to get back in touch with your community

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Luxuas
    Luxuas Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2020

    I agree.

    I have 1k+ hours and I can tell, 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 are one of the worst updates so far. Instead of fixing all those bugs they focus on reworks that literally noone asked for and with those, of course, come tons of new bugs.

    Especially the new matchmaking system, which totally destroyed the game. I'm rank 1, both as killer and survivor, and 95% of the games I get ranks 16+ against me. Doesn't matter if I play solo or not, even with SWF, we all are red ranks and we get a killer who literally plays the game for the first time and has no idea what to do.

    With this attitude, devs, you are throwing your game away and I really don't understand what are you guys trying to do with these new updates.

    Excuse me devs, there is a bit of game in your bug!

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    The matchmaking is still very new. Everyone is starting with a similar "MMR" so it'll be a little bit before everyone is placed where they should be.

    But, yeah, lets complain about it.

  • Luxuas
    Luxuas Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2020

    If I understand the patch notes correctly, we have a "hidden rank" separately for each character. Do we really have to play these "unplayable" and maximum boring games as each character to get placed where we should be?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    First, the devs told us they had been tracking matches and the players' skill rating in the background for weeks.

    Then they told us it would take 10 matches for the MMR to settle.

    We can now clearly see that this system is not working at all. So, yeah, we should definitely complain about it!

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    All I hear are personal problems. Auras are fixed now. Frames terrible? Get a better PC. 1k hours not pairing with < 10 hours? That's terrible logic. I played with multiple people tonight with smurf in their name, smurfing is a thing. Unplayable and not fun? Get better at the game. The amount of coddled children in this fan base is outstanding.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited August 2020

    The devs may have been watching everyone but it is ridiculous to accept, or believe, that they provided an individual MMR to all of their players. They might have given some players a slightly higher/lower MMR based on things, but there is no way they went through every single player and looked at their skill and assigned them an MMR. And if they were using a system to track players and "skill" it is questionable about how this would have been done, if the system was accurate and if it was even happening beyond Devs themselves selecting random games to look at.

    Its literally impossible to put everyone in the correct MMR within 10 games.

    I am not saying it is working correctly, or even exists (lol), but anyone who believes that we've had enough time to definitively say it is working or not is being unreasonable.

  • Luxuas
    Luxuas Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2020

    Do you really think that this is ok? It is not fun for both sides.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020

    And why is everyone starting with a similar MMR? there are many people that have 3k+ hours in the game, would be quite strange placing them in the same categoty that has 30 hours. I thought any game that has ranked MM has also a calibration system.

    why dont they divide players base in to 6 starting pools for example ?

    1) 3k + hours

    2) 1-3k hours

    3) 500-1k hours

    4) 200-500 hours

    5)100-200 hours

    6)0-100 hours

  • Hyorky
    Hyorky Member Posts: 3

    Yeah, now imagine when you are the low rank, i'm being bullied in killer and hooked in survivor

    Also @piggypablo say "get better at the game"... bruh i'm trying but I just can't play right know

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    challenge: finish the match before the last gen is complete using ruin, rank 16 not the best trapper, and i go against a red ranked squad. ######### bull craperoni.... this MMR system is not correct, i've seen players who are better than most get new rank 20 squads. you can't even say it's looking at played time as the match making as that's bs... i really think it is no longer matching at all and just throwing people together... how can people play and enjoy the salt of those that WIN thrown against someone outclassed. this is demoralizing and unfair. ######### hell.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    "it is ridiculous to accept, or believe, that they provided an individual MMR to all of their players"

    You know that this rating is done by a system/algorithm/computer, right? There is no human watching matches and giving people a skill rating.

  • Jandy
    Jandy Member Posts: 3

    esta dificil jogar

    Simplesmente nao consigo fazer nada

  • SanKson7
    SanKson7 Member Posts: 1

    How is this possible to be with players who have only 20 minutes and 1 hour of playing (Ranks 20) and i've hundreds hours... Broken system...

    Killer took pity and have been friendly with the player who escaped by finding the hatch for him...

  • azakya
    azakya Member Posts: 4

    I play killer like, 2 or 3 times per month, look. I'm not a good player in a killer, and i fall with a good player.. Please #########.. 🤬

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Little update, billy got buffed and i am happy to see that you listened to your community. Even tho he's not perfect he's way more acceptable than the version we got with 4.1.0.

    Auras got fixed and now they are perfect.

    Frames got little better even tho on some maps like lery's i get some issues.

    MMR is still bad tho, i don't know how it works but even after 100 games i still get people i shouldn't verse. I have more than 3,5k hrs what's the point of playing against/being paired with players that have literally 6 hrs? I don't wanna feel bad for bullying people that have 1/300 of my experience and i think that most players don't have a lot of common sense and probably enjoy bullying new players which will probably leave the game and i can't blame them.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Until its fixed, this is why i'm just farming. I can't take the game seriously, because I didn't sign up to faceroll newbies.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    I wonder if the reason for the matchmaking being so off at first is based on a bit of a psychological trick, one often used by mobile casino 'games'. They hit you pretty hard in those casinos with ridiculous 'offers'... and then slowly wind it down to something just as much of a ridiculous waste of money but that your brain now perceives as "much more reasonable". Once the sweaty red ranks have driven you out of your last hair follicle... you'll be content once you settle at your mmr ceiling and a "good and fun match" consists of only 1 maybe 2 kills and 2 or 3 escapes. You'll be much more inclined to accept that, rather than complain about it being hard to get a 3k or 4k especially once the ebony is also ruined or removed from the game to keep the swf spending money on auric to buy new costumes. It's clever, but not an unusually creative manipulative tactic... it's very common these days in video games. But I can be a manipulative person myself and typically see through peoples' tricks and motives.