Matchmaking is completely ridiculous right now...

ChadKroeger Member Posts: 2
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions
Post edited by ChadKroeger on


  • ChadKroeger
    ChadKroeger Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2020

    Rank 1 killer vs me and a team of new players, great work! It's getting more and more ridiculous with every game

  • NeanderChaos
    NeanderChaos Member Posts: 29

    I've got less then 100hr total as Killer & am rank 12 green.

    I did an MMR experiment yesterday. I took the Pig, a Killer I literally have never used before, and I started playing her. I played 12 matches in a row and purposely got as little emblem/blood points for each match. Out of 12 matches I got zero hooks and only killed 1 single survivor (a Bill with a bear trap hat tried leaving). Over the 12 matches the Match making system kept ramping up the ranks I would play against. At the end I was facing 3 red/purp & a green.

    Today I logged in and played Pig to see what ranks I would play against. I got the sweatiest of sweaty SWF full red ranks. Multiple unbreakables, DS's, BT's... meta builds to the max. Yesterday I literally only got one gold emblem, a couple bronze, and a single kill in the 12 matches, and the MMR system has placed me at the top of the system to face sweaty SWF red rank groups.

    I'm confident in saying the DBD MMR system doesn't work properly. Whatever metrics BHVR is using or however the match making system is calculating "balanced" matches is not working as intended. Playing more matches doesn't fix the issue. The issue isn't based on the MMR system needing time to calibrate itself. The system isn't calculating results properly and is miss pairing everyone to the extremes which is creating the most unbalanced matches possible.

  • ScreamBear
    ScreamBear Member Posts: 1


  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Exactly all my games look like this when I am trying to enjoy playing Survivor.