@DudeDelicious, oh my god clown is the best killer

Thank you so much! Whenever I see a pallet I'm just like "nope" and throw a bottle at it. Your advice helped so much!
@DudeDelicious yup! Still waiting on that guide buddy :)
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What was his advice?
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Take control of the chase. It even says in in his flavor text that you control and corral survivors.
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He would be A-Tier, if his pinky finger would just work with the toxin and not a direct hit.
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Yep, I've been saying that since his Silent Hill buff Clown is the best one-on-one flat out chaser among the 115% killers (with the possible exception of the newly buffed Bubba who is pretty crazy now.) He's better at shutting down loops than both Freddy and Doc. He's still kind of a weak killer overall simply because chasing is the ONLY thing he is good at, he's got no fast map movement or tracking or stealth or quick/instant down capability, he just chases and gets hits efficiently. But that's ok by me because chases are the funnest part of the game so being great in a chase means being great at what I like to do the most. 😄
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Tbh it would be broken S+ tier. But I would totally enjoy it nonetheless.
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it's unfortunate sooner or later if you win too much you're gonna get the swat teams on him if the mmr actually starts to work as intended lol
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I feel like I am at an office party and some long term ironic joke is being spun around me right now but no one is letting the mask slip even a little bit so I'm just drinking in the corner wondering what to say.
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That made me laugh harder than it should.
I guess people are just trying to give Clown a shot thanks to @DudeDelicious and they appear to be enjoying Clown's anti loop which can undeniably be strong.
Clown mostly suffers from the typical "M1-killer-syndrome" which is a lack of time as he's got no tracking, no map pressure, no mobility, no stealth (which can save a lot if time) etc. but when it comes to 1 v 1 -ing he CAN be strong.
Personally I like how people are finding passion in playing killers that have been in the game for so long. I really do.
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Doing that can mess with a survivor sometimes. They don't want to walk through that gas, even if it's safe, so they will usually ignore a good loop.
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I normally run tracking perks on christmas clown...i havnt played him since mmr. yes, he can be beaten in a match, but if i want you down(single survivor) you are going down the majority of the times very quickly.
clown is a beast 1 v 1/4th of survivors.
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Tell ya what. As soon as Dude finished that one, I'll do a Pig one for you!
Or hopefully cross-play will be out soon and I can collaborate stream with uou for something!
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Clown is really good at 1v1
unfortunately the game is 1v4 and he loses that more times than not
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bUt ClOaN iS aN iNfErIoR fReDdLeS!!!!!
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Someone even made a thread about clown needing a nerf and being OP.