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I Have A Hunch About MMR Being Backwards

Will a few people play killer with the ones that they haven't played with in a month or more and see what you get matched with after 2-3 games? I'm getting Rank 20s now with Leatherface after it did a 180° on me. I switched to Wraith and got all Rank 1's and 2's for 8 straight games and got smeared. I'm a Rank 1 on both sides.

It's a theory but I'm thinking your main gets easy lobbies while you're very least played gets the hardest lobbies. I just want to test it with a bigger group since I'm only 1 person. Leave your results please and thank you.


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  • Member Posts: 2,723

    So Huntress wasn't used for months but you're getting super hard survivors. That's what happened to me. I switched to Wraith who I play in a blue moon and got Rank 1's consistently. Played as Billy and Spirit and got 20s and I play them daily. It started to get better then just started giving me new players but my killers who I rarely or never play anymore got my current rank. Thank you. I think the MMR is working backwards. Your main should get better survivors and your rarely played should get newer survivors (since you don't have much MMR with it) but it's reversed.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @Orion Could you please do a few matches with your main then play a killer who you barely touch and see what the results are, please?

  • Member Posts: 53

    i was thinking the same thing. i've been slaughtering babys on every killer i usually play, but the second i pick demo to do a daily i get a doom stack vs me, stomping me into the ground in 5 mins

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    I have been thinking the same thing. On my nurse main i was getting baby rank 20 survivors that bought the game when it went on sale like 3 days ago.

    On demogorgon, who i have played less than 5 times in the last month or so, i got rank 1 SWF tryhard sweaty people.

    I am rank 1 every rank reset for the last like, 2 years with 1k hours played.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I think they need to check their MMR. I believe it's working opposite of how it should.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Im not Orion but I did what you suggest, I play Myers the most and Im getting potatos with him, I play Jigsaw a lot, I also get potatos, I used to play Ghostface more than 4 months ago (quit him because how buggy he is, surpise surprise he is still super buggy) I get the new race of potatos, breed to be the emperors of the Great Potato Empire, I literally got people with less than 4 hours in the game for several matches as Ghostface, it was insane (I have 1200 hours give it or take it in the game).

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Same thing with me! I played Wraith and got crushed in 4 minutes by all Rank 1's after each match but switched to Leatherface and rank 20s xD

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2020

    Hm. When I played Wraith, I barely have 20 hours played with him because I think he's terrible. I'll need more people to check. Could just be random or an anomaly. Could you play as a killer who you haven't played regularly with again?

  • Member Posts: 545

    The Wraith had some tough battles. Nothing ridiculous, but certain more notable than my main.

    May I also applaud @AVoiceOfReason for opening a discussion that constructively looks at possible MMR failings and offers an idea as to a possible solution, rather than gets upset and just complains. Hopefully the devs will look into this.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited August 2020

    I played 2 games with Hag, bought her for this tome (so imagine how much I played her), also very new players, Im going to try Nurse (played her almost never and I was never any good anyway) and edit the post with the results.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    When you get a chance, can you play with your main then your least played?

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you. Also, do you play mainly killer, a mixture of both or mainly survivor?

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited August 2020

    One game as Nurse, 1 guy with a lot of time, 3 newcomers with base survivors on base cosmetics and not a single teachable, 2 of them didnt even have the 4 perk slots, one was so new he crouched along the edges of the map like most very new people do, also a ton of missed skillchecks. The veteran I believe was an anomaly since its very late in Europe and there arent many people playing at this time, he was decent, I did down him but only after several attempts and a ton of misses, if I were to face 4 like him they would probably get 4 escape easily or MAYBE only 3 if I got a lucky down at the end. Also after the veteran died (I only chased him) I went AFK to let the newcomers get a rest, they didnt fix a single generator in 2 minutes, I could have played Bamboozle no-blink Nurse and would have killed the newcomers anyway.

    I play between 40% Killer and 60% Survivor but it depends on the queues and the quality of my games as both roles (since I get more quality as Killer and get satisfied with the results I tend to play Survivor a bit more), sometimes Im 50% both or 60% Killer.

