New Matchmaking?

Survivor main here - Rank 2 Survivor, Rank 17 Killer. PS4 player.

I think I recall reading that this new update was going to change matchmaking. I've noticed that my wait times are about 1/4th what they were before but was wondering if anyone could explain what changed? The problem that has always stopped me from playing Killer still persists today.

I've never personally liked playing Killer for reasons like what just happened about 5 minutes ago. As a rank 17 Killer with my 3 yellow perks and gray add-ons I just went against a rank 3 Survivor (all purple perks), rank 4 Survivor (3 purple, 1 green), rank 8 Survivor (2 purple, 2 green), and then a random rank 16 Survivor.

Perks and flashlights aside - the skill level was so vastly different that I stood next to no chance. I'm NOT a good Killer! But I'd like to learn, preferably against people at my skill rank. I would like to 'get gud' as the salty messages demand of me, but it's hard to do that against red tier/purple tier Survivors on my gray rank.

Also, as a friendly reminder to everyone (inspired by the copious amounts of tea bagging I just witnessed)... Be good to each other! This game requires Killers and Survivors both. Remember that there is another person on the other side of things. Maybe they are just having an off day or maybe they are someone new who is trying to get into this game we all love. <3 Be kind!


  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    Nothing changed yet... I average 4-5 minutes to get into a match no matter what rank I am. Tested out between Rank 3 - 13.

    K1LLR0CKNR0LL Member Posts: 176

    The ranking system is supposed to go away at some point and be replaced with an mmr system. Kinda like Overwatch but your skill rating will be hidden. There's a thread on the forums somewhere. I believe it's under developer activities.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Thank you so much! That would actually be -amazing-! I'm a Survivor rank 2 who constantly says I don't deserve it. LOL I've just played enough games that the game shoved me into the red rank when I honestly perform more like a purple or even green some days. T.T

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I don't think the new system will work. I think they've just screwed up the killer experience so much that no one wants to play it, so the survivor queue times are either forever or they have to pit people against survivors way out of their league.

    I just uninstalled the game again tonight after 4 games on a row as a rank 12 killer against red ranks swfs running circles around me. (Oh then they have to message me after the match - good times)

    I don't know how the can fix it. You can't let survivors wait forever, but it's terrible as is. The ONLY way I could see fixing it if you give survivors a speed handicap based on killer skill level and swf.

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    The matchmaking will never be fixed unless SWF is taken into account. If you're playing SWF, you should be playing against a killer whose level is 20% higher than yours, at least.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    This game thrives on SWF. It would be suicide for the game to penalize people who want to play the game with friends. Gaming is a social interaction for - a lot - of people. If someone cannot play this game with friends or gets punished for doing so then they will leave and go to one of the countless other games that fosters friendship and interaction.

    I have said several times on these forums that I am an admittedly mediocre player who lacks the time or interest in becoming extremely great. This game is purely for fun and almost exclusively for fun with my coworkers after a long day of work. Without the ability to play with my friends I would uninstall the game.

    That means that me (and at least six other people that I know) would stop buying the Rift passes. Stop buying the DLC. Stop buying the cosmetics. Do you see the trend here? Stopping SFW would lead to a major loss of players and a major loss of income.

    A few quick notes for your consideration about SWF - it does not always mean mics are being used. Secondly, - a lot - of the time when mics are being used Survivors are just bantering or having a good time (or even complimenting good Killer plays). I've played a lot of SWF with actual friends and with random teams as well and it is almost never the big bad team of tacticians that Killers fear. Obviously there are going to be really competitive teams who take the game ultra seriously but there are also those same Killers who have red meta perks and countless moris. There will always be people who want to be the best and who try very hard to master the game.

    Lastly, and perhaps the most useful note for a killer about teams, SWF are almost always 100% more altruistic even if it means suicide. Use that to your advantage!

    I'd personally rather get downed and laugh about it with my friend than leave him/her on a hook to die. :)

    SWF is the lifeblood of this game. It is also as much of a game mechanic as the meta Killer perks or tactics are. I know it can be frustrating as the Killer but it is in the nature of the game for the Killer to be the loner hunting down the Survivors.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    I get it. They make most of there money on SWFs but if that's the case make a ranked and a social playlist where if you play swf its social like you say for the social interaction, and make ranked solo queue only. If you think about it that would make things with dbd so much better. so killers that want to play 4stacks can go into social and killers that want ranked and go ranked everyone wins

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I personally love this kind of idea. Different lobbies would be really enjoyable! I think that the the new matchmaking system will actually offset a lot of the problems that people are seeing but I think that different game modes would be really fun.

