Why does everyone want to nerf noed?

Everyone wants to nerf a perk that is already bad and can be easily removed from the game. The thing thats really need nerfs are bamboozle and bloodlust which just needs to be removes from the game. Bamboozle was put into the game when infites still exist same with bloodlust most of the time they reward bad players. Using bamboozle you basically admit you suck cant mindgame a window. Cant catch a survivor bloodlust them to death. Bamboozle and bloodlust are just as outdated as the survivor and killer perk meta
Because "whaaaaa, cleansing totems r 2 hrd fr meeee"
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Because to some people it feels unfair. Even though it isnt.
the problem with it is the lack of feedback it gives. It is really difficult to cleanse all 5 totems in solo.
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The perk creates bad habits for killers, because they can always fall back on it if they can't end the game before the last gen is done.
On the other side you have survivors who do 4/5 totems alone, but die because the rest of the team refuses to do totems. Another part of the survivors are somehow not using perks that help with totems or bring a map.
Bamboozle just means that you have to abandon the loop or drop the pallet early. Nothing wrong with it. If I may use your own words, you just suck, if you can't adapt to it.
Bloodlust was far stronger some time ago. It doesn't need any changes. And there is still a scenario where you are screwed without bloodlust. Play a 110% killer during endgame against a Survivor with Hope. Gl on catching them without Bloodlust.
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No it's not. I do it almost every game, and I play solo exclusively.
And as for feedback - it's glaringly obvious (comes with experience, as all things should) that a killer is running NOED by how they play during the match. Plus, if NOED has actually proc'd, you can see it. The killer moves FAST.
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OR they're survivors that know gen time is too precious to spend 2+ minutes searching and cleansing totems to avoid an unfair loss. Literally equipped or not NOED rewards bad killers
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The only main issue with NOED is that solo survivors has no tool to coordinate bones with his teammates unlike SWF.
So you ends up giving up while traveling the map twice because you didn't find any more standing Totems, wasting a hell lot of time, and you find out one or two teammates are doing the same, or you didn't found the one or two lasts and you pray knowing your teammates never do bones.
The only chance is to bring detective hunch or a map everytime.
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There's a hypocritical idea in the game that NOED is a crutch but using perks like DS/Unbreakable/Borrowed Time together aren't. Survivors feel like they're being robbed of their victory and that causes noise to be made by frustrated players.
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If NOED, the most counterable perk in the game, rewards "bad killers"...and isn't even a meta perk...tell me, what does DS, Unbreakable, BT and Dead Hard do? Those are all meta.
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It isn't overpowered at all, it just rewards bad players just like DS.
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Those who complain about NOED don't know how to clean hex totems.
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I don't run any of those perks besides BT but thats just to counter camping because whenever I don't run it someone always gets camped and i feel bad. NOED rewards bad killers when not being run by instiling fear into survivors to do totems and give the killer an additional 2+ minutes of no gen time which is enough for any killer to get a couple good hooks/downs which can secure an easy win and if they miss one well I guess killer gets 1-2 free kills for losing all game.
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To counter BT and DS just don't tunnel and camp plus even if they're used it doesn't guarantee your survival unless killer was playing bad in the first place. Unbreakable is the only perk which counters an otherwise helpless boring strategy but even then its a rare use perk I even did tests with it at red ranks and only got to actually make use out of it 3/100 games. Dead Hard yeah I'll give you that one lol.
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NOED is ######### horrible dude. I don’t care if you tell me to just “do bones.” It’s frustrating as hell when the killer has been doing poorly and then all of a sudden he gets a 4k because he was too sh*t of a killer to do it himself & needs his hand held.
It’s training wheels.
Edit: It’s not as bad in SWF but it’s a ######### in solo. A huge waste of time to try to track down every totem yourself because you can’t trust your teammates or communicate with them.
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Noed is a win more perk for good killers and it's used as a crutch for bad players. It really doesn't need a nerf. It's just a badly designed perk that's outdated along with so many things in the game. It relies on the survivors being bad which is just like the old ruin and it's a bad perk against competent teams/swf's anyways.
It can be argued that noed was needed when semi-infinites, op toolboxes, strong maps, and instaheals were still a thing. Those things have ceased to exist and it's better to use perks that prevents survivors from getting to endgame.
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"JuSt DoN'T tUnNeL"
So, if I hook someone, and before I have the chance to get away, the person is unhooked right in front of me. Am I supposed to just allow that? Where's the counter for that?
If I hook someone and they have deliverance during the EGC when the gate is opened, and they unhook themselves, but I down them...they now have DS. Where's the counter for that?
If I hook someone and go, find, and hook 2 other people, then find the first guy and down them, but they still have DS up...was I tunneling?
Lay off the entitled excuses. DS is far from anti tunnel, and BT is used FAR MORE for hook dive bombing than it is to combat campers.
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Have you ever try to gen rush, while you also need to do totems?
That doesn't work together.
And here is your answer :)
I have no problems with noed. I just think it is a very powerful perk, but on the other hand - survs have them also. They have even perks that take out complete elements of the game. So as long as those perks exist in dbd, I think noed is fine - for the people who want to use it (I didn't honestly).
