Janes goddess cosmetic

really? Devs gonna make this sets shirt n hair literally perfect for additional customization items but block em off... if this was a piece and not part of a set it would go perfect with the light blue ripped jeans as a crop top and the hair could’ve been amazing in so many other unique outfits.. I’m really disappointed.. I get the skirt would’ve been hard to match but the hair and shirt are literally fine they should be unlocked!
"clipping issues"
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So they say
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There really isn't a good enough reason in my mind for this to be a set.
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Literally! it’s such a shame it is.. Prolly just a money grab tbh
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Literally! It’s such a shame it is.. prolly just a money grab tbh
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as many have stated already, set cosmetics are 99% just a shady attempt for a cash grab.
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yeah I was confused when I bought the cosmetic I was wondering why they would show it being separated like that if there wouldn’t be any issue with it being serperated.
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where you got that screenshot from btw?
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On a side note....what a horrible color for her shoes and the black booty shorts? She either needs to be bare foot or with gladiator sandals....and the under garment shorts should have been gold.
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If sets have to be a thing they should only be for intellectual property reasons for premium killers / survivors otherwise there is literally no reason to have sets other than to restrict the enjoyment of players mixing and matching costumes
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Well al survivors have those black shorts they need to lower the slit so you can’t see it but barefoot would look so cute with this outfit.
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All of them (with exception of the minotaur because that makes sense, should be customizable. And all non-lisenced ones should have iri shard prices. It is ludicrous that they don't... and extremely greedy on Bhvrs part.
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The head piece is so good, it's a ######### shame you can't mix it with others
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Clipping issues matter, though. If I bought a piece of clothing that was unusable without the whole set, id be mad. I don't want some glitched out trash...