Balance Killers against SWF
Im Done playing killer
Almost every Red-Rank game its the same build & team-strategy
Decisive Strike, Adrenaline, Borrow Time & Dead Hard/Sprint Burst
They pick Coldwind almost 70% of the time.
Playing killer: Frustration, Try to find first survivor, Start a chase, survivor running around a loop untill i break pallet or get them, Meanwhile 2 gens have already been completed. Locate next survivor, while im on my way there the hooked survivor has been rescued and another gen has been completed.
Match ends up with maybe getting one kill if im very very lucky. But most of the time im in a chase and then BOOM, Adrenaline and everyone gets out.
Endchat: "Hahaha gg ez noob killer get rekt" "Suck my bitches"
Next game: I pick huntress with Iri head and infantry belt and MORI. Maybe get everyone down but since the game went by so quickly i dont even get a pip and barely any bloodpoints.
Endchat: "Wow iri, Kill urself insecure killer" "I hope ur family dies in a fire u sweaty #########"
Dear DEVS: Im not convinced that u ban people for harassment untill you make a similar function that CSGO have, Players gets a message that a player they have reported has been banned. Untill you implement this feature i will never believe that you ban players. i have a folder with Screenshots of players with their Steam ID and the really bad words they write in Chat after the game. NONE of the users with open profile has been banned and i check their steam profile weekly and i still can see that they play DBD.....
Dear people that playes survivor: How can it be so fun running around a pallet loop, drop the pallet and run to the next and repeat, How is this still a fun mechanic since 2016
Before u guys say the following: "They will always make this game lean towards survivors because they are the majority of players and they bring in the money for BHVR"
Make this game fun for people playing killers. Implement the report-respone that some of us want so we can really feel that reporting makes a difference.
Now to the changes i would like to see in terms of balance:
- If there is a squad of 3-4 players then Gens can be slower to repair
- Hatch: See my idea here:
- DS.... shorten the timer from 60 seconds to 30-35, Or make it not available if the survivor rescues another survivor 5-10 seconds after unhooking a survivor. And for the love of god, DEACTIVATE IT if the survivor hops into a locker, Its a really annoying strat that always happens once the gates are opened wich results in 90% they getting out....
- Adrenaline, i have never used it so im not 100% in how it works, But make it only available if the survivor has either rescued a survivor or repaired a gen.
- Let players swap killers in lobby again if they feel they will be better of against certain item with a certain killer.
- Maybe this is already a feature but still: If both survivor and killers place map offerings then i think the chance of it choosing the killers map should be valued higher than the survivors. Im NOT meaning it should always choose the killers map but it should lean more towards it. Maybe a 60-40 chance.
Now for two counter arguments:
"Hatch is fine as it is, killers are not entitled to their kills" Survivors are not entitled to survive the game, Its such a cheap crutch mechanic that the last survivor, Key or not can open and escape the hatch in one click.
"DS should not be changed because the killer can tunnel the survivor" If a killer tunnel a survivor he wont be rewarded because Facecamping and Tunneling most likely leads to only getting one kill wich leads to not recieving any good amount of BP and likely Derank. If however the killer manages to down more players its the survivors fault for beeing too alturistic.
How many times do I have to say this.
You literally cannot nerf SWF
Making gens slower/reducing total size of parties/reducing bp gain/etc will LITERALLY not work as then you can queue together by playing solo. You shouldn’t restrict people playing with friends
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They were unable to fix the matchmaking system for 5 years.
You can have a hope in handling SWF, but in that case you are very optimistic.
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Show us a footage of your games, we can further discuss; Otherwise these are just claims without actual proof. Go watch a couple of killer main streams, tell me how they don't get kills (Almost 4k) each and every game with most killers. Sure some games they may get no kills at all, but it's by no means more than 50% of their games (Balance).
You are probably just having a bad couple of games after your 4k streak, so decided to come here and cry about it.
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When did i say that i wanna restrict people from playing with friends?
And when you say: "queue together by playing solo" Do you mean that they both press play solo at the same time and wait until they are in the same lobby?
