Will pyramid head get nerfed after the chapter is over?

What do you think
He should. I’m a PH main (mainly because I P3’ed him and have an insane amount of cakes left still). It is incredibly easy once you get someone tormented. Hook, Cage, Kill, done. Baby PH try to save tormented players to baby mori them. Forget that nonsense. It’s so easy I won’t kill anyone when I’m playing PH. It doesn’t even feel like a challenge
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No, he's fine as is.
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you know what assuming does
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Makes an ass out of u and Ming? Who’s Ming?
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I'd be closer to buffing him than nerfing him.
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Do I think he should be nerfed? Yes.
Do I think he will be nerfed? No.
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i really only want him to get a penality when faking his power.
currently chases with good PHs are basically pointless, as every time you reach a pallet or window he forces you away from it by ramming his knife into the ground - if you go through you are screwed thanks to his ranged attack and if you dont you are screwed cause he can just continue chasing like nothing ever happened, ending up with you being hit before you can reach something to defend yourself with (which he would just end up avoiding the same way anyway)
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This. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't.
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Oh damn we got a badass here, so easy I don't even kill anyone.
People play PH in different ways. I like to save torment and get maximum effectiveness from my perks. You clearly like to play him in a different fashion.
No need to call people who play differently to use babies lol.
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They need to give him something big in exchange if they want to take away the fast switch between M2 and M1. That's actually the only thing that makes him quite strong.
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i wouldnt mind that.
actually, i expect them to buff him in a different aspect for taking that away.
but his current ability to cheese a chase like that is extremely annoying and does not at all feel like good gamedesign to me.
i get some old legion vibes from that tbh and i wouldnt want anything like that to return.
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the only nerf he needs is a not being able to hit you with his power when he gets stone and M2 to M1 instantly is stupid as ######### needs a small CD on switch
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He got nerfed like a or two after release already. I don't think what chapter it's on matters.
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He shouldn't get nerfed, but they should rebalance the cooldowns: if he misses his range attack, the cooldown is super long -> it should be shortened. At the same time, he can keep baiting the ranged attack and then just M1 with no cooldown at all. They should add an animation lock inbetween
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I personally think people need to stop calling for so many killer nerfs. The killer role is the power role, hence STRONG. It's getting really tiring hearing the same thing over and over for every killer (Minus Freddy because he is a little too OP at times), but seriously. Let a killer have some strength and stop wanting EZ Games people. If nerfs got answered as much as they're cried for these days, this game would be a literal Gen simulator.
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Lol. "People should stop focusing on the nerfs they want and focus on the nerfs I want".
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Never said that did I. I've never said I wanted nerfs so where this came from I have no idea.
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I don't think that's good logic. The killer should have an advantage in the 1v1, but overall the 4 need to be more powerful as a whole. And even in the 1v1 it should largely still be down to gameplay and who is the better player. Not "Killer see's me i'm automatically dead cause they are the POWER ROLE" which is unfortunately the way the game has been heading since the Oni update.
Survivor needs to be fun and strong because there needs to be 4x the playerbase for them. And between the devs recently nerfing the most important resource survivors have (maps) and also releasing a slew of hideously unfun killers to play against; I feel like that's why we are seeing the 10-15 minute Q times for killer that were previously instant.
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Totally. I feel like people on these forums are so much in a mindset of Surviors Vs Killers that they forget we are all playing the same game. Tip the scales too much, it hurts everyone. Game needs to be fun, first and foremost.
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His cage makes him quite strong and negates several perks. If you get a survivor tormented they’re dead (hook, cage, hook).
Personally. I don’t think he should be able to down you with it. Maybe if he hits you you’re tormented and get BT effect
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I main him too.
He is mostly fine, though if they want to change anything then I think they should add a slight cooldown to the fake and reduce the actual M2 cooldown slightly.
Last thing I want is them to neuter him and have to go back to playing Freddy or Spirit. Killer diversity is key for both sides - it sucks to play against Freddy/Spirit constantly at high rank on console.
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He loses out on hook related perks too.
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They already nerfed his ass (literally), what more do you want? The real threat was neutralized.
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Please no he is fine as is. They messed with his booty and we'll....