My Freddy Changes

Liam2102 Member Posts: 17
edited February 2019 in Creations

Freddy at the moment

Death won't accept him and thus he remains, a calamity, indisputable master of his victims' nightmares. Dream Demon allows The Nightmare to pull Survivors into the Dream World.

Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.
During the Dream Transition they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
When the Dream Transition lapses, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.

Once in the Dream World:
Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his Terror Radius.
Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 50 %.
To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find other non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action
Some failed actions can wake up the Survivor.
Getting hooked wakes up the Survivor.
Getting healed up from the Dying State wakes up the Survivor.
Adrenalin wakes up the Survivor once triggered.

Freddy Change

Death won't accept him and thus he remains, a calamity, indisputable master of his victims' nightmares. Dream Demon allows The Nightmare to pull Survivors into the Dream World.

Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition for 6 seconds.
During the Dream Transition they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
When the Dream Transition lapses, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
When the Dream Transition lapses, all Survivors Auras are revealed to The Nightmare for 2 seconds

Once in the Dream World:
Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his Terror Radius.
Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 50 %.
To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find other non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action
Some failed actions can wake up the Survivor.
Getting hooked wakes up the Survivor.
Getting healed up from the Dying State wakes up the Survivor.
Adrenalin wakes up the Survivor once triggered.

Once x amount of Survivors are in the Dream World:

0 Survivor :

  • The Nightmares movement speed is 110 %

    1 Survivor :

  • The Nightmares Terrror Radius is 38m

  • The Nightmares movement speed is 112.5 %

    2 Survivor :

  • The Nightmares Terror Radius is 32m

  • The Nightmares movement speed is 115 %
  • Survivors suffer an extra action speed penalty of -25 %

    3 Survivor :

  • The Nightmares Terror Radius is 28m

  • The Nightmares movement speed is 115 %
  • Survivors suffer an extra action speed penalty of -25 %
  • The Nightmares Action speed is increased by 8 %
  • The Nightmare loses his Red Stain

    4 Survivor :

  • The Nightmares Terror Radius is 28m

  • The Nightmares movement speed is 115 %
  • Survivors suffer an extra action speed penalty of -25 %
  • The Nightmares Action speed is increased by 8 %
  • The Nightmare loses his Red Stain
  • 1 random Survivors Aura turns Blue and he suffers from the Exposed Status Effect


Wool Shirt
A small boy's orange and yellow striped shirt. Identified with a sewn name tag to "Jesse".
Slightly decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Sheep Block
A white and blue wooden block depicting two woolly Lambs granzin and the letter „S“
Slightly reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 0.5 seconds.

Kid‘s Drawing
An unattributed drawing clearly crafted by a young child
Slightly increases the Power range

Garden Rake
A small claw rake, a must have tool for any accomplished gardener
Slightly increases movement speed after successfully putting Survivor into the Dream World

Prototype Claws
A home-made tool to facilitate bush trimming.
Moderately increases movement speed after successfully putting a Survivor into the Dream World.

Outdoor Rope
Sturdy outdoor rope, handy to tie up anything.
Moderately decreases the Survivors' Action Speed when in the Dream World.

Nancy‘s Sketch
A crude and bold sketch made with Fusain, signed by Nancy H.
Moderately increases the Power range.

Green Dress
A little girl's green dress with a silky white ribbon.
Considerably decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.
Slightly increases the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep increased by 0.5 seconds.

Cat Block
A white and purple wooden block depicting a sleeping Cat and the letter "C".
Considerably reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 1.5 seconds.
Slightly increases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Unicorn Block
A white and red wooden block depicting a prancing Unicorn and the letter "U".
Considerably reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 1.5 seconds.

Swing Chains
Rusty, but sturdy chains used to securely attach a swing seat.
Survivors suffer an additional 25 % Action Speed penalty when pulled into the Dream World for the second time.

Nancy‘s Masterpiece
A painting of a Character, made by Nancy Holbrook at Badham and kept as a treasure memory.
Tremendously increases the Power range.

Jump Rope
A long Double Dutch jump rope, stained with many years of use.
Tremendously decreases Survivors' Action Speed when in the Dream World.

Blue Dress - Changed
A little girl's pale blue dress with white lace which's front is ruined by large cuts.
Survivors cant wake themself up by missing a healing Skill Check in the Dream World.

Pill Bottle
An empty pill bottle which once contained a medicine called "Zoneral".
Survivors do not see glimpses of you during the Dream Transition.

Paint Thinner - Changed
A tin of a highly volatile and inflammable material.
Has a 25 % chance to spawn a second „Blue Aura Suvivor“ .

Class Photo - Changed
A large photograph taken at Badham Preschool showing the cheerful class of 94-95.
When a Survivor lapses into the Dream World you see all Survivor Auras for additional 5 seconds.
Tremendously increases the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep increased by 2 seconds.

„Z“ Block
A deeply scratched and burnt wooden block which's only recognisable feature is the letter "Z".
Tremendously reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by 2 seconds.

Red Paint Brush
A large paint brush, wet with crimson paint.
Slightly reduces movement speed.
Tremendously reduces the Terror Radius.
Tremendously reduces the Dream Transition. Time to fall asleep reduced by2 seconds.

Black Box - Changed
A black cardboard box filled with photographs.
Obsession starts the Trial in the Dream World.
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
The Obsession is allways a „Blue Aura Survivor“ at 4 Sleeping Survivors
Only one Obsession per Trial.

I would like to hear what you think about them ^^ Thank you

Post edited by Liam2102 on


  • fGringo
    fGringo Member Posts: 37

    not gonna lie, I didnt even read the first part, even tho I love freddy as a killer xD

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
    Gimme gimme gimme