And yes you CAN NERF SWF: If the game registers that two players are in the same lobby because they got invite etc then that is a clear indication that they are a SWF on comms
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Sorry buddy I don't feel like not playing the only fun role left to me in this game because you had a couple bad matches :/
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You are literally making gen speeds longer if you play with friends
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Hatch needs a rework to negate the slugfor4k method, but the last person alive should have some chance they isnt 'Do a gen against a killer alone'.
My personal thought is have all gens give communal progress, and the doors open if you work on gens for a total of 30 seconds. Still needs a bit of work but it's a mental work in progress.
For the DS problem you have, survivors are highly encouraged to be altruistic by both game strategy and actual points. If your argument is 'killers lose points for x so they shouldn't do it' you shouldn't then say 'survivors shouldn't do x even though the gain points for it'. You're encouraging the genrush mentality.
As a killer main, I find SWFs annoying but beatable. I can see how they'd be oppressive for a nonredrank, but I doubt you'll get any backing for a boycott. Try the survivor side for a while if you're burning out as killer. It's understandable, and there are plenty of ways to enjoy the game.
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- If you don’t like Decisive, don’t tunnel. It’s a second chance perk to counter tunnelers. And I understand it can be annoying when they hop in a locker, but’s it’s just to avoid getting slugged.
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I´m sorry you had such a devastatingly bad streak, and I feel where your frusttration is coming from. By now it´s common knowledge that the toxicity in DBD can at times reach extreme levels (although as of recently I felt it had gotten better).
Punishing people for playing with their friends is not the way though. Keep in mind that the vast majority of players are potato-ish at best, these people would get destroyed left and right.
It´s unfortunate that only a very select few killers are given the tools to deal with skilled swf players. I´m on board with that many people on this forum have suggested (sorry for sounding like a broken record, but I feel that´s a trend on here anyways): Buff Information given to solos closer to people using third party software to enhance their gameplay, then dish out major buffs to all but the best killers.
But heed my warning: I feel the need to express a concern. Looking back at the twists and turns this game has taken we have reached some kind of breaking point in my opinion. In many matches I feel bad for the survivors when they just get steamrolled and have almost nothing left to work with after a short time. So if changes to balance are coming, tread carefully as to not wreck survivors entirely.
Killer main btw
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Lol go ahead and boycott. Just means quicker killer ques for me. I rarely struggle to kill at least 2 and thats usually only on trapper or wraith at red ranks. Calling for nerfs because your not that good is sad especially if you dont even use the stuff your calling for nerfs for. Get your bias out of here lol
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I always play this game with my brother and we have not once used comms because we feel like the game wasn't meant to be played like that. At most I will send him a Steam message telling him where the hatch is if I've seen it and I'm dead.
Are you going to nerf us too?
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Karu, you're supposed to stop playing killer to protest the against the devs. Silly.
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Ah darn I'm sorry please forgive this betrayal 😭😭
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If I'm not playing Hag or Freddy...I get genrushed by a bunch of genrushing Baboons, each with Prove Thyself. I put Discordance in all of my killers and go to the gen where there are more than one person on it, I found one of them and the other person ran away with SB, so I chase the other one, alas! He is a good looper and while in chase...that person with SB came back to work on the gen again while I was chasing his partner. Then another gen on the other side of the map also have two people working on it and by the time you get your first down...2 gens have already popped. It is even worst if I'm facing SWF, so well-coordinated and they split up doing gens on every side of the map and voila! The game is done in just 10 minutes.
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You deserve your loss for playing that huntress build lmao get good and stop complaining
+++ to what Drywatr said
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If my ideas is is too much of a nerf for u two, then sure, I want both parties to have fun in this game, Killer right now is just Frustrating and stressfull
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Yeah, enforce killers to match SWF to force solo players to only play SWF if they want a chance to escape.
You'll maybe match SWF power, but you'll rise their density in the process.
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I won't disagree on that. It's why I tend to play only one game of killer per day for my daily bonus and then switch to solo survivor or play with my bro.
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Hate to say it but I think your going to be boycotting for a long long time. Cause most of these issues will probably never get fixed.
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Old ruin was the only way to slow the game down a bit even Totem spawns is ######### in this game it can still help even if it stays for at least 2 minutes.
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Have you actually tried to have a group of 4 queue up together using solo? Unless your team has the same rank (and going forward a similar mmr) this would be next to impossible to pull off. Maybe if there's regions where only a 100 or so people are playing at a given time.
