Rank DOES matter



  • BigKrazyKag
    BigKrazyKag Member Posts: 41

    It takes some experience to rank up yes. You can't just get to rank 1 easily without knowing what you have to do to pip up. But as a survivor I found out a long time ago that it's just about doing stuff. objectives, altruism and running from the killer. Surviving helps but it's not necessary if you just do enough. I've seen a lot of idiot survivors who are red ranks. Killer ranks however ...... It's a lot of mind gaming and strategy. That's why I prefer survivor. I can relax. It's not as stressful. Also matchmaking is broken. You can be a rank 1 killer and face a team of rank 20 survivors. The opposite is also true. So while the developers may realize it isn't fair for a rank 20 to be facing a rank 1 it clearly isn't being prevented. Also I've seen purple ranks out play red rank players. That alone should be proof enough that ranks can be deceiving. So maybe ranks only matter a little. I would say they're still not a good measure of skill.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    It was on console, so I couldn't see how long they played. I think it was after the toolbox nerf. My assumption is that they either hadn't played in a while, or they afk'd a bunch to derank.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited August 2020

    Rank definitely DOES matter. That doesn't mean that every red rank survivor has the same high skill level, but in average it's much higher than let's say the average green ranks. Of course there are rare cases of boosted-thru-swf red ranks, but those are...rare. It took me some time and experience with the game to get to red ranks, yes you can just rank up by playing a lot, but playing a lot means more experience, which means skill in the end. As i said, not every red rank is a god looper, but they don't have to be. Just do gens, don't go down after 5 sec., that's usually enough to win the game as survivor, if everyone in your team is sticking to this routine ...

    i've played with some greens and yellows because of MMR and they hide in a locker because they hear a terror radius, they let you go into second state because they fear the killer is too close...

    Everytime i had a sweaty killer match it was usually rank 1s or 2s involved, matches against purple squads were nearly always 4k. Like i said, there are exceptions of very good rank 8s or very bad rank 2s. And of course, you can have a bad game, especially in a game like DBD which has a lot of RNG.

    For me, old matchmaking was fine, they just should have implemented a smaller rank range for matchmaking, so that you only play against +/-3 of your own rank. The biggest problem was rank 12s playing against rank 1 death squads. Would have liked to see something like that and see how it goes.

    That is to say, i don't hate the new MMR yet and will give it some time. If you really have a working MMR for every single killer, that would be great, also de-ranking is not a problem anymore then. I only have to say that my survivor matches just felt very, very random till now and i've definitely made more than 20 since the introduction.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I know on Switch I can check a persons playtime of the game unless they block their profile. It is possible though that people would depip on purpose which is odd. I mean if you are good at the game why de-pip just to go against new players? How can someone feel good doing that? I mean okay sure you got the 4k kill BUT it took no effort. Yay go you! lol

    I am sad to think they will never get this matchmaking system perfect or right but currently it is worst than what it was.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    -If you say you have never seen a rank 1 that's bad at the game you're either lying or just have incredible luck. There's plenty of bad rank 1s. So what you are saying here is "simply not true."

    -You admit yourself ranking is easy. Just because you yourself never hit rank 1 yet on either side doesn't mean that it's not easy to do.

    -As previously mentioned, there are plenty of baddies at rank 1. With this in mind, saying "Rank DOES equal skill" is just straight false. On top of that, a killer can utterly demolish a team in almost no time at all and depip from that. According to your "Rank equals skill" logic, that means that the killer is actually not as good because he's depipping, even though he utterly demolished the team. On the other hand as survivor, a survivor can play in a detrimental way to their team and still pip out of it. That doesn't mean they're good because they rank up more often by playing like that.