    Also the main problem I have with my MMR on Killers is while I do play Killer a lot I almost only play Myers, Jigsaw, Clown and Legion, those 2 way less than the first 2 (used to play Doctor before the rework and stopped after it, its stronger but I dont enjoy it anymore, it became more generic and less unique and Ghostface which I already explained I stopped because bugs-o-rama) so my rankings for those 4 should be fairly high (which they arent) and the rest should be rock bottom.

  • Member Posts: 786

    Would you be surprised is something else wasn’t working as intended I mean XD

  • Member Posts: 1,550

    I wrote a longer post about this in a different thread, but I got babies as Wraith/Legion/PHead who I've played a ton, but my old main that I haven't played in ages, Nurse, got a competent group of solos.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    I absolutely feel the same.

    For example, I play a lot of Clown, I'm competent and can face strong teams - maybe I will win, maybe I will lose, but it's still a fair game (if they don't just gen rush, of course, but that's dbd, not the clown). On the contrary, I basically never play Demo, I probably have 1 or 2 two games with him in the past month.

    The result is that with the clown now I'm facing rank 20s (literally, I have proof just from today), while with Demo I get much more competent teams.

    I can understand why Demo might be misplaced, since I don't play him very often, but what about the Clown? That's what really perplexes me.

    Still, I decided to vacate any judgement on the mmr system until I play at least 10 games with every killer from the patch, just to make sure. We'll see.


  • Member Posts: 1,962

    This is an interesting theory. I'll play around with various killers tonight.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    yea it backwards i get high rank with killer i don't use much and low rank with my mains.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    The reason why I was thinking this is due to the fact that I got a bunch of Rank 1s with killers that I rarely play but nothing but 20s as killers that I play a lot. It was weird. At first, it was a mixture of highs and lows then some highs but now nothing but newbies with my normal killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    That's what I'm guessing. MMR is working but doing the opposite of what its supposed to do. When I won, I got easier players. When I lost, I was getting harder players.

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    That's not whats happening with my account.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Can you be more specific? Do you play a lot of killer or more survivor? If more killer, who do you play more as as killer? Do you get easy or hard survivors? When you lose, do you get harder survivors or easier ones?

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    i play on both sides messed up on both sides

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited August 2020

    I dunno, I main Plague as my go-to girl of domination (used to be doc). In an effort to test the new MMR system, I tried out the new Billy for a couple of games last night, and was paired with teams that are primarily low skilled players, and maybe a single high skill/ranked player. Billy is literally the only killer I haven't ranked up past lvl 37, and haven't played a single match with in over a year, He barely has 2 pages of low rank perks and very few add-on's. I never liked playing Billy, his mechanics just never "gelled" with me, but that's probably because I have poor vision, and don't like his slow turning controls while chainsaw sprinting. Due to this I figured he would be perfect for testing the MMR, and the results seemed fair enough for me.

    However, in order to make the comparison accurate I went back to playing my go-to girl, and as soon as I did, I got utterly destroyed by some of the sweatiest teams I've ever faced. 5 losses in a row, some of which were the most embarrassing defeats I've ever had (like 1 hook and 4 escapes in less than 5 mins embarrassing), and I started to wonder if I was just having an "Off day", or got too used to going up against low skilled players because of the previous matches I played as Billy.

    Before the MMR system, I easily ranked up to 1 with Plague, had a High opinion of her as an underrated killer, and regularly dominated in matches with My favorite build designed to put survivors "between a rock and a hard place", but after the MMR system went live, it was like I had never played against this caliber of skilled survivor teams before, and felt totally powerless with my best killer.

    I know my experience so far hasn't been universal, but as far as I'm concerned, the MMR system is working, if a little TOO well for me. Granted, it may have just been because of the time of day I was playing, or some other factor wherein the only teams available for my best killer to go up against were higher skill players or full-on sweaty SWFs, but to have that happen for 5 games in a row felt like the game was saying "Oh? You think you're good with Plague huh? Lets test that little theory and give you a healthy dose of humility you cocky little #########!"

