Why does dbd suck?
The good ole days have come and gone. All the devs care about now is the money, They keep making the game less fun and less fun for everyone involved. The game was born on the chase. Now it's all about stealth. Who wants to sit in a corner all game? The new pip system that has been out for years has turned the game into a super tryhard game. It's hard to get the pip and for that survivors are forced to gen rush. Since survivors press m1 all game the killer has a hard time putting pressure on the map without ruin. That's why 90% or 80%(whatever is it) of red rank games use ruin. It's because the game has become to tryhard and less about the fun, aka the chase. It greatly saddens me if not depressing that the game is all about the pip not about the fun. When will dbd be fun again? When will it not be so serious? This game isn't an e-sport nor could it ever be. Why is it the devs are trying to force this game to be something it's not. I wouldn't m1 all game if it wasn't for the fact that you don't get rewarded enough for not. Sure before this medal system you couldn't pip with only one category but now its hard to pip unless you gen rush. The new ranking system is to tryhard and doesn't promote fun gameplay. You can cater to the new players all you want but at the end of the day, if the game isn't fun at the core, which it isn't, no one is gonna want to play this game for more than a month or two at the highest of ranks. The problem isn't doctor. The problem isn't ruin. The problem is the core of the game. MOTHERFN 72HRS LEFT THE GAME FOR A REASON. HE'S NOT THE ONLY ONE EITHER. MANY OF THE OG'S HAVE LEFT. WHY? CORE GAMEPLAY. Please make the game about the fun and not about the tryhard. Make games longer but more fun overall. Make there be more gens idc. Just make the chases more interesting, rewarding, and most importantly fun. That's why the game had success in the first place and it's the only thing to revive it. The game isn't dead but to get numbers like it had, it needs to be fun which it isn't. Doesn't matter if you're killer or survivor the game just isn't fun. Also please fix match making. I'm tired of being red rank and never playing anyone who is red rank. Only 1/20 of my games are vs red ranks. If the ranking system was easier, for an arcade game by the way, this wouldn't be a problem. The game is FAR TO TRYHARD RIGHT NOW AND NOT ENOUGH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BILLY CHAINSAW BURN WHEN?!?!?!?!?!? NURSE BURN?!?!?!?!?!!?!? IN GAME?!?!?!!?!?! Let me have fun. Not make me want to smack my head against a wall every game. Please. Sincerely dbd fan since the start
For the love of all that is holy, use line breaks.
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I thought I was being trolled for a minute. Dude, the enter button, please use it.
Anyway, I do agree. This game is alot more competitive than it used to be but thats how people are on video games. Not everyone is interested in Casual play.
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And also, you kept saying it's HARD to rank up? It's way too easy to rank up right now
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I've been playing for about 3 years. He is super spot on! It's just not fun when you get up to the upper ranks. Certain perks are useless, and as a killer, you have to run ruin and noed just to potentially black pip. I've killed everyone in the game and still de-pipped or black pip. Scratching my head on that one. It's not a glitch; it's the game. It's also gotten way more buggy on xbox. It's by far my favorite game, but I'm thinking of putting it down permanently because of the current issues. Not everyone is ranked, but these non ranked matches are just as important and comparative from the killer perspective. The screenshot was a match where I black pipped. A lot of work for no progress.
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can someone please translate this. I’m dyslexic and my brain just died after the first line.