Missing perks?

ImNotSpiderman Member Posts: 7
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

So I'm just curious if it's just on console or maybe my account is just bugged, but I was wondering if anyone else's games start where you have a full loadout and offering but when you load into the game all your perks are gone and you don't have your offering either? It's happened to me a few times in the last week. It's really frustrating to me when it happens cuz I'm usually the decoy and the altruistic one while my friends or teammates work on gens and heal each other up and I can't do that too the fullest extent without my perks. So I usually end up slugged and stuck on the ground. Devs help plz.


  • ImNotSpiderman
    ImNotSpiderman Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2020

    In case you're wondering what the perks I usually run; they are bt, mettle, iron will, and spine chill, unbreakable, and adrenaline.