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Is adrenaline a second chance perk?

do killers view this perk as a toxic second chance perk?


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  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Eh, not necessarily. But as with many other perks, SWF can abuse it in some scenarios.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Not really. People with adrenaline can prioritize gens over healing and still get away with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,416


  • Member Posts: 1,054


  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Toxic? No. Second chance? It can be. If you're injured and being chased when Adrenaline pops, that's a second chance. But a lot of times Adrenaline will pop when I'm not injured or in a chase, so it's a complete waste.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Oh I've heard a lot of killer mains complain about Adrenaline. I don't play killer that often but I've definitely had some survivors get away solely due to adrenaline. I think it's a fair enough perk, though... you have to get all five gens finished before it activates.

    I'll just say that I definitely am careful to grab players who are committing hard to gens instead of just smacking them now though 😳

  • Member Posts: 710

    The most bothersome part of adrenaline is that it gives you a speedboost even if exhausted, which can allow insane plays when timed correctly, its also always botherring to see a full injured team get back to healthy and rushing out of sight.

    So toxic only when used by the toxic billy squads or by the toxic player

    Second chance, it can be, it can also be useless so eh

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    It's rather a reward for doing the objective and surviving that long.

    Second chance perks helps you to cover mistakes you made

  • Member Posts: 706

    I mean I bet many killers prefers Adrenaline over any exhaustion perk who can be used multiple times trough the trial.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Not toxic, but i do view it as a second chance.

    If you ask me, the community has overly tainted the term "second chance", i don't mind facing an Adrenaline much.

    Although, my motivation to try and win does get thrown into a deep pit if i see multiple insta-heals on the HUD.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I don't like it because it's situational. But if you have the Situation where People are slugged, one of them has Unbreakable, rush the last Gen so everyone gets Adrenaline, then the Perk is annoying.

    But that's more Unbreakable being a second Chance than Adrenaline because without UB they wouldnt've gotten up. So no, Adre is not really a second Chance.

  • Member Posts: 706
  • Member Posts: 932

    IMHO it's not but it's definitely frustrating to play against. Especially if all 4 survivors run it, since it tends to encourage people to not even bother wasting time healing and stay on gens instead.

  • Member Posts: 694

    It is, but it's so unreliable I don't fault anyone who says otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 227

    For sure. It can get you up off the ground immediately as soon as the last gen is done, with a speed boost afterwards. Sounds like a second chance to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    It is a second chance perk, but it is absolutely fine, since it rewards the survivors for doing their objective.

  • Member Posts: 189

    If you’re in a chance then yeah it can be a pretty big second chance perk unless the killer had NOED. Otherwise no not really

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    I had a great game, everyone was injured and I had just downed a guy. I break a pallet to pick him up, and all four had adrenaline and the last ten pops. It won them the game. Absolutely a second chance perk.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Situationally, it can be. If it goes off while injured in a chase or while you are downed, it would absolutely count as giving the Survivor a second chance.

  • Member Posts: 507

    I'd say yeah.

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    edited August 2020

    It's a reward/second chance/win-more perk depending on the scenario (when the last gen pops).

    I think it's pretty well balanced (even with the ignoring Exhaustion aspect), aside from the facet that it activates off the hook, too (mitigating failure while also providing a speed-boost and working with DS/BT).

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    I don't know if it is a second chance perk.

    However... I do hate Adrenaline over any other survivor perk.

    Most of the Survivor 2nd chance perks only come online if I'm doing something kind of mean. Camping, Tunneling, Slugging... whatever it is, if one of the 2nd chance perks went off I'm probably doing something scummy. Sometimes I really hate their existence when the End Game turns scrappy, but normally I don't care. The only exception is Dead Hard but I don't mind Dead Hard because I can play around it.

    Adrenaline though? No. I can get absolutely wrecked by it because I had the gall to down a survivor the second the last gen popped. This is made worse by the fact that I had no clue that survivor had adrenaline, no idea the gen was going to pop right then, and no idea I wouldn't have been able to end the chase a few seconds sooner so they get it when they're on my shoulder. I cannot play around the stupid thing. The stupid perk is punishing me out of nowhere for nothing. I hate it so much.

  • Member Posts: 5

    For the most part it's basically a free heal. Depending on the situation it can be many things. Useless, lifesaving, game changer, basically all the above. It's usually useless because most situations you wouldn't be hurt or being chased by the killer end game. Even if you were being chased it's only useful if it pops after getting hit or downed otherwise it's useless. Some people who strategize with a full team could potentially pull a game changer easier as the one with adrenaline can lure the killer away while the generators are being fixed and the last gen can be popped on command, but solo players would probably choose something else unless they have a plan and set up made just to annoy the killer

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