My chapter ratings

Saw- I'm a biased saw fan and Amanda is my favourite character from the franchise. Tapp is alright
Killer perks- on release she really only had make your choices of worthwhile perk hangman's trick was niche and surveillance was absolute garbage. Now make your choice is still great surveillance has become her best perks and hangman's trick is now garbage.
Survivor- meh. Tapp's perks are super underrated they can all be really useful. the worst thing I could say about them is that tenacity is niche.
Sparks of Madness- Feng Min that is all.
Doctor- interesting killer interesting perks with the exception of overwhelming presence everything good.
Feng Min- best survivor in the game like with Tapp, her perks are super underrated despite being really good the most you could say is technician is niche.
Silent hill- Honestly the same thing that said for saw could be said for this I'm a massive Silent Hill fan- Cheryl/Heather is one of my favourite characters in the franchise and we got sexy pyramid head who has scientifically been proven to have more simps than Bella Daphine
Perks- to save repeating myself I'll combined the killer and survivor category there are interesting nothing amazing. Soul guard is Cheryl's best and deathbound is pyramid heads. I will get rid of the gen highlight or reduce the cooldown.
I'll be brief of the rest
Darkness Among Us- Jeff Jesus was a great addition. The only reason it's not in top position is because initial launch Legion I love them to pieces they are literally my other main but they god they were bad. All could have been forgiven and this chapter would have been one tier up if it wasn't for Ormond.
Lullaby for the dark- I like David yay British representation is perks are great even no mither is pretty good if you use it well .huntress is pretty cool her parks are... huntress lullaby is descent.
Cursed Legacy- is a decent chapter overall honestly there wasn't really any standout perks besides nemesis and even that is better in combination then by itself. Yui is better and Oni is super cool.
Halloween- pretty great. Not a fan of any of Laurie's perks even as a survivor I don't like the defensive strike. Michael is a fun snowball killer. Save The Best For Last is his best perk, dying light is overrated and not as good as people think it is. Play with your food is fun with nemesis.
Last breath- Nurses still the best killer in the game that is an objective fact. Nurses calling is her best perk, strider and thanatophobia work well on specific Killers and they're alright universally. Nea is alright. I still have a seething hatred for balanced landing, urban evasion like self care is a amazing perk it's just that people using in stupid ways. I don't really run items so streetwise is useless to me.
Flesh and Mud- introduce totems and All That Jazz Hag- is a great killer when she gets set up as for perks hex perks are are always a gamble I will leave it as that. Ace- hahaha hahaha aesthetically he's alright but perk wise hahaha
Shattered bloodlines- love her or hate her you can't argue that spirit isn't a good killer. I hate the map though too bad we didn't get a survivor this chapter at least we got 3 meme survivor perks as compensation.
Stranger things- first time we ever got 2 survivors at once I would like to see this concept done again maybe with another 2 survivor chapter or maybe even 2 Killers. Demi Logorgon- is super valid but all its perks basically suck with the exception of surge which is pretty decent. Steve- his perks are well I don't want to say hot dumpster fire so I'll just say garbage at least he's hot eye candy. Nancy- decided to hoard all the good perk this chapter but seeing as a hater on the show she will get a mori every time.
Ghostface- I rarely stalk and use him as a stealth ambush killer but he's alright. His perks are actually pretty nice. Thrilling tremors amazing for knowing where to go especially when you have Pop, I'm all ears can really help you with mind games, Gurtive Chase NOT YOU
Leatherface- used to be pretty bad now really good with his is new rework and update (why couldn't this be done for Legion) honestly all his perks are kind of meh. Barbecue probably the most useful but even then it's mainly for bloodpoints as there are better tracking perks, Franklin's demise got better as a pressure tool but it's still niche, knockout got nerfed and the "buff" it got to compensate was so negligible it's not even worth it
Curtain Call- clown is probably the weakest killer in the game doesn't mean he's unplayable he's pretty decent but still- Pop Goes the Weasel is an amazing perk, bamboozle can be really helpful especially on certain maps and Coulrophobia is interesting on people like doctor and maybe you can get some benefit from running it on other killers but besides niche I don't think there's much you could say about it and even that might be an overstatement. Kate honestly nothing special outside of being community eye candy. Dance with me it's the only perk of hers I consider relevant
Nightmare on elm street- Freddy is a pretty strong killer now his rework definitely changed him. ( insert passive-aggressive Legion comment here) his perks are all centred around endgame which honestly I love because endgame builds on my favourite. Quentin, honestly his perks get unintentionally nerfed with changes, the exhaustion change nerfed vigil, the change to emergency medkits nerfed pharmacy. Wake up is ok but really conditional.