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If your complaining about Bamboozled you might wanna check your skill with looping!
If the devs get rid of bloodlust I firmly believe that means that every loop is unsafe to the point to where all killers have to do is lunge through/around a corner!
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Just slug. Everything you just said about camping literally applies to DS (except DS has an actual counter)
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"If the person is unhooked right in front of me." Attack the unhooker its not hard you can literally down them right after they finish the unhook.
"WHAT IF I HOOK 2 OTHER PEOPLE?!?!" Dude if you can find, down, and hook 3 people in under 60 seconds do you REALLY have to worry about DS?
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Attack the unhooker, and reward them for unhooking in my face by letting them get safe unhook points?
Saying "slugging is a counter" is like saying "just don't get caught by the killer" is a counter to tunneling/camping.
It doesn't matter if I have to worry about DS. I didn't ask if I should be worried. I asked if I was tunneling; and it happens a lot to many, many killer. So, again, was I tunneling if that happened? Any answer other than "no" is wrong, and this destroys your entire "just don't tunnel 4head" narrative.
This survivor rulebook thinking reeks of entitlement.
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bloodlust was made to counter infinites and they are no longer in the game
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because complaining about something until its changed is easier than changing your gameplay.
Just. Do. Bones
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That depends on the killer.
There are legitimate infinite that would still exist with a 110 killer. The house of pain on Haddonfield/Badham for one. If ran correctly, a Huntress for example will literally never catch them there.
I would also argue that bloodlust should exist as long as Midwich exists in it's current form.
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I'm sorry but it's not "killer uses bamboozle cause they can't mind game a window" it's "survivor complains about bamboozle because they can't string together loops"
Bloodlust exists because otherwise the game would entirely consist of killers chasing survivors around a pallet for 5 minutes each match. I'd rather play civilization
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More like "survivor complains about bamboozle because it prevents them from humping the same god window over and over again and it might actually require them to git gud at the game if they don't have that window's proverbial peen to ride".
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no it becomes a ######### when every leatherface and billy use the perk so no matter what window i use they just block it off cause they cant mindgame a window then the same people complain about how pallet looping is braindead
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bloodlust was made to counter inifites
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😂 As long as I'm not the one who said it
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Sounds like someone doesn't like that they don't know how to chain loops and have to rely on humping the same window over and over again.
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It's a mediocre last minute perk, I only run it if the killer i'm playing doesn't haven any better perks or If I want to do a gimmicky Blood Warden build. People just love to complain.
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It doesn't need to be nerfed imo. Survivor main and its easy to counter. It's annoying sure, but if either I don't cleanse, or the killer keeps the whole team distracted so that we can't cleanse, then he deserves it. There are a few maps that are harder than some, but it is what it is.
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I’m sorry but I find it extremely hard to believe that someone who plays solo survivor will defend the ever living hell out of noed, I can say I’m a full 100% killer main and noed is op, not to mention you are only 1 person and we can’t just say noed is fine just because of 1 person’s experience if it’s even true out of thousands of players
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Very few people actually want NOED nerfed. Major exaggeration saying "everyone"
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And what about survivorf's that don't make mistakes in their chases and certain killer's can't do anything about it but depend on bloodlust?
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A visible indicator for how much totems are up would be enough.
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thats not what bloodlust was made for even the very best survivors make mistake no one make zero mistakes every game
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You just cant mindgame certain windows even against good survivors, forcing the window to be blocked makes some killers that are hard countered by windows easier to play
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Because NOED is a weak perk, and extremely counterable.
I find it hard to believe someone with experience still hates on NOED.
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NOED is A+ in the killer's tier list. It kills more people that 8-10 killers together
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DS is extremely counterable - don't tunnel. BT is extremely counterable - don't camp. Unbreakable is extremely counterable too - don't slug. I find it hard to beleive someone with experience still hates on these perks
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literally the game is designed around 5 gens going off with at least 3 survivors still alive unless they ######### up. If killers are bad for letting 5 gens go off then you're basically saying that killers are overperforming.
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what happens if you pair ds and unbreakable?
it has no counterplay
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Dude, DS is extremely counterable, just leave the person who recently got unhooked for 60 seconds to do whatever he wants (Which amounts to 120 seconds per game). Gens take so long it doesn't make a difference, now let me just check genspeeds.
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lost me at 'bamboozle needs to be removed from the game'
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The biggest difference is: DS, Unbreakable, BT and Dead Hard all have cooldown or can be used once.
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Because people can't be bothered to run Detective's Hunch.
Seriously, imagine if Detective's Hunch was as meta, or even a little less, than DS. Nobody would ever run NOED because of the one perk being run, because the totems would always just be broken. On top of that hex perks as a whole would become relatively obsolete if everybody just always was figuring out where they were.
But no, it's easier to make a post about it instead.
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They (the devs) have already talked about removing bloodlust.
do people complain about noed still? I usually just chuckle when I see a killer using it. It’s like admitting “I need this to get 1 or 2 kills.” If it’s a rank 10-20 I get it. 1-9? 😂