Camping is viable, but is it fun? Killers who do it why?

This thread isn’t to insult campers, or even discuss if it’s legit or bannable blah blah blah. Also this isn’t endgame camping because both sides can usually agree once doors are powered it may be the smarter move.
But people who down one person and stand there the entire game, even whole other gens are popped and the door opens WHY? Is it really fun for you? If it is then have at it but I can’t imagine “playing,” a game for 10 minutes but literally only 1 minute of it being actively doing something and the rest just standing in one spot.
I admit when I was brand new I thought a genius strategy as wraith was hook someone, go invisible and just stand there constantly rotating who you hooked. Obviously smart players, DS, BT and adrenaline make this a bad strategy quickly.
People camp for all sorts of reasons. Unless applied tactically for a good reason (such as bait) it is usually a losing prospect. You can't win a war on the defense, and that is what camping is... a defensive strategy trying to hold on to a single Survivor while the rest run rampant.
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When low rank survivors get camped a lot of the time they will just kill themselves on the hook and don’t care about there teammates. And the fact that in low ranks, survivors don’t gen rush when someone is getting camped. so camping is an easy way to get 3ks and 4ks. But if we’re talking about doing it in high ranks campers will rarely get more than 1 kill.
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It can actually be really funny when you hook some teabagger and then end up 4k the whole SWF because they so desperately tried to save them :-)))))
I only camp when someone really pisses me off.
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I only "Face Camp" when someone disrespects me. I camp/honeypot whenever it is tactically wise.
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For me, I will camp if survivors are too damn sweaty. Best example I have is: I find a survivor and chase them. I down them. Takes about 10 secs. Then suddenly here's the whole team, one with a flash light like "Oh no you don't!!" That will make me camp.
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Yea, some Survivors are asking for it.
Yesterday I had a match where I got slugged for almost the full 4 minutes while everyone else was already dead. That Wraith wasn't happy that I found a flashlight but I couldn't blame him, sometimes it doesn't take much to trigger someone - especially when they already had a few frustrating matches.
I hate the people that play toxic and then act as if they didn't do anything wrong.
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I dont know why people do it, i guess it gives them the illusion of some sort of power they dont have in RL. Probably they got bullied and want to let off their frustration on somebody. The even more sad part is that they dont realise how embaressing they are.
If i get facecamped after a 5 gen run, its the ultimate trophy for me and the killer is just feeding into it even more.
If i get facecamped from the beginning on for no reason, he is just throwing the game and gives me time to do something really quick.
If i get facecamped when the gates are powered they admit with it that they lost the game horribly.
Whatever reason they might have, camping make them look even weaker if they would not have camped. On top of that, they get less bloodpoints aswell. The best part of it is when they get their 1K and come up with something like gg ez. They usually go totally nuts when you just response gg wp. Its the best feeling you can possibly get in this game 😁
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So that means it's no problem to facecamp you, you're always happy about it? I wish more Survivors were like that, please teach them ;-)
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If i camp as killer, there are 2 reasons:
First, the survivor morse code messaged me to camp him and the other surivvors via teabagging. Ok, my morse code is not that good, i might get it wrong, but i am pretty sure thats what most people mean by teabagging. So i just fullfill their wish.
Second, bad matchmaking often pairs you way of your skill league. So if you get your first survivor and 3+ gens are done, well, you allready spend so much time with him, wouldn´t it be rude just to leave him because he is hooked?, Nah, you can stand together for the rest of the game, its nearly over anyway.
I dont like camping, but if matchmaking doesn´t give you fair matchups, is one of the few ways to take at least some controll over the game back.
Actually, there is a third reason: If you lose without kills, survivor insult you after the game anyway. If you camped one or two to death, they still insult you, but at least they don´t enjoy it as much, while i do.
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You make it sound like you get "Face Camped" all the time, which is very different from Camping in general. I wonder what you are actually doing to warrant that. I've found Face Camping is the exception, not the rule and usually reserved for really obnoxious behavior.
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Camping is like time, its relative! The flow of time is different for the person who is using the toilet and for the person who impatiently waits in front of the restroom. Same thing with camping! The person on the hook does interpret camping different then the killer or even other survivor.
There are different kinds of playstyles that people sum up as camping eventhough they have completly different intends and results.
1) Classic Facecamping aka Bubbas realm:
- Intent: To kill the person on the hook
- Distance: "Smell their breath"-distance
- Will leave the hook: When the survivor dies
- Counter: DO the gens and leave, the person on the hook should waist as much time as possible!