Demise of the faithful- Play The Killer I hate the most for the sole reason I hate hearing my survivor puke. Outside of that is very little to be said she can be strong with corrupt but if the survivors choose to stay sick they could just gen rush. Corrupt intervention is a decent perk for setup Killers, dark devotion is one of my favourite perks wish it did last longer though, infectious fright is great for snowballing. Jane pretty fun Survivor her perks aren't amazing but they are really nice if you can find the builds for them.
Chains of hate- honestly a great killer if you're good at FPS games. His perks are decent at best. Zarnia- honestly she has a lot of very fun unique perks they may not be good but I do like the idea of it being fun and a unique wait interactive the game.
Hell no
The initial release of MoM made me want to stick my head in a blender and hit puree. If you played an M1 killer during this time I'm you were out of luck because of survivors were stacking this with dead hard, borrow time, dead hard again, defensive and everything under the sun. considering it was so easy to get it active it meant that chases that we should have ended quickly ended up last thing three times as long.
Screw you Ash.
Mettle of man days..
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I hate it while I don't think they needed to Legion the perk I actively despised the usage of it.
To the point where my 0etty self would equip an ebony Mori and essentially kill anyway using that perk if they decided to stack it with a bunch of other annoying perks I would instead mori spam.
Yeah I'm not proud of my petty moments but boy did it feel therapeutic at the time
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i want to disagree at one point
Stranger things chapter was one of the biggest surprieses in the game
and it actually bringed alot of the serie fans to the game
lets not forget its trailer has one of the highest "if not the highest" views across all chapters
and you rated them about perks not the hype and how fun they are :D
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How is darkness amongst us S tier? I mean, I loved legion on release and they quickly became my main, but even I can admit it was a shitfest
- invisible killer bug
- Ormond completely unplayable on release
- Legion being absolutely broken
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I don’t think they’ll ever top the Halloween chapter for me. I got my favourite horror franchise added into the game and the reveal trailer was the best they’ve done yet. I still get chills watching it lol.
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I agree with you on the issues MoM used to have.
Though I'd probably still put the Ash vs Evil Dead chapter at the top, simply because I'm biased due to maining him and being a fan of the Evil Dead franchise.
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I love Legion the idea of a gang of teenagers with a cult-like allegiance to Frank was awesome especially when you realise the teenagers well all different demographics meaning anybody could be twisted if the great influence came along.
As for Legion's gameplay I've always liked it and found it incredibly fun. Granted I was one of those legions who spread the pain and rarely ever just barreled down a survivor. So the only real experiences with were broken they were was when I was playing Survivor and even then I really ran into a barrel down Legion. (screw anybody who did the moonwalk exploit but that was on people being scummy rather anything else)
Ormond resort- honestly I think the map looks absolutely beautiful I love snow maps and I love any map that's illuminated by moonlight. Hell it's why the boreal Valley is one of my favourite Dark Souls area. I personally think it's beautiful I love the idea of an abandoned ski lodge completely hate the gameplay though.
Jeff honestly I just love him for the Jesus and God memes
Most of my rating on the darkness Among Us was purely on theme and design rather than actual gameplay.
Also I'm going to be honest Legion is my main right alongside Amanda so I am 100% biased.
Post edited by Volfawott on0 -
Darkness Among Us-
JeffJesus was a great addition. The only reason it's not in top position is because initial launch Legion I love them to pieces they are literally my other main but they god they were bad. All could have been forgiven and this chapter would have been one tier up if it wasn't for Ormond.Dont see any reason this Chapter beeing that high up. Legion 1.0 is infamous for beeing one of the biggest fails in DbD History, Ormond is often considered to be one of the most survivor sided / unballanced maps and Jeff ... well... the least played character overall. The only really good thing from this chapter is Discordance. D Tier for me.
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Read the post above
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Mhm. Opinions i guess. 🙂