Chinese VPN Scourge and Serverside Hit Detection

The United States west coast servers are currently bombarded by countless Killers directly from China taking massive shanghai swings from halfway across the loop and getting hits. Because hit detection is currently handled by the killer's client, and we have no way of viewing their ping in the pre-game lobby, it's become extremely difficult to have an enjoyable experience playing Survivor because there's no way to know how close the Killer actually is.
Can the devs give us any sort of update as to when sanity checks are going to be implemented so we can stop this nonsense already?
Ping from Shanghai to a TF2 server based in LA. There is zero reason Dead by Daylight should be allowing a match to be played with this sort of connection.
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China needs to be regionlocked, it had to be done before and new devs on new games ALWAYS wait out until their games are already half-dead.
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But vpn will allow that to play with this high pings.
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Shanghai Swings loooooooooooooooooool
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It's exactly the same with Russian players on EU servers.