Finally, i can leave.

Oshi Member Posts: 306
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

I no want to play this game anymore because of recent "mmr patch". Three games in a row i was matched against four red rank SWF (1-2 ranks) with 3-6k hours. Me rank 7 and 500 hours btw. It's unfun to play killer. OoO, voice chat, four DS and BT. Thanks BHVR, you finally reached that you whant.


  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    It's funny how surv mains always try to troll killer mains even if they know MMR patch is "garbage". I hope soon here will be low killer online, so you will be in queue for at least 30 minutes. Thanks toxic DBD survivor mains.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Stop worrying about rank. Mmr matches based on your skill. It's okay to find out you're not the best and able to steamroll every game. It means you can improve.

    Learn from tough games and play them through, and your mmr will reflect your skill and place you where you belong.

    Giving up and not trying is the easiest way to ######### up your mmr...

    But bye!

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I wouldn't call the above survivor mains, they just don't care that you're leaving lol

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 917

    kbye o/

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Okay, even though my matches are starting to feel more accurate but Okay

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    They care enough to be #########, instead of, you know, not clicking the post or GASP having any form of empathy whatsoever. It's what I've come to expect from DBD though, and gaming "culture" in general these days (it wasn't always like this).

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Well this is also the 99+th post on forums about someone quitting

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    MMR isn't based on #########. I'm sorry the devs decided to turn this game into a steaming mess.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I also get rank 20 survivors. Trolling a bad killer can lead two ways. 1 they want to get better, and 2 they quit. I troll bad killers to try to get them to want to get better. Killer mains also try to troll survivor mains, you aren't all innocent. And while I'm talking about mains, I'm a killer main btw.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Not a big fan of MMR, though I've had mostly decent results in my matches. Most of my survivors are of appropriate skill based on the killer I'm using. For instance, I'm am absolute comedy show when I try and run Nurse. I hate her, mostly due to her stun animation. I'm colorblind and losing sight of my target combined with the dimming of the screen destroys my tracking ability (I don't see scratch marks, they are black on my screen). So I ran a few Nurse matches and ended up with rank 16's.....they still got two out. But with Hag, Pig and Trapper, I'm facing mostly red ranks with a few matches giving me green and yellow. Why do I get green/yellow ranks after a great red rank match where 2 escaped while on death hook? I mean, you get 10+ hooks, kill two, have the last two on death hook and the MMR tracks that as you need to face newbies?

    That said, I have taken a bit of satisfaction with some of the people I know who have gamed the rank system for years. Several killers and a few survivors who intentionally stay in the lower ranks. They play for a week or so destroying rank 16's until they hit rank 12 or so, then switch sides. Then they chill until rank reset. These players have now been getting matched with red rank survivors/killers and are crying up a freaking storm. It is funny to watch. They spend their time feeding on low skill players, now they are getting stuck with people of their own skill level.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    is actually sad hearing this, it already take like 10 minutes to find games and it wil be worse and worse because survivors are the precious part of this game for BHVR ignoring lots of killer problems ( since survivors dont have any due perks fixing every kind of "problem" surviors ever had or have) but is what it is. or isntead of leaving just become an Spirit stridor main, you will win mostly every game after you become good with her and you will complain considerably less.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    Only 3 games in a row, lol, you are too anxious my dude. Im rank 16 and got 5 matches in a row with 1st only ranks swf, you have to chill

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    And op didn't have to make the post and could've just stopped playing :/

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    i often "main" whoever has the lower queue times or most Tome quests left to do. Not playing half the game makes no sense to me.

  • Theshadowcrow
    Theshadowcrow Member Posts: 6

    Yep I agree with the post above saying wait till Survivor mains sit in a lobby an hour a trial. MMR is trash except for SWF low Ranks. Also why is MMR a secret number. I bet if you actually seen what that number was we all would know it's a complete pile.