    That being said... There are still SFW groups who would go into ranked because they want to be Rank 1 Survivors. Which is a valid strategy just like the Killer meta builds/tactics are. Unless you are suggesting that the 'ranked' game mode wouldn't allow for SWF in which case I think that it would again discourage a large demographic and would hurt the game community.

    The real solution is what we are hopefully getting - a skill based matchmaking instead of one based on a game rank. I would expect that a lot of SWF groups are going to end up clumped in the mid-range games except for the really amazing ones who, let's face it, would be difficult Survivors with our without friends. And those talented Survivors will go against equally talented Killers who will have fun and challenging games.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Meanwhile, a survivor self cares themself, searches a chest, holds m1 a bit and then dies- but still pips. The whole system is messed up.

    If you play killer you have matches where you get bullied and can't do anything, and as you get better as killer you have more and more matches where you bully the hell out of survivors and they are all dead by first gen because they can't do anything.

    The entire matchmaking and ranking system needs to be torn down and re-built from the ground up properly.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Agreed! As a Killer I have literally never had a balanced game. But I've also never (even as a rank 20) had a match that didn't have red-purple Survivors. As a Survivor (if for no other reason than I main Survivor) I have had a few rounds that were evenly matched (2k / 2 escape kind of rounds) but that is not very common.

    There are also games where I make just atrocious decisions when I am playing with my friends - so bad that we are all laughing so hard we cannot hear the game. And yet I STILL pip sometimes. Why? Pls no. And the worst part is the only way to derank is to throw the game which, imo, is just about as disgusting as just DCing or AFKing.

    Here's to hoping the new system is great! <3

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2020

    I am skeptical of the new system, because they have not really figured out yet themselves that are skilled survivors/killers and what are "wins" really. They will say that they think there is no clear win condition really and that they think killers getting 2 kills average in their games means things are okay- which is just.....wrong. That is the wrong way to think entirely.

    So that has be skeptical that their new system will fix a whole lot. I mean BHVR logic is that if a SWF bullies the hell out of a killer and all escape, but then the killer destroys 4 solos by first gen, that means he is averaging 2 kills in his games and things are fine. Another example would be if a killer gets 3 kills because of end game altruism after being bullied ALL game but their mistakes right then got him some kills, and another game they bully the hell out of him but he gets one end game face camp kill- that means 2 kills average things are fine right?

    Just know that everytime you get bullied by a survivor group or take a hard loss as survivor be it solo or swf- 80% of the time it's because of a matchmaker that put people together it never logically should have- even if everyone is "red" rank that means absolutely nothing. You think I am good enough to go against tofu? Hell no I am dead before a gen pops- but game says we are on equal footing anyways!

    It's such a joke I just laugh it off at this point.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I genuinely had not thought of a lot of that - you make some incredibly valid points.

    I would hope that the matchmaking system will be able to account for the kind of match disparity that you are talking about though. If a Killer is getting zero kills some games and 4k on his other games then something is clearly 'off' with where he is being placed. I would hope that the system would look for a balance in a consistent number of kills in order to find a person's true rank, striving for 2-3k for their typical game. It should look for the average kills per game and not just an average of kills in general.

    It sounds like you play Killer more, so let me give you the frustrating Survivor side of things. I'm a rank 2 Survivor who almost exclusively plays SWF. My friends range from rank 5-10.

    I go most nights that I play without escaping a single round. This is so true to the point that I now no longer strive to escape, I just strive to get more points than the Killer. Or to be in the top 2 in terms of points for the Survivors. Most games that I play (even SFW) consist of getting maybe 3 gens done if we are SUPER on it, and then the rest of the time it is being hooked or slugged or mori'd. Now I'm not typically mad about it - if a Killer plays a good game then my friends and I all actually talk about their most pro moves. It's genuinely cool to see really good players who have mastered Killer, especially harder Killers like Nurse or Spirit.

    But why am I playing those people? Those rank 1 Killers with every meta perk and at least 2-3 games with a mori per night. I do not belong in that tier. Most games I feel just like fodder and it isn't a matter of if I'll be killed it is just when. When the game gets to the point where Survivors literally don't even consider escaping a viable thing any longer and just shoot for points... Something is certainly off.

    And hey, I'd love to win every now and then. I almost don't even remember what the exit gates looks like when it is opened. LOL 😂

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I play survivor more because killer is too frustrating and stressful if you get bully survivors. I generally just don't have those frustrations as survivor. If I die I die, they can't really harrass me as I struggle to avoid being harrassed so losses don't bother me at all as survivor.

    I like playing killer more though when I don't have those games, but matchmaker makes it too risky to try as those matches bother me far more than good matches are enjoyable.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    well swf wouldn't be able to do that as ranked you would only be able to go in solo. Like you wouldn't be able to invite anyone the minute you clicked ranked it put you on a server.