2) Close proximity patrolling aka I know people are not near the hook, but I will still patrol in 8m radius because I realy need this kill.
- Intent: To kill the person on the hook
- Distance: up to 8m and quick turning back
- Will leave the hook: When the survivor dies
- Counter: 3 People teamwork can save against most killer in the game - does not work on Bubba, Oni with power, Meyers with power, Plague with power
3) Close proximity patrolling aka I saw you hidding and noone else on BBQ I will not leave because I have nowhere to go
- Intent: To hunt a different person but without gifting them a free unhook, because you are not obligated to do so at all
- Distance: up to 8m and quick turning back
- Will leave the hook: When there is a new survivor to hunt and NO clicking flashlight 30m away then tbag and then imidiantly start running away will NOT motivate to leave, if you want an exhange the come close enough to be considered an offering to leave the hook, because you need to understand that the time is running for the killer you will need to interfere eventually so do it right away
- Counter: Over the killer a chase alternative, most killer will happily accept gameplay instead of hookpatroling, but like I said before dont BM, dont flashlight click, dont Tbag! This will not motivate but just make the killer more angry not to leave you a free unhook.
4) Far proximity patrolling aka I saw that you are near the hook, but I am feeling great today so I will gift you the unhook and hunt the one who unhooked
- Intent: Gift the survivor the unhook eventhough it is not the most effective thing to do at all and then hunt the unhooker
- Distance: The closest thing to do aka the closest gen to kick the closest pallet to break
- Will leave hook: already did leave, but will return for the person who unhooked
- Counter: DONT hide, if the killer returns and there is only the injured person from the hook this will be his target, if you saved then take the responsibility and play with the killer instead of farming your teammate!
5) Leaving the hook but person gets unhooked so I return aka I was not camping you are just impatient
- Intent: Hunt people, you are vault that you dont allow the killer to leave!
- Distance: variable
- Will leave hook: already did leave, but had to return because its the closest save survivor top hunt
- Counter: dont unhook while in heartbeat or while not in chase
6) I was hunting that one person who discided to go near the hook and then start using the loops around the hook aka ######### should I do? Just leave? May I maybe go serve you some cold drings when you unhook for free?
- Intent: Hunting the person
- Distance: Close to the prey
- Will leave the hook: already did, you just brought the killer back to the hook
- Counter: Dont bring the person near the hook
Doing the first kind of camping aka "Classic Facecamping aka Bubbas realm" is bad at any situation and I have no excuse for that! EVERY other kind of "camping" has his place in the game and is not only viable but even CRUCIAL to do under some circumstances if you want to win the game. 4-6 is not camping, people calling this camping just experience it this way because its from they perspective. 3 is viable thing to do because you are not obligated to give a free unhook, survivor do not gift you a gen nore do they offer them selfs to be hooked when the doors are open at the end of the day.
2 is also viable especially if you are defending survivor and a gen or a gate in the same time or the gates are open and this is the only thing to do to get a kill! Survivor often demand that you leave the hook and start hunting a different person BUT the person that is offering himself as the prey does not give you a fair chance to get him, he has several second chance perks and an opned gate very close and even then there are 3 other survivor with flashlights and pallets ready to save him. You are the killer, you need to kill, the person that you will kill with the highest chance is the person on the hook, leaving the hook without an advantage to hook the next person is stupid and should not be done if you want to win.
So about your question if it makes fun, it depends! I never tried 1, but 2 does not make fun, because 3 survivor are stronger then 1 killer and if they play right they WILL save the survivor and escape all 4. 3-6 is not camping, just normal gameplay in the eyes of every killer outthere the survivor are self inflicting it upon themselves. So 3-6 is just normal gameplay for killer and does make fun.
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Sometimes camping or proxy camping is the correct play depending on gen layout or hook states. You shouldn't ever give survivors something for free.
If they try to greed gens and make a last second save, then it's up to the killer to make it costly in the form of an extra hook state or a hook trade.
If you have 3 or 4 gens near a hook and 1 gen on the other end of the map, you're just throwing the game to go pressure the far gen. It's dumb killer play under the guise of fairness.
I've never once in my 2k hours seen survivors all stop working on gens because a killer made a bad play. It's wild to expect the killer to not punish bad plays.
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Survivors follow killers for insta saves, why walk off and allow a free escape? Survivors juke like crazy, causing the killer to chase them for 3 minutes, why walk off allow that to happen again?
That's why killers camp. Survivors bully killers in a horror game 🤣
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People who camp without a reason do it for the sake of it.
Trolling is its own reward.