    After that I Played survivor, because I needed to have some relaxing games to calm down, lick my wounds, and cheer me up. I suck as survivor, but so did the teams and killers I was paired with (except for a Clown who was R1 and dominated us with ease for 1 round), so overall It was better than I had hoped for. Maybe I'll try Playing my Go-to girl again tonight, but now that I'm expecting it to be hardcore mode if I do, I'm a bit apprehensive of giving it a try.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Member Posts: 2,723

    How long since you played Plague before MMR was released?

  • Member Posts: 438

    This has been my experience as well. The killers I play the most I've been getting babies while when I load up Demogorgon, WHO SUCKS ON PS4, I'm getting rank 1 full SWF meta sweat squads

  • Member Posts: 13

    From my end, there is no in-between.

    Even though I do main huntress, I pretty much play each and every killer. There are no more than two options no matter the killer, either I get placed against soloQ rank 17-20. OR I get thrown 4man squad with ALWAYS Two Object Of Obsession. Like, in one hand I do win with 5 gens left, in the other hand I get my first hook after losing my all five gens.

    Then the next game, back to my rank 20s. I'm rank 1 in both sides and I still havent played a "fair game". It's black or white.

    Really frustrating to see that this system is actually encouraging people to play in squads in order to completely annihilate killers.

    At high Elo' there will only be 4mans Squad facing God Nurses, a lotta fun.

    Also, this happens regardless of the killer I play.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I play each killer also but I play certain ones more than others. I rarely play Wraith but maybe 12 games out of the month but I play others a lot more and frequently switch. I've noticed that Wraith keeps getting rank 1s and the ones that I do really well with are getting 20s. I'm just trying to find a solution but you got to find the problem first. Thank you for your input, by the way. Can you play the killer that you do most time on a few times then play the killer that you do absolute ######### as or who has the lowest play time?

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    I play a lot more survivour. I've gotten to 9 with survivor and Killer I just play for fun I don't really hook much and at 17 for them. I haven't tried Killer yet since the change but survivor matches have been level 1 90% of the time followed by level 3 and then 5% 13 or above. I've NEVER been in red ranks, either side. I don't understand what is happening.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited August 2020

    Pretty much 2-3 days a week ever since she came out, but during the anniversary event I played her, doc and legion on a rotating cycle for about 3-5 hours per day while stocking up on Gateau's for 5 killers (ended up with 600+) and P3'ing Pyramid Head (not actually playing him until he was P3'd and maxed on perks), so if the MMR was gathering data then, I should expect my doc and legion games to be roughly the same high MMR match-ups, which is something I'll have to test. After the event though, I play maybe 2-3 hours a day, but primarily as Plague, which is probably why the MMR feels like its being so mean to me.

    It's honestly such a Weird feeling when your best killer suddenly gets paired with players that make you feel useless, when before you felt godly with them. Those kinds of teams used to be a Rare encounter for me in the high ranks when playing before the MMR system came out, so to be paired with them for 5 games in a row was way more than I was ready for, and frustrating as hell. I definitely ended up feeling a hard slap of humility, and shame by the end of that gaming session, but wonder if the MMR system was just judging me too high because of my previous record of wins vs losses with her, or if I was just unfortunate enough to be playing at the wrong time of day.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you kindly. Interesting. Something is definitely going on with the MMR then. Maybe its not placing people fast enough.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Still new to DBD (playing about 2 months, rank 1-2 survivor, rank 14 killer - survivor main, rarely play killer)

    My testing thus far:

    Rank 2 survivor - getting rank 15-20 killers, easy games. Poor killer lol.

    Playing SWF with brand new rank 20 survivors - getting rank 1 killers. My poor friends, rip.

    Playing SWF with rank 1-3 survivors - rank 15-20 killers. Again, poor killer.

    Played Ghostface as a rank 14 killer - I hardly ever play killer. Never have played Ghostface in a game (level 1, 1 perk, etc) - all rank 19/20's and a random rank 5.

    My most played killer is Doc (for farming bloodpoints yeee), still rank 13 killer (pipped since ghostface) - Red rank sweaty game. I've played MAYBE a total of 20-30 games on him ever, and not very well, I might add.

