are killers bad persons?

i mean the ingame characters. are they bad persons. i would say, yes. except for the demogorgon, you can say that the killers are bad persons. the demo just wants to eat and the hooking is his normal way to harvest food.
Plague, Wraith, Nurse, Hag are examples of good people who are twisted by the entity. If you read the Plagues Lore she should honesty be a survivor.
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Bubbas Not bad either, he's just been controlled by his family, and now the entity. Huntress could also be considered not bad since she's basically a child-minded individual
Edit: same could probably be said for billy since he was locked up for so long, and definitely spirit since she wasn't a killer at all until her father murdered he (though he lore could point otherwise i guess)
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Absolutly dispicable people!!
Ow you meant the characters, yeah they are not the nicest
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Well let’s summarize what we know of each killer’s past life and determine for ourselves
Trapper-Was manipulated by his father
Wraith-Saw his entire village get burned down and his boss was having him kill people without him knowing
hillbilly-Was hidden away from society from years by his parents cause of his appearance
nurse-wen’t insane after seeing all the messed up things in the asylum
michael-a little coo coo in the head
hag-Saw her friend die and was almost eaten by cannibals and had to be a cannibal herself in order to escape
doctor-Just wants to torture people, nothing more
huntress-Her mother died at an early age but she kills soldiers on the daily for sport
leatherface-Does what he thinks is right for his family
amanda-Yeah she’s bad considering in the movies she didn’t give people chances to escape her traps
clown-finger fetish
spirit-saw her mother get killed by her father and was then dismembered by him
legion-frank and julie had no problem killing people, joey hesitated, and susie definitely didn’t want to do it
plague-did what she thought was right in order to please her gods
ghostface-just your friendly neighborhood serial killer
demo-like you said, pretty much an animal that is looking for food
Oni-Yeah he killed a lot of people
deathslinger-he was poor and someone took credit for his invention so it’s understandable
pyramid head-Idk if you can really say a manifestation of someone’s guilt is bad
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True you added to my points. It seems a good amount of the cast are actually pretty easy going.
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Honestly, a lot of them aren't really that bad. Huntress is just a wild child (literally, not in the "part animal" sense), Demo is as well, Hag, Plague, Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Wraith and most of the Legion were kind of just victims of circumstance, and Trapper was slowly driven insane.
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All the killers have a sort of 'feel bad' backstory that the Entity manipulated to it's own ends. The biggest one for me was always Spirit. Her backstory hits me hard since she was never meant to be a killer, but became one out of the want for revenge against what her father did, even though the Entity caused her father to murder her mother. You even see it in Spirit's lobby animation, the few seconds that she seems to realise what she's become. It always hits me in the feels.
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they were eigther plain out bad perole or they were mentally unstable and were twisted by the entity into becomming the brutal and ruthless being they now are.
its said that those who didnt follow the entitys order right away got tortured, leaving them with scarred and disfigured bodies (e.g. Trapper).
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Not all of them are evil, but some are
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While not all were purely evil I think it’s stated that the Entity chooses killers that have it in them, it can’t twist every normal/good person into a brutal killer.
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Spirit isn't a bad person, just vengeful.
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I'm not sure if you meant huntress was bad or not. Just under her circumstances, is she really to blame for what she became? Just imagine if Mowgli from Jungle Book never finding civilization, he'd be more or less the same.
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Rin Yamaoka wasn't a bad person, The Spirit is evil because Onryo's will go out of there way not caring who gets hurt in the process to get their revenge
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That why I said she isn't bad, just vengful.
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Some of the Killer's are good people. I am glad that they are expanding on character stories.
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Wasnt the Trapper also a good person before? Maybe i am mixing up somethine here.