The solution to these woes IMO isn't to treat SWF's differently, but to treat SOLO Queue like SWF. Add voice comm to the game standard. Balance around that and everything would be much better for solo q'ers AND killers.
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So do Corrupt Intervention and Pop Goes The Weasel just not exist for you or..?
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I too would like some balance between SWF and Solo, but at the same time I want some balance between strongest and weakest killer. It usually takes a 4man swf to beat the best killers if played really well. So obviously unless Nurse or spirit gets nerfed then SWF cant be nerfed either. My only suggestion is buffing solos in a way that doesnt benefit SWF in any massive way. Some have suggested giving kindred as a base perk, which SWF (at least those worth being worried about) wouldnt benefit from in any big way.
And while doing that buff the weaker killers like, trapper, wraith, clown and pig. My opinion but I do think mosts people would agree that they need looking at in some way. Wraith without or add-ons literal trash. Windstorm, bone clapper and some others make him ok, but not good, he would need silent bell add-on to make him good, vs most survivor teams in red ranks. Trapper without bags, no thx. Having some killers have basically mandatory perks/add-ons or good rng to win doesnt seem good.
My point is this. Dont nerf SWF without also touching the top killers, but they also shouldnt buff solos without touching the weakest killers. The weakest killers have a chance against SWF but its not a pretty thing and if they are sweaty 4k+ hour survivors, then you have almost 0 chance without some good luck and the best perks/add-ons.
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Well its technically not a loss, but i dont gain anything on it since the matches most of the time pass so quickly. No rank-up, barely any BP's and the match wasn't even fun, and that build is only because i get frustrated from the earlier games. and it leads to people calling you very bad stuff in chat afterwards wich makes me turn away from killer even more.
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In my experience those 90% are between rank 8-10 :/ and you are right, they are trying to do Flashlight saves too much and being way to alturistic, Rescue teammates when im still only 5 meters from them and they dont have BT. I feel that the MMR System isnt quite working here since im prob not supposed to be matched with those ranks.
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I hate to say it but the whole “Make games fun for Killer and not Survivor” idea is so disgustingly biased.
DS is always complained about but it’s the easiest thing to avoid. You have no idea how many times I’ve had my DS go to waste because a Killer played strategically and didn’t tunnel. Someone hop in a locker? Leave em’ there and go patrol gens. They literally only have 60 secs. I can see why people complained about it before when it had no timer, but now it’s absolutely unnecessarily complained about.
You’re also addressing Survivors for using their only defensive action in a chase? Running pallet loops is all they got, what else are they supposed to do? Stand there and allow you to catch them for free, no work? How will you get better at chases like that?
I play SWF with my friends who are also pretty crappy at Survivor along with me. We play because it’s fun. Why should all people who just want to enjoy playing DBD with their friends be punished because you had a few bad games? Practice, get better, stop applying your same repeated strategies to a chase, make smarter decisions or just take a break from DBD.
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he doesn't care if he ruins solo survivor and casual swf as long as he gets his easy 4k any bad idea is good enough for him.
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Sure...I used them as well but old ruin is very effective in the early game and if it can stay until mid-game it will help a lot and combine that with PGTW.
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I want the game to be fun for both parties. I dont want the game to be an easy steamroll for killers because then the problem rolls over to the other side.
I guess in my situation im not downing the first survivor quick enough, because most of the times 2-3 gens are done when the first guy is on the hook. When it comes to leaving a survivor in a locker or on the ground im so worried that there is a teammate nearby ready to Heal and they can go work on a generator while im chasing another survivor.
My problem with the chase is from my own experience playing survivor, i dont think its fun anymore to run around a pallet loop untill its destroyed and then moving on to the next, its not fun, and its not a good combo with the main object. Holding down M1, i really want a rework after all this time. Maybe have the gens require gas before they can be activated, Im all open for ideas here
I dont get this point, Why is trying to make a game fun for one side automatically punish the other side?
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People actually used to do that, hence the birth of SWF
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back in the day i used to do it with one friend, was actually very easy sicne we were only 2. i didnt know lots of people used to do it back in early 2018.
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SWF's been around since 1.0.3. It just didn't work for a year. We tried queuing up together, it was almost impossible.