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Camping is the 1 kind of sure method of killing a survivor who bullied u throughout the game.
Also to end a ultra altruistic team.
Also that 1 god tier Looper w a flashlight who harrassed u the whole game even if ur just trying to complete ur objectives. The bully who chases the killer down and intentionally harrassess u.
This is why the devs should never take away Bubba's camping ability.
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If I see a toxic survivor, I won't hesitate to facecamp him :D
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I hate when you get the whole "..camping is a legit strategy.." type of argument. It could not be further from the truth.
- Camping as a tool in the toolbox at specific times is absolutely a tactic that can and should be used. I've had a few times where it was a crucial moment in a match where one is lugged by the hook, one on the hook. 1 Gen left, 2 unharmed survivors nearby as well as a gen at 80% and the nearest hook is near max carry distance. No, I'm not going to leave that area just yet. Make them sweat, let his gen drop to 10%, keep my eye on both survivors trying to sneak up....that is the smart move.
- Getting my first survivor down and hooking them is not the time to camp. That is the absolute dumbest thing I can do. I leave at least 2 survivors to work gens while one scopes out my patter. By the time they get that one survivor off the hook, 2 more gens are done and I'm standing there looking incompetent. Half-way decent survivors will smoke someone who hard camps from the first hook on. I'll have to rely on NOED to get another kill. That is purely a crap killer with no skill. Not a legit strategy. That killer will never get better either. They'll rank up due to low-skill solo groups, but then get slaughtered at higher ranks and cry about survivors being too strong...for the wrong reasons, thus drowning out the legit issues with strong SWFs...(I could rant more there).
- Camping a "toxic" survivor only gives them joy most of the time. I did it back in the day and eventually realized I was letting them under my skin, which is exactly what they wanted. Hooking their butt and then destroying the whole team was much more rewarding because I could watch them cry in post-game chat about how EZ it was...even though I 4k'd with 3 gens left and they all got less than 10k bp.
Camping as a whole-game strategy is pure stupid and guarantees you will never get better. Camping at strategic moments is a tool to be used as needed.
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To each their own, but camping is beyond boring and only punishes the killer. It gives every other survivor the chance to finish the generators, and the Killer walks away with minimal bloodpoints for having avoided doing anything else in the game.
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People do it for their own reasons,
Yesterday I got facecamped, like straight facecamped, by a myers. After the game he said he did it because "He hates cops". I was Tapp. SMH.
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Did I hear that vaping is viable?
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Camping is not viable. At least not in every situation.
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Working of the most true to the term definition of camping-staying at one spot for long periods of time, typically a hook- I don't camp personally, most of the time when I am accused of camping I got confused by a perk or was sure I kept seeing someone when I was about to leave.
I used to camp when I was a newer killer and I only did it purely because of two things: frustration out of being bullied by SWF and a sense futility against them-keep in mind back then it was actually viable for every swf to carry botany and just group body block you in one spot and you wouldn't be able to damage them in time to escape-
or sheer confused sense of pressure from gens popping. It's fine when you get more experience because you start to percieve gens more as an illusions, all gens can get done and you can still curb stomp even a good group. Gen progression only tends to get very alarming once you're down to1 or 2 and you're still very far behind or haven't even gotten one chase.
but the game makes every gen pop a big event and heavily nudges you to get a move on every time one is done so when I was new while the game is telling me "PROTECT GENS!" but also saying "lol. Oh those 3 gens popped in one chase. Such is life" you end up just spinning around and least I can secure one kill because I obviously ain't stopping these gens without max getting two hooks.
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I would rather lose than camp because the fun is in the chase.
Technically speaking you can't say doing gens is a survivors only objective and then ignore the fact that tunneling/camping a survivor out of the game to kill them and making the game more easy for you isn't the killers job. There isn't even a reason to feel bad about it because survivors have enough second chance perks to deal with every situation that often it's detrimental to camp.
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I do it when the exit gates are open and can't do anything else
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Killers camp because they have so little faith in themselves or have such an accurate appraisal of their deplorable skill that they feel this is the best way to maximize the number of survivors they will kill.
2k minimum while camping, which is balance, is not uncommon. It's viable, so killers do it, when they deserve 0k.
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Is it a SWF? They gen rushing? If so then ######### you that's why.
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By someone who don't play killer at all, you know sometimes, it's the right choice to camp, it's rare, but sometimes we have to do it
There is a difference between camping and camping
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Im gonna go out on limb here and guess we aren't talking 2 people on the hook camping or 1 slugged and 1 on the hook camping either. Since those would be considered winning positions and abandoning those are...well its fine but its very often not the best play.