    I'm not saying it's a great system or even that the matchmaking is good, but there's a good reason that people don't take the rank system seriously. It's a very flawed system and thus trying to base somebody's "skill" off of it will similarly lead to a flawed outcome. Of course if somebody is completely god awful at the game and die within the first 5 seconds every match, then yeah they're going to depip. On the other hand, if somebody plays like a legend every single game they're going to more easily rise to rank 1. The important thing to keep in mind though is that just because those things are true, doesn't mean that rank automatically equals skill. Lower rank players can still be good and high rank players can still be bad. It's just as I said before, basing your opinion off a flawed system like that will give you a similarly flawed opinion. No disrespect or anything, I just disagree very much that "rank equals skill."

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    The people below red ranks are just that much worse. Think of the shittiest red rank and the best purple rank is worse than them. Now think of the shittiest purple rank. They are better than the best yellow rank.

    Not always the case as with smurfs and people deranking on purpose/not playing for awhile BUT. It's very obvious to tell when someone's a red, a purple, or lower.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    I can't believe people still argue about if rank matters or not.

    Let me explain this once again:

    RANK 1 is the highest rank you can get. That does not mean your skill can't increase any further at that point, SURPRISE! So obviously not every Rank 1 Player has the same skill, you realize that? Not every Rank 1 player is good at looping, some of them are perhaps really good at losing the Killer or staying hidden?

    And by now you may have noticed that against certain Killers, certain playstyles are more effective than others, right?

    So when you see a "potato" Rank 1 Survivor that can't loop, that Survivor probably is destroying Spirits and Nurses on a regular basis because they don't rely on looping but other playstyles.... While you're in the corner crying about how you can't loop the Nurse. So when I play against a Nurse or Spirit and I see some DS noobs going down in 10 seconds I am the one that thinks "..that's a Rank 1?!?!" because apparently they have no idea how to play against Nurse or Spirit.

    Does that mean they are overall unskilled? No. It means they have not yet mastered every aspect of the game and that is the point. Rank 1 DOESN'T mean "MASTERED THE GAME". It means that I am on a level where I can maintain a positive pip / depip ratio against the best Killer players in the game.

    It also doesn't mean that it's impossible to face stronger Rank 10s than Rank 1s because ranks are temporary. A Rank 1 can be rank 20 a few months later, that doesn't make this player an actual Rank 20 player. They are STILL Rank 1 players.

    So let me explain it like this:

    An actual Rank 10 player (someone that has NEVER been higher) is in 99% of cases worse than an unboosted Rank 1 player.

    An actual Rank 1 player (someone that has reached R1 without playing SWF) is ALWAYS better than a boosted SWF Rank 1 player.

    And THIS is why you see "potatos" in Rank 1. They're either boosted or prefer other playstyles besides the meta, most likely due to boredom.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    There have been yellow ranks outplaying red ranks that I've seen. There have been green ranks that have juked better than red ranks. The Emblem system has been already slated as a poor measurement, and therefore if it's a poor measurement, then the results it produces (pips/ranks) must also be poor by association.

    There are great red ranks, but there are also great and greater purple, green and even yellow that I've come across.

    A final point is that everyone balances around a certain skill level they achieve - sometimes exceeding; sometimes falling below that line. But everyone developes an area of skill that can increase or decrease through time.

    I hear what you're saying, and if that's how you view things from your experience then that's fine. I can only comment from my experience, which is to say the new system is vastly superior in matchmaking (not without flaws, mind), and that my experience of ranks has in no way proven that ranks show who is a better player.

  • ClaudetteQLF
    ClaudetteQLF Member Posts: 5

    Oh yeah, it happened to me too. I don't know why brown ranks are mostly following you the whole game ? Again, I'm not blaming them as we all started somewhere in DBD but I don't get it as why they're paired with red ranks.

    Most of them are just scared by the terror radius and just hide in lockers the whole game. They messed up skill checks most of the time, especially when they're healing you lol.

    Whenever they hear the terror radius, they tend to run right away from the gen instead of finishing it. How are you supposed to play this game with people who literally started to play a week ago ?

    I'm a bit of a paranoid when it comes to the end game, I check every corner of the map to get rid off totems because again, I noticed that they really don't care about them. There was a Ruin Hex Totem and nobody seemed to care enough to look for it and cleanse it. That's why I'm always trying to clean them whenever I see one, you can't trust anyone but yourself!