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😴 not even worth the time reading 😴 just knod and move on people.
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SWF is typically the only way to casually have fun, as playing solo is already difficult(now MMR has made the game a complete joke). Removing it damages the game and there is no way to balance around comms, period. No one has ever come up with a suitable idea that doesn't in turn nuke solo players completely.
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You cannot win with iri head and an ebony mori? Git gud buddy. I am tired of all the entitled killer mains like you. Whatever, dbd is made of entitled killers and survivors.
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This is the single most killer aided post I've ever read in my life.
The game isn't survivor favoured. At high ranks the good players who have played over 2k hours each probably know the game that well that they can beat anyone easily. However at low ranks the killer obliterates survivors so it can't be survivor baised.
Now I do agree that they need to fix the reporting system. I also have had experience where I feel my report hasn't been looked at when I've sent a ticket in either. It's something I think they should look into fixing after they fix the forced disconnection hackers and get crossplay ready.
I'll look at your points and explain why you can't do this.
- 95% of swf teams are extremely easy to beat already. Your just punishing bad players, more than good teams.
- Sorry but I can't look at that otherwise everything I've typed out will disappear. Therefore I can't say anything bad about it.
- Jumping into lockers is literally the only counter to a mori so there's no reason to chance this. If the gates are open then just stand in front the locker and wait out the timer, it's not that difficult.
- Adrenaline never needed a change. If this got changed then it would only be fair that NOED also does. I see both as perfectly balanced though.
- I would prefer this also but the thing is the game is now giving you different mmr ratings based off each killer. So if you never play nurse then your rating for her is worse than your main. Unless they remove this feature then you cannot swap killers in lobbies anymore.
- I don't see why killers should get an increased chance. This doesn't make sense why the killer needs this additional advantage.
Sorry mate but you just sound extremely entitled.
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OP - Before you say 1 word about SWF, you need to go play as a survivor in the public official DBD discord for a whole day. Move from group to group and try it out. After that experience, you will see that your issues are not due to SWF.
SWF groups are the minority. Those that are toxic and bully players are a minority within that minority.
The survivor build you cite seems super common but it is not. Again, play all of those games and you'll see that there's more variation than you realize.
The world looks the way it looks to you because you are playing killer so every game seems like it represents "all games," but it doesn't. The common denominator in those games is YOU. There may be something you are doing wrong or could improve on. Yes, there may be things about the perks survivors are running that need to be changed, but it isn't SWF. I think if you do the research I suggested above, you will see that for yourself.
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Do he really need to show it to you? Do you plsy Dead by Daylight?
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Well he doesn't need to but then it's just a crybaby post like most others..and yes i do play it since 2016 ^^ Same old ######### posts whenever someone loses a cpl of games to swf rather than smashing bad randoms.
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Imagine thinking that every game was the <10% group you think they are. 4 man swf hit squads arent that common.
If you're red rank, and struggling against red rank, perhaps you dont actually belong in red rank.
And that's not an insult, because rank means nothing and rewards you with nothing. But if you cant compete consistently at that rank, maybe that's not your real rank. Just play the game. Stop worrying about arbitrary metrics because other people say they matter.
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i understand you perfectly.
here how my matches looks like:
this 2 matches right now one after another...
1st one before it was exactly the same - in less than 1 hour 3 matches exactly like this.
this was my 5th match with freddy. today was the first time i decided to return play as killer and see freddy's changes.
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Someone's upset they didn't get an easy win, lol.
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i get death wishes, my mother and my whole family get death wishes...
im called names you cant even imagine that you will be ever called that...
99% its TOXIC SWF that this game creators protect so much.
and when you ask for YEARS to fix matching, for YEARS to fix SWF or give us option not to go against them, we (killers) get a spit in our faces.
they ignore us, remove our posts and worse part they dont do anything to fix this.
so ye, i understand the OP (original poster)!
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- Report
- Block
How to deal with losers who do that, and yes I have been insulted in many different ways some of which can't be described here. There is no evidence that the Developers protect toxic players.
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For every noob killer losing to a SWF with meta perks is another sweaty killer putting everyone on the floor at 5 gens with meta perks.
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you know better than me that at least 2 are comms for sure