  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    Im a survivor main and i believe swf defeats the purpose of the game. If youre going to allow coms the only fair way is a proximity chat that the killer can hear you too if hes too close or youre too loud. Its a lot more realistic and reasonably fair. The way it is now its pretty much cheating tbh, because youre not supposed to be able to coordinate at that type of high lvl. These are supposed to be scared, hunted ppl not a swat team.

  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    I honestly think they could have fixed ALOT of complaints AGES ago by simply implementing a ranked match mode and a casual mode. So ppl that want to play sweaty and be overchallenged can do so with ppl of like mind and be free. There will still probably still be many loss related complaints here but that goes with the territory and they will be isolated so it should be easier to remedy the issue IF there is one. And ppl playing casually wont have to worry too much about having to play too hard and create a better learning environment for slower players to reach a higher pace....... WHILE STILL ENJOYING THE GAME.

    I had voiced this complaint in a survey before but i dont know why the devs keep making changes that ruin the game for alot of people to benefit a very small audience. The only benefit im seeing from this new matchmaking system is that high rank players dont have to wait for other high rank players. They can get a match quicker by throwing lower ranks in there and using mmr to justify it. But you can bet these lower rank players would rather wait to get an enjoyable match than to be rushed into some bs for the rank 1s benefit. And imo if one was really a deserved high rank player killer/or survivor you would think they wouldnt want easy matches like that?

  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    This right here is a gigantic problem. Players should not be faced with changes so drastic that their view of winning is just surviving as long as possible. No offense to original poster, and good for you that you can make it work for you, but the joy you mentioned matches described sound like poor thanksgiving, where ppl are happy to have ANYTHING. Survivors are out here losing hope IRL....... after that theres no point to play.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I cant guarantee this, but if you want to learn to play killer. At the momen you should probably stick to one killer. The system they have implemented is a bit.....interesting I guess is a word for it :P. But if you only play one killer it will try and match you with players that fit your skill to that killer. But if you play a different killer, you will be matched with a different skill level. At least thats the idea. At the moment it seems to over correct sometimes. Like rank 1 killers playing a killer they have rarely played and getting matched with people that just bought the game.

    All I can say is after having played specific killers for a while (like only playing trapper) I started going against red ranks and getting rather fair matches where the survivors had a chance to outsmart me and I had a chance to kill them.

    So either play only one killer for a bit to see if it helps, or wait for a while to see if BHVR comes with a statement.

  • mrmean
    mrmean Member Posts: 24

    but that would outright kill the fun of someone who mains killer because they arent like surv where u can loan one up with all the same perks and theyre basically a copy. All the killers are inherently different, and making it so one cant switch kinda kills wouldnt u say? I just hate the way devs leave players to "try to be optimistic" about something thats clearly bunk.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    If I understand your point correct (sorry I am having trouble here), you are saying, that not playing different killers is not fun correct?

    I would agree with that, since I play almost all of them. But at the very least the devs have said you need to play 10 games to get more accurate matchmakings. Which is why I suggested play the same for a bit. You can switch if you want but you risk playing difficult opponents for a long time on all killers instead of just getting better matches on one and then slowly getting better matches with the others. Besides that playing different killers at the start can make learning to play killer very difficult. Considering some have ranged attacks and some have traps and others teleport. Another reason to play the same killer for a bit to learn to play the role overall before branching out and playing different killers.

    As an example lets say you wanted to learn to play Huntress. You are slower than other killers, you have a big radius where everyone knows where you are because of the lullaby. But you also have a ranged attack. No other killer can tick off all those boxes. So if you manage to get good with huntress or at least play vs survivors that match how good you are with her, then you can slowly improve on her in fair matches.

    However if you wanted to try and play Ghost face while also playing huntress on and off, you would suddenly have someone that moved faster than huntress so you can do loops in a different way, you can stalk survivors to get insta downs or you can go stealth and they will never hear you before you are behind them.

    My point about only playing one killer is only partly about the mmr system but also about just learning the base mechanics of killer before playing a lot of them.

    Anyway I hope you get better matches no matter what man. Good luck.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    I will say the match is just as unenjoyable for the high rank killer as the lower rank survivors or vice versa. The babies should not be getting paired with rank one survivors and killers as it kills the game for everyone. I mean im sure there are killers out there who dont care but i do not find it fun for a survivor at rank 20 to be in my killer or survivor games. they go down almost instant and do nothing all game otherwise and two theres no keeping up with my skill in a way. I like to go against good players on both sides to keep my skills sharp ya know?