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Here's the proof dead hard is the best exhaustion perk in the game (video)

Here's the video :

Watch how many times dead hard extended the chase MASSIVELY. Where true should have hit them but no counter because of a perk. Sprint burst gives you only some initial distance, not needed if you pay attention, and just 6 meters more of distance from the killer. Dead hard can save your life



  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    However SB can be used in the exact same way by letting the exhaustion timer reach less than 1 second and then start running, briefly stopping during a chase to basically have DH on demand that also gives you a 150% movement speed boost for 3 seconds.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Well in that case you're just gonna waste time trying to 99% it every time, so can work but only if you waste time around juking

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You don't need to waste any time at all if you manage your movements well. Simply switch between repairing and running from gen to gen as they are worked on and going for saves, always maximizing the time spent while SB is on cooldown.

    This is what makes SB objectively the best exhaustion perk in the game. It saves time across the board in the hands of experienced survivors. Not just in chases.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    The game begins and you must not waste time: what do you do? Waste SB and try to 99 it or walk but no 99? The first makes you lose more

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    That's not how to properly use SB. Walking around when the killer isn't nearby is a terrible idea.

    You seem to conflate repairing gens and avoiding the killer with just buggering around the trial with no direction trying to keep SB 99'ed.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    You can do it, but I'm not a random killer that gets baited when trying to patrol an area. I know my duds

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,841

    It requires the least amount of effort to have ready to use on demand, unlike 99'd sprint burst, or using windows for lithe or falling off a hill for balanced.

    I think clickbait shouldn't be given much attention but that's just me.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Dead Hard is only really good if you’re using it to get towards a pallet, otherwise it’s pretty useless. I don’t really bother with exhaustion perks, but Lithe is definitely my favourite one to use and the one I find I get the most use out of.

    I’d rank them:

    1. Lithe
    2. Sprint Burst
    3. Dead Hard
    4. Balanced Landing
  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    The biggest advantage of SB during a chase is not trying to get the killer to whiff by only running when meters from them. It's running around a loop and activating it when the killer gets close enough to try and attack you.

    Aim dressing will likely cause their attack to miss whilst getting you lots of distance in the process. Something that DH can simply not do.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413
    • You can Dead Hard directly in to a killer and not get hit and it locks their FoV on you additionally if they swing, which is disorienting on top of a self stun for the killer (I'm rank 4 killer, have seen this happen pretty much every match at least once).
    • You can Dead Hard over a trap and not trigger it.
    • You can Dead Hard over holes in the ground like on preschool (saw this in a video, haven't done it myself).
    • You can Dead Hard to dodge a hit and buy you distance to a window or a pallet. <--- This is the one people act like is the only thing it's good for.

    I'm sure there are others but I'm still fairly new and not great at survivor (currently rank 8), but running it with DS/UB it's saved me far more often than the other two combined.

    All the other exhaustion perks are just "go really fast for 3 seconds", with varying degrees of control, which is far less powerful. The cooldown could be (and really, should be) double all the other ones for Dead Hard, and it would still be the best one by far.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    SB users can safely work on gens extremely close to the killer, which is in my opinion it's biggest strength. You can also work on dead zone generators with much less risk. I always find SB users, sitting on gens until the very last second, to be significantly more annoying than someone dead harding for distance at a pallet loop.

    Trying to use dead hard to actually juke an attack is risky, and will leave you exhausted on the ground alot of the time. Dead hard gets negated by exhaustion add-ons; SB does not. DH does literally nothing against 1 shot attacks, which DBD has plenty of. It's easier to manage than SB, but not nearly as powerful.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    The problem with Dead Hard is that if you’re a decent enough killer, once you know somebody has it, you’ll bait it out and then down them. So it essentially only becomes useful for getting towards a pallet or vault. A killer that knows what they’re doing won’t just swing and let you Dead Hard through an attack.

    Lithe and Sprint Burst can only really be countered if you’re playing as certain killers, and sure they only grant you 3 seconds of additional speed, but that extra distance can make all the difference. I often pair Lithe with Dance With Me and it’s a great way of losing the killer.

    I suppose it’s each to their own. It’s just not a perk I use a lot. I just don’t find it useful or reliable enough.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    I used that video just because in that particular case dead hard saved their life so many times

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Actually it's difficult to judge, you'd have to make a massive statistic of chases and then determine which perk is better.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You don't have to at all! Just analyse the full potential of both perks and what situations they are best in.

    Although not useless by any means, DH is objectively worse than SB if both are used to their fullest.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    My comment wasn’t solely towards you. You just see a lot of people reference streamers on here and act as if their opinions are facts. Some people just live through them and don’t form their own thoughts which I’ve always found odd. I watch Monto a lot, but I don’t blindly agree with everything he says. He’s not better than me and his views aren’t more valid.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    This is OBJECTIVELY true, and that's the only reason I'd use SB not to gain distance or 99 it really rarely.

