Would coraline be a good addition to dbd?

Welcome to my series called “Would ____ be a good addition to dbd?
today I am asking, would coraline be a good addition to dbd?
refference: 2009 stop motion coraline film.
IDV would probably be a better fit with the whole button doll thing.
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i think that it will be a little strange
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Screw Coraline.
Give us a Nightmare Before Christmas chapter.
Survivor: Sally
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If that exists I will have to get a therapist to help me with my child trauma and i can probably never play again. 😔
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I adore Coraline, but if we're gonna bring some Neil Gaiman, I'd go for Mirror Mask.
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It might need a lot of hard work with proper planning/conception.
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Hugs. Sorry to hear that you have been through all that.
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I dont like the idea of coraline being in dbd. Also she a child so she cant be in the game. However, she can be a reference to a possible new DLC, yeah.
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Dude what do you think this is? A horror game? Coraline scares adults. Let's keep the scary out of DbD.
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Beat me to it. It fits too well.
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I think coraline would fit more in the world of identity V
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Its funny that Coraline is more accepted than FNAF in DBD lol
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I don't think so. Although I loved the film (and my BF tells me the book is even more horrifying), the Beldam by itself isn't that scary unless you know what she's like in the story. Also, I doubt Gaiman would like his work to be in a video game.
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Well, we don't have a rabid Coraline fanbase that spam thread after thread with how much they think it'd fit and how wrong the naysayers are. I was borderline neutral (more on the 'no' side) with Fnaf, but these past couple months of seeing Fnaf threads militantly forcing the idea, really turned me off the idea. If that games fanbase is THAT immature and close-minded, I'd prefer they not migrate to DbD.
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Coraline? I think so. The Other mother? Terrible killer. Heavy camping play style that would get her nerf, plus most supernatural killers feel off in the DBD lore
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Steve and nancy were children. Sooooo.
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Nobody is forcing the idea. They just keep posting because the naysayers dont have any real reason other than "I dont like it and some yt person made it cringey."
And then someone makes a thought out FNAF post elaborating on those ideas, and someone else comes in with "nah it wont fit bc xyz" ignoring every other example of that issue, already in game.
And then a new post clarifying...
But it also speaks volumes that so many people want it, and the ones who dont only have the reasons of personal dislike, and then ######### on the entire group of people who do like it.
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I think the Other Mother would be a wonderful addition to the collection, but I've no idea if Gaiman would be interested in setting her free.
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@Carpemortum I respectfully disagree, but let's not hijack another thread with this nonsense. It doesn't need to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt that it does/doesn't belong in DbD because at the end of the day, it's not up to you.
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How would you feel if the human centipede was added?
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Key word "were", Cheryl Mason was also a child once, also Billy Overbeck was a child at one point in his life, in fact all survivors were once children, let's just remove survivors.
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Their teenagers. That's not considered a "child".
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It'd be interesting, but I wouldn't want that at all.