So I will tell you why I have camped before. It may be anecdotal but I believe a lot of killers have done it for the same reason.
I have camped when I have been so frustrated from one single match that I just want it over with and dont wanna play that match anymore. Take my one target and camp them, if people play dumb I get a lot more kills and a lot more angry survivors. That usually puts me in a good mood again if they were the reason I was frustrated. Otherwise I just apologise and move on.
I have camped because I gave up. Realising(I was, at the time at least, convinced it was true) that I cant win this because I cant catch people. So if I finally get one hook, no matter how many gens are left (if people have intentionally been going out of their way to flashlight save/sabotage/bodyblock very few gens get done).
And sometimes its just petty reasons. If someone t-bags or "clicky clicky" spams over and over again. I will take that as a reason that its ok to play a little "toxic" in this match. And camp/tunnel/slug the hell out of anyone.
I dont actually do most of those anymore, because I dont find it fun. Like you mentioned, I never find camping fun I find that its something I do because its easy and im annoyed with the match/game/players.
But beyond that, im guessing people that play like that do it for 3 reasons.
- If they lose, then they depip and meet easier players (who knows how the mmr system "calculates" this action)
- To make people angry because they find that aspect the most fun.
- To get easy wins. Kind of 1.5 this one. But people dont like leaving others for dead on hook. So a lot of times altruism kicks in to overgear and they try so save the camped. Losing them the game instead of just doing gens and getting out.
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So a key circumstance where a killer might camp is if they see two gens pop while a survivor is on the hook for a prolonged period of time. The killer might choose to punish the survivor's who push the gens by using that opportunity to wait out the remaining time on a survivor as oppose to rescuing so they have a better chance at controlling the remaining 3 survivors.
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Biggest reason I camp:
I see every survivor near the hook or when i see Them coming to.the rescue thanks to tracking perks.
Like why should I patrol the gens in that point when i know every survivor is near the hook lol.
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is a valid strategy indeed. sometiems you need to get rid of 1 survivor and you proxy camp it works if they dont have borrow time are u are like ghostface for example, is viable (SOMETIMES) not every time.
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So you are trash when you try to secure your last kill when the gates are open?
Also you are trash and get bullied and have no power in real life just because you camp?
Oh boi, grow up and get out of the internet.
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I only do it when the positives outweigh the negatives, or if someone's especially toxic
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i do camp when you as survivor:
Use OoO
Do toxic stuff
Hook one and exit are available to open.
Only on SWF
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Whats even better is when a killer face camps the whole game and get gen rushed then an expericed swf team comes in and makes the save and everybody gets out in front of your face.
Even better lol
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We all know the only way you remove camping is make it so unappealing for the killer at the time it would be an option that literally anything else seems better. Not by penalizing them but by providing better options. However I'll get into why I have personally camped survivors or why I might see it perceived as camping.
If you are annoying to find (Ex - Obvious Spine Chill user) I'm going to tunnel and camp you to death. I legit hate survivors who use this perk even when I play survivor. They're so useless they're always hiding all the time getting teammates killed. I have a bias against them and for the most part I can usually tell when a player has it equipped based on how they play.
Someone is running me around hook - Sorry but I'm not camping your teammate is just bad or stupid
Former toxic player I recognize who sandbags or griefs - Rare instances I'll encounter them but I'm not going to let these people ruin the other 3 survivors games even if they don't know about the behavior this player getting camped has.
Gates are open - If there are two survivors left and one is on the hook to be honest I'm just going to accept the killers I got. Not worth risking leaving the hook only to lose both players but that depends on what killer I am.
Also on the note of camping - The Pyramid Head cages moving was stupid because it actually helps the killer. If you get there before the survivor you can stay a certain distance from the cage and when the survivor is near just get close to the cage. It moves the cage and most of the time a survivor won't be able to reach the second location in time before they go to the next phase or die. I've done this by accident so many times where it's netted me a kill. The cage just needs to be able to rotate somehow because right now the moving cage helps the killer. It's super obvious it just goes to the other side of the map away from you so you can legit just b-line it to that area. Cages need more random spots to spawn in so they're not obvious.
So tl;dr - No, camping is mostly to get stuff done. Tunneling however is a different topic. Sometimes you need to tunnel the weaker link to relieve pressure.
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I dont know if the killer is trash in general but apparently .. like i said... he lost the round really bad. If not, there is no reason to camp.