    I KNOW ranks don't matter, but they DO give an idea of how much experience someone has in the game. Even without taking that into consideration, there is no way (been collecting data for months, remember) that I should have brand new killers as an experienced survivor, or red rank survivors as a new killer.

    What are they taking into consideration with the new MMR? How many times you survived? Gens done? Unhooks? If that's the case, I should have killers that are far more difficult to play against. And for killer? I get 2k's most times - what are they considering for this to give me red ranks?

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    It might just be taking a long time to get our correct ranks but it doesn't make since when it comes to good killers getting new players but the bad ones who we rarely use are getting the hard ones. Honestly, not sure what they'll be doing. Might be adding a baseline to MMR to prevent certain amount of hours to go against certain players no matter what.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited August 2020

    It could also be that many players didn't play as obsessively as I did during the event, or as frequently as I have been playing after the event ended, so its taking longer to assess them. Honestly, before July, I played maybe 1-2 times per week, 1-3 hours per session, and sometimes just took a whole week or 2 off, but when the event kicked in, I played way more often than I had all year, and afterwards, with a rekindled love for the game, I've been playing more regularly. However, If other players played through July Like I had previously been playing in prior months, then I can totally see the system having trouble placing them in proper matches, at least not for a few more weeks. It's Just a theory, but It's all I've got right now.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    They should up the point system in the MMR for a week or 2 to quickly sort the better players from the new then switch it back. That'll help people get situated faster with the MMR then help settle it without wacking new players a lot.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Yup! My main (Trapper) had a balanced match against equally skilled survivors, or at least it was a fun yet tough match. 3K and the survivor escaped via Exit Gates. The last killed was done during EGC.

    Tried Huntress after that and bearing in mind I have not played her more than once before, so my aim was shoddy and had no add-ons or offerings. 0k :(. However, one Nea was an excellent juker. 2 gens went quick at the start. I held them a while with 2 gens remaining and hooked 3 of them at least once. Nea remained unscathed, but they felt above my skillset. My only concern is that I also played poorly, and as another killer I would probably have done much better.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Thank you. It might just be taking MMR a long time play someone after all.

  • Member Posts: 4,427

    Hey, we are aware that there are certain things that are not working as intended, we are giving this our full attention and will hopefully have more information shortly. I'm sorry that it currently is ruining people matches right now, but it's being looked into. It's all I can tell you right now.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Thank you for the update. Look forward to hearing more in future. :)

  • Member Posts: 122

    Same happened. Play 10-20 matches with PH, and I get brain dead survivors that let me get five Devour stacks.

    I then decide to try out Nurse for the first time, and immediately get matched with tryhards with the DH smol pp build.

  • Member Posts: 1,118

    My matches have been fine, no complaints on my end.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    This was not meant as any hate. It's purpose was to try and help the devs by brainstorming what might be wrong if it's actually not working correctly. A lot are saying the same that everything is reversed and a few are saying they seem to be fine for the most part.

    It might just need a higher point system for a bit to get players in a spot quickly then reduce it a bit after a week so good players will be removed from lower matches faster, reducing the overall stress on new players, in general. What are your thoughts on it, if you don't mind me asking? Also, hi. I don't believe I've seen you before. I've only seen 3 mods so far reply. Nice to meet you.

  • Member Posts: 985

    Its either working in reverse or not existing at all. No matchmaking system ever should match literal first game newbies vs people who got 1000+ hours.

  • Member Posts: 4,427

    Well, as there are some things not working as anticipated, we should wait until those have been tackled actually. It might then work as intended, but there isn't much information I can share or have at hands. I think then suggestions can be made about it.

    Also nice to meet you too. I have been here for a while, just went a bit MIA due to exams.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
  • Member Posts: 3,171

    So I've been saying this for a while but when it first came out that's all I was using was my bottom Killers because I'm currently trying to prestige them I hadn't used any of them in a very long time and I'm not very good with him and I was getting matched up again very hard opponents and then I made it to play someone I haven't used in a very very long time and the MMR seems to be working with her. Started off with some potatoes then went up to purples then Reds I think one survived out of the Reds but I didn't rank up mostly because they didn't use my pools so everybody was getting hit one time so then they dropped me back down to purples it seems to be working with her

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