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    well to be honest, ive never seen a bad rank 1 killer but tons of ######### rank 1 survivors so rank kinda tells you how good killer is but not how good survivor is as it is very easy to rank up as survivor

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I would still say rank doesnt matter. To a point. Because at red ranks a lot of people still play like absolute potatoes. It is as if there is missing a whole different ranking system within the red ranks alone. But even beyond that, I dont know about this claim that some rank 14 play as well if not better than some rank 1s, there might be a few but not a lot. But I will say that between rank 10-1 almost doesnt matter, and fear for playing against some rank 10's more than I do some rank 1s. Meaning that the ranks are kind of iffy in there intention for matchmaking.

    But with all that said, without turning this into a killer vs a survivor thing, its a bit easier for survivors to get to red ranks than it is for killers. Because if the killers make a bad play and chase a good survivor, the bad survivors can sit on gens the entire game, get a few altruistic actions in towards the end, and possibly get saved by their good team mates. Where as for killer, unless they find potatoes, they have to do all the heavy lifting themselves.

    Now how often this happens I cant say, but I can say that if you play enough you will find enough potatoes to kill (otherwise the bad survivors getting into red ranks dont make sense) and if you play enough you will get matched with good survivors that can carry you. But in the end you still will end up getting their with some new skills.

    TL;dr rank doesnt matter....a lot of the time. But in general you probably wont climb beyond purple ranks without having some amount of skill.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    You realize that your whole post is a shitload of contradictions?

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Nuance is a foreign concept I see.

    As I said, most of the time rank doesnt matter. At all. Even if you suck at the game a lot, all you need is a bit of luck and you too can be a red rank. Not skill. Just luck.

    Yes the better players will be red ranks....if they play the game. If they dont then some yellow ranked people can easily be better than a lot of red ranks. Because as I have been hammering home here, a lot of red ranks are not any better than many purple and many green ranks.

    All I said that I guess could be interperet as "contradictions" would be the survivor/killer thing. But I will still stand by that. You have to be slightly lucky as a survivor to get into red ranks, or a good survivor. You have to be very lucky as a killer, or a good killer. Yes both can be true at the same time. The difference here and why I still stand by my previous statement is. You have 3 chances to get a good team mate, and 3 others to fall back on if you are kind of bad. As a killer, sure you have 4 chances to get a potato survivor, but you still have to get kind of lucky to find the right survivor and if you make a mistake then you have no one to fall back on. And even if you find that survivor there is no guarantee that its gonna hurt the team. If you kill 1 survivor but there is only 2-3 gens left. Sure its not a perfect situation for the survivors but its definitely not a great situation for you either and now you dont have a potato survivor to generate map pressure.

    1 < 3 is pretty easy math in my opinion.

    I hope this makes it clear to you why I doubt there is any contradictions. Two things can be true at the same time.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Youre right an wrong. I met so many red ranks who were rank 1 before I ever made it and I was better than them. I had reached red rank with 400 hours to 500 and I played stealthily and dumb and at like 600 I learned efficient looping and I got good and I guess short story short is ranks matter when you have the skills of that. Usually its red rank and purple where it don't because people play with friends or stealthy and rank up that way without having skill when you get to purple and red rank you need more hours to be good but usually green rank to brown play the way you'd expect if you get what im saying

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Rank either matters or it doesn't matter. If it SOMETIMES matter then that still means Rank matters. If you never get drunk but SOMETIMES you get drunk, that still means you get drunk... SOMETIMES. But whatever, I believe that you are too confused to be worthy to discuss this matter because as I said, you constantly contradict yourself.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    OP I agree with you.

    I do think some folks get to higher ranks due to being carried in friends' (or public) SWFs.

    I also think some get higher due to playing a LOT.

    But, the majority I think get to the rank they get to from how they play.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400
    edited August 2020

    Feel free to masturbate yourself to sleep good sir on top of that masterful demonstration of logic. Your logic is silly and flawed.

