Rule Of Rose

What're your guys thoughts on a Rule Of Rose chapter? I think it'd be neat but I wanna get everyones opinions
It sounds nice but I'd doubt it'll make it to the game since it was banned in many countries.
It's kinda like Clock Tower for the America.
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Tbf didn't it only get banned due to false critics and reviews?
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Would someone like Gregory or the imps/psycho children be convincing killers?
We could have an adult Jennifer as survivor. About the killer, IDK. The orphanage or the spaceship could be a good map.
I will be excited for this, though.
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The subject matter of the game caused controversy.
It implies a lot of abuse to children and child murder.
The game is interesting but definitely a touchy subject
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Let Brown be a survivoir. He's the best boi ever!
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Won't happen.. Survivors and Killers have to be 18+ in order to be put into the game.
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Brown's 18. I'm laughing to myself imagining his little paws working a generator he'd have to walk\run on his hind legs to make him normal survivor size. He can whimper and cry and bark. I don't think any one would ever hook him. I think Pig might put a trap on him, it would be just like her...😩
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Freddy is known for violence and sexual themes towards children...
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Ummmm... Freddy (cough)
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I mean we have Freddy who outright assaulted toddlers, the only assumed victims of assault in Rule Of Rose is Diana and Clara who are both in their late teens and its never explicitly said that anything did happen to them. When it comes to violence against children once again Freddy and it was never shown.
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Oooh yeah the Orphanage as a map would be awesome and the achievement could be "Finish the Generator inside the Red Crayon Aristocrats attic and escape the trial."
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If we talking about Freddy.
Original Freddy it's very very loosely implied with the child murder becoming the central theme even though confirmed to be the creator's intention to have him be pedo but it was too much of a hot-button topic back then.
Theym remake or our Freddy is much more apparent about it.
Now the problem with rule of rose is that you essentially going through the repressed memories of a woman thinking back to her time in an orphanage.
A lot of the scenes that depict the child murderer or abuse are either heavily censored by Jennifer herself or seen through the eyes of a rationalizing child.
"A good example would be during a boss fight there are bunch of children's clothes scattered around it and Jennifer will comment about how much her head hurts if you try to interact with one"
Due to the trauma and mental scarring that event caused she's legitimately repressed the dead children in that fight to the point where causes her discomfort and pain.
Honestly I could go into a full in-depth essay about each and every instance of repression and child interpretation of traumatic events Jennifer experienced or witnessed.
But I've already detoured enough. Well Nightmare on Elm Street is more focused on its supernatural psychopath hunting people in their dreams. Rule of rose is far more embedded and interwoven into the abuse and trauma of children.
It is quite possible that they could do rule of rose how they handle it would have to be delicate to say the least.
Sorry for the essay by the way
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Jennifer is 19 and they have definitely broken that rule before I mean Cheryl is 17, Susie is 15, Laurie is 16 or 17, and Lisa Garland is 16-19
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Isn't it flat out said in the remake which is the Freddy we have, that he did assault the kids? Also look at my response to the other persons reply.
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Amanda is the killer
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My point wasn't about Jennifer's age more about the subject matter of her repressed memories and how they are handled because keep in mind though we play as adult Jennifer when reliving her repressed warped memories. It's actually young Jennifer that experiences them.
We're supposed to be younger and smaller than Diana and the rest of them.
Well I have no doubt they could end up doing it. Jennifer being the survivor and probably Gregory being the Killer however they would have to be very careful about how they translate the elements of the game into to perk quotes, backstory and add-ons
As for remake Freddy yes it's very much outright stated what he does to the kids.
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Yeah and his add-ons are like clothes he has from the children he did that stuff too so tbh I think Rule Of Rose would easily pass by with Jennifer and Gregory since IMO the massacre at the Orphanage isn't viewed as bad by the majority of people as what Freddy did
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Hands down, Rule of Rose is one of my favorite games of all time. Jennifer was actually 19 in the original game, so no worries there. There was so many good creatures from the game, but I suppose Gregory would be the most fitting killer. I'd just like to see the Mermaid and imps incorporated some how.
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This and Haunting Ground were some of the best hidden gems on the ps2... Granted you could actually get your hands on a copy.
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God bless emulators lol
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Hmmm Im sure theres a way. Basically one person owns the licencing rights at that point so it shouldn't be TOO hard but then again idk.
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Maybe gregory can use the Imps in his power
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I could be wrong, so don't come at me on this, but I seen a Spanish novel based off of Rule of Rose being developed about two years ago. It may be out now, and I should probably look into it since I'm in the process of learning Spanish, lol. Anyway my point is I believe they did in fact have permission, so whoever owns the rights to RoR would probably be alright with it.
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Oh thats awsome! That means its entirely in the realm of possibility for RoR to come one day <.< tbh Silent Hill opened up a lot of doors and I think RoR might be one of them hopefully!
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I found the book here:
However I cannot find anywhere where it states he had permission. Someone even asked him on the RoR wiki. So I'm going to shoot him a message in my hapless Spanish and ask!
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Weird how this got moved to feedback and suggestions and the countless FNAF chapter demands didn't.
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So bad news: He does not have licensing.
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Oh darn :( There must be some way we could contact them
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He said he tried multiple times to talk to them about licensing, but they ignored him. :X Sad.