Any other survivors that pefer stealth.

While ik most people enjoy being chased and stuff, I for one really like the stealth aspect of this game. While it may not give u more points it feels rewarding. Any other players like that?
I even got some builds I'd like to share for those interested. 1 is a meme build.
Fixated,sprint burst, iron will, pebble/repressed alliance
Meme build: technician, fixated, iron will, pebble.
With the meme build, its centered around perks that nobody uses so they wont expect it. With technician, you could work on a gen nearby the killer and the may not check you because your noise u make from working on the gen are gone. So you might just get away with doing the gen. Iron will and fixated enhance the stealth. And pebble op plz nerf.
Yay. Another survivor hiding the entire game so they can say, "GG EZ."
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I hate when people do this it's honestly annoying. Theres a difference to being stealthy and useless you know? Why would you hide when the killer isnt near you. DO GENS. Everyone likes to throw around stealth means useless when it simply isnt true
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I just prefer that since I'm a solo survivor. The other survivors NOT KITE THE KILLER IN MY DIRECTION WHEN I'M JUST ABOUT TO FINISH A GEN 😖
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I like a stealth play style in every kind of video game. But for some reason when ever i have a stealth build going the killer finds me immediately.
And i either run them around for like 3 gens or just flop on the floor.
So i just bring perks to help me in a chase cause i always end up being that survivor.
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It can be a lot of fun to run stealth build. Iron Will + Lucky Break + Urban Evasion is a favorite of mine.
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I have fun with it. I run spine chill + urban + distortion + lightweight on my p3 claudette. My thinking is im pretty decent in chase, so if i can also incorporate stealth im wasting even more of the killers time.
But when im in the mood for a fight i got my p3 david 😈
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I like Fixated and Urban Evasion depending on my mood. The only thing is if I avoid the killer all game the other 3 survivors keep getting hooked so I feel guilty if I don't toss my hat into the ring to take some of the pressure off of them occasionally. (Plus if they die it's a hatch game)
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I would always prefer the stealth style.
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I prefer the stealth playstyle. Note, that doesn't mean that I don't do generators, totems, and unhooks, though. I honestly dislike the entire loop style of game play. I find that boring after the first couple of loops.
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I meant stealth style plus doing the generators, unhooking other players.
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Each time I want to be stealthy I get found in the first 5 seconds of the game,
And if I want to be chased, it’s like the killer doesn’t know I exist.
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Ignore him he probably another salty killer main that got crushed by stealthy survivors and decided that being stealthy is for cowards
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I mean.. the whole point of the game is to "Survive". Stealth play shouldn't be frowned upon or penalized just because you have a hard time finding them. Survivors also shouldn't depip just because they didn't interact with the killer; if anything they should gain a bonus for never getting hit.
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I know you meant that. But I also noticed the A-Hole earlier in the thread making the snide comment about Stealth. That was why I added my second sentence.
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Hugs :)
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I love stealth builds but i hate skins that give you an unfair advantage.
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When I'm feeling chill and lazy, sure. I never run Blendette or Blendadam, though. There's wanting to not be super visible, and then there's trying to justify being able to crouch in a bush and turn every map into Dead Dawg Saloon.
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You’re a bit of a close minded dunce aren’t you?
Stealth doesn’t mean useless. Useless is doing nothing. Hiding in lockers all game, not doing generators, etc.
Stealth is working on generators but being mindful not to get found. I’m a stealth player, though I can hold chases if I want to, and I contribute greatly every round.