    "Is that girl beautiful?"

    "Well her boyfriends thinks so, but I dont".

    2 things can be true at once. Rank matters to a point but it doesnt matter a lot more. Its very general statement where context matters, and if you cant get your head around that then I dont know what to tell you. Good day sir

  • xXTrajikXx
    xXTrajikXx Member Posts: 20

    Thats your experience. As for myself being at Rank 1 and 2 as Survivor. Im getting sick and tired of constantly going up against a Red ranked killer who knows exactly what hes doing and having survivors range from rank 15-20 on my team playing as if they just got the game. In my experience ranks matter. Aint no way a rank 20 plays like a red rank. Again, in my experience. And im getting bored, frustrated and tired of it. Every game.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    The reason why people say rank doesent matter is because rank 1 by defintion should be the best of the best players with thousands of hours however you also get 100h people there that are very new to the game which makes even rank1 such mixed bag and the better you become the worse you notice your teammates being. DBD has 20 ranks but you could fit just rank1 players easily into 10 to 20 diffrent tiers of players. Also winning condition and skill in this rng heavy game is hard to track with bots and algorithms which makes many of good players never get below rank10 as they only play once or twice a week. But people who farm points for tons everyday will get to rank1 just by farming not by trying to get better


    Playtime correlates with skill way more accurately than rank does which is what people are trying to say to you when they say rank does not matter.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    I like most of my own farts even when they seem to smell almost exactly like somebody else's and I can't stand others' to the point of spitting, gagging and almost puking even once in a while. It must be some primordial territorial animalistic thing left over from our even pre-encino man days.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited August 2020


    You realize that looks are completly subjective?

    But a good topic actually, because despite what society is trying to tell you; the look of a person DOES matter when you're looking for that partner. It may not matter for everyone as much but it DOES matter, always, in 100% of cases. Just sometimes more or less. But it DOES matter.

    Can you make me an example as to why you think Rank does not matter? Like what context are we talking about here? When your little brother with 2 hours of playtime is playing with your account of 2000 hours, then that rank means nothing? Is that where you're coming from?

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Well if you insist on not just conceeding that 2 things can be right and want specific examples of why its easier for a survivor to get into red ranks than killer. And one reasons why rank doesnt matter. Then SWF and "safety pip".

    Safety pip, makes it so that even if you "lose" you probably wont lose rank anyway. Which gives you 4 possible outcomes, 2 of which are most likely to happen, and 2 which happens occassionally(I know double pipping is rarer than depipping but its not that much more rare). 1 pip and safety pipping, happens all the time. Depipping only happens when you are unlucky or severely outmatched. And double pipping only happens if you get long games with a lot of activity on most fronts. Double pipping usually wont happen with bad players, so lets scratch that.

    That leaves you with 3 outcomes and I would wager that unless your team gets absolutely ######### on, you get discovered over and over or tunneling/camping is going on you wont depip in any games. Those are scenarios I would call being unlucky.

    But safety pipping and 1 pip happens in the wast majority of games even if you die or even if 3 survivors escape. So if you most of the time either pip, dont go up or down, and only occassionaly go down 1 pip then you can only go up in rank. It makes it a matter of playing the game a lot rather than having to learn to play the game.

    SWF makes it so that bad survivors, that play with better survivors get into red ranks by doing nothing more than holding m1, hiding and saving team mates when its safe and their better swf friends tell them to do so. That or a 3 man SWF can carry the last rando, but thats just luck.

    I know the first few times I got into red ranks as survivor was with about 50-60 hours on survivor in the game, and thats just by being carried and without a single clue how to loop. All I knew was hiding and holding m1, and dying within 30 seconds of being found. Back then the rank would reset you a lot further back than it does now and I still got down there without learning anything new. Now that it only reset 3-4 ranks at max its even easier.

    TL;DR Safety pip, SWF (for survivor) and weak rank reset are plenty of reasons why getting into red ranks is easy and got very little to do with skill and a lot more to do with how much you play the game.