    The problem starts when a really good killer 3 gens an area of a map and completely screws everything to you . Then what do you do? SB won't help you mindgaming pallets

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    The extra time it takes to bait it is essentially giving you another one for free. For the killer to know you have it, you already had to have used it before, and they have to remember it was you and not the other 2 or 3 PR3 Claudettes or insert SWF meme of the week same cosmetic builds to make tracking harder.

    It's annoying sure, it also means you have to walk/crouch everywhere which dramatically slows your mobility. I'm not willing to give up more perk slots to compensate for that. The only perk that counters 1 shot downs is Adrenaline, as far as I know. There are also only 6 things that do this and they all have counters/drawbacks. I don't think 1 shot downs are very common at all, even so, I don't think Sprint Burst does much against them. If you're the only one and I have nothing else going I will chase you down anyway. The only reason to let it go is if there is something more important to do.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I'd still argue SB is still going to be better. Because you sit on your gen until they come over to you, and then SB as far away from the gens as possible if they actually commit to you. If you take a hit from there, that's 2 speed boosts you have gotten; so you are probably far enough away from the gens they have to abandon the chase if they want to hold the 3 gen at that point.

    SB will also let you start your first pallet loop at the optimal position. DH you might come into the loop at a position where you are forced to drop the pallet early or take a hit.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438
    edited August 2020

    I really wish people would stop ignoring streamers as examples of why things should be buffed / nerfed. Who else is going to have video footage of a problem in action? Most likely a streamer. Stop acting like someone who plays this game for literally their job and has 5k+ hours is trash at the game and stop using logical fallacies to ignore the arguments proposed. To pretend that true wouldn't wreck your ass in a game is stupid, you know he would destroy you.

    I understand not taking everything they say as gospel, but the opposite problem is exactly what you are doing, you can't completely ignore them either just because their a popular streamer you don't like.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I never said they were trash? I said there will be plenty of people who play this game that are better than them that don’t stream, which is only the truth. I also didn’t say that them showcasing problems in action was a bad thing either, so I’m not sure which post of mine you read. My issue is with the way people blindly follow whatever streamers say. Not everything they say is a fact, which is why some streamers have different opinions on the same topics, that’s what makes them, ya know, AN OPINION.

    And you literally know nothing about me or my gameplay, but think what you want. How do you know he would ‘destroy’ me and how do you know I couldn’t ‘destroy’ him back? I know people who have played this game for hours and hours and they still aren’t good players. Hours played doesn’t always mean that somebody is necessarily improving as time goes by.

    I also never claimed to dislike True or say to ignore everything he says? So I suggest stretching next time as that entire reply was quite the reach.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    Not entirely true, the problem is that dead hard can extend looping which is the strongest thing a survivor can do to waste a killers time. Sprint burst, lithe, and balanced generally don't do that, they just allow you to run to a different loop, they don't typically extend a loop.

    The other problem is, unlike the others, for the most part, dead hard can much more easily cover for you if you make a bad play.

    Looped too many times? Dead Hard.

    Killer made a good read? Dead Hard into a window/pallet.

    Killer landed a good hatchet/spear? Dead Hard.

    Unlike the others, you can play badly and still get good usage of dead hard.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    Your post completed ignored any of the points brought forth in the thread and simply said "I wish people would stop using streamers as examples" Maybe fight the argument presented with some sort of evidence? Stop leaning in on logical fallacies to promote your arguments.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    DH is prey to latency and dedicated servers. If the server says no, then you'll just become exhausted without the lunge.

    So, Lithe is the best exhaustion perk. It allows me to move from tile set to tile set, usually with a jungle gym between the killer and I.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    You don't have to walk/crouch everywhere. If they don't have corrupt intervention there's a 95% chance you are gonna be within like a 10-15 second walk of a generator at the start of the game. You can blow it anytime someone else is getting chased.

    "I don't think 1 shot downs are very common"

    Is this a game where Hillbilly, Leatherface, Oni, Ghostface, Myers (aka 20% of the killer roster), and a plethora of 1 shot perks/add-ons don't exist? It absolutely helps since if you get exposed out of nowhere or Billy saws up to your generator with a ~1 second warning, with DH you are just screwed. SB will at least get you to a loop so you can attempt something.

    It's a similar situation with Spirit phasing on top of your generator. With DH you are pretty much stuck at it, and then can't use your DH until you are already injured (and against a good spirit it probably do nothing anyways). SB you can get away to a pallet loop while fully healthy and not being exposed to stridor hits.

    SB is the greediest gen-rush perk since you can be ~8-10m from the killer working on a gen while your teammate is getting chased. If they swap to you, you SB off and they have to start a whole new chase. If they try and go back to the other chase, they already lost a ton of distance since you can hold SB until they are basically on top of you. And if they do nothing about it, well you are working on a gen.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Is there a time stamp?

    Not really feeling sitting through 20 minutes of "This is survive with friends, so I'm losing" or "I just wish I could get normal survivors sometimes instead of survive with friends".

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    You can play absolutely normally while saving Dead