Yes, i assume that people who facecamp or people who are toxic in general are weak. If you have self confidence, there is no reason to be bm to anybody, no matter if we talk about RL or Internet. Usually only people who are not satisfied with themself try to ruin other peoples experience, in whatever scenario.
Thanks for the amazing conversation!
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The only situation that I camp in besides endgame is when I just hooked the third survivor and the hatch spawned next to them.
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I camp for a few reasons
- The most obvious. When the gates are open/99d and I want to secure a kill/possible snowball
- When I want to secure second stage hook/death. I do this only when survivors just all try and push gens so I go back to the hook near 2nd stage/death to punish them
- This one is very rare. When a survivor does something to really annoy me I will facecamp them to death. This normally happens when a SWF bullies me playing wraith/clown/legion and is toxic in endgame chat. If I see them in lobby again I go spirit/freddy with best add-ons and green mori to scare them and then just troll them. This can include face camping or kebabing.
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I do it because it's the only way to secure a kill against red rank SWF survivor squads. If matchmaking refuses to give me a fair and balanced team I'll play dirty, the alternative would be a crushing defeat. No way in hell I'll settle for that kind of result.
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If camping is the best way for me to maximize my chances of winning, based on how the survivors are playing, i'm going to do it. Because winning is fun, and i play to win.
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While common consensus is that gen-rushing is the counter to camping, I have found that camping is also a counter to gen-rushing.
If I hook a survivor in the first 30 seconds of a match and 3 gens then pop before I either down or am about to down another survivor, I immediately return to first hook to camp. Survivors who play that efficiently will run all over me if 4 are left alive, and it is strategically advantageous for me to make sure the first survivor dies on first hook (it is also only a short wait by that time).
I find that survivors react to this strategy in one of two ways (they never continue to gen rush).
- They all all gather around, waiting for an opportunity to unhook (that never comes)
- They ambush the hook and try to overwhelm me
When the survivors pull the first strategy, I come away with 1 kill and no gens were progressed. When they pull the latter strategy, we trade hooks, and the game begins to snowball. Both outcomes result in change of pace that falls in my favor.
Survivors could certainly choose a third strategy, which would be to continue gen rushing and let their teammate die. If they do, so be it. I think gen-rushing is just as boring as camping, and I refuse to entertain anyone who finds satisfaction in playing the game as efficiently as possible.
Most SWFs do not seem to recognize how boring it can be to play against an efficient team, and will complain at length in post-game for my chosen strategy. The reality is that my actions are a direct result of theirs, and given the success I have seen I will continue to camp survivors when their teammates refuse to be altruistic. You are a fool to think a killer will let you unhook a survivor seconds before they enter struggle, and you deserve to be punished for your choice of gen over save.
It is worth noting that Myers, Legion, and Oni are my three most played killers--all three of which can benefit heavily from a full squad hook ambush.
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If survivors come in with the "gens before friends" mentality, I'm probably going to camp to force hook state advancement. Call me a scumbag a such as you want, I literally wouldn't be doing it if their teammate/s hadn't tried to get the best of both worlds. Objective advancement AND saving a teammate? Yeah, no, you only get one. Make your choice.
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It means where you hit someone on the hook. Like slicing kebab meat for a doner kebab
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Oh lol
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I tend to find face camping a very dull experience as killer, so I don't. Really, once I hook someone I'll be after someone else, regardless of how they've acted to me. Besides, if I face camp someone who has "baited" me, then it doesn't matter if they are sacrificed or not - they won because they know they got to me. If you leave them, it annoys them more as it shows their actions are pointless.
The only time I'd hang around a hook would be if I know another survivor is there somewhere (scratch marks, sounds).
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I don't need to write a long ass post explaining why killers do this but the answer is simple....
Because survivors fall for it, or don't know how to counter it.
It really is that simple. If survivors clearly punished the camp or brought BT to counter it or knew how long it takes a killer to clean their weapon it wouldn't be an issue.....but people fall for new killers do it.
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Not sure what's better but both are classic "IN YA FACE!" moments.
Like when you face a sweaty slugger and you're last man standing and manage to heal them up mid-chase and it snowballs into a 4x escape because the Killer was too greedy for the 4k. I love situations where you're forced to play flawless or else everyone dies. They pressure me but when I succeed it's an incredible boost.
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I had 1-2 facecamp someone in my dbd "career".
Both times because they annoyed me like no one else before.
Both times it wasen't fun for me. Imo, facecamping is boring, but I had found it important to teach this particular survivor a lesson.
You know? We killers are also humans and if your behavior towards us crosses a line, it is ok for me, because I am the one as killer who can decide to really end the game for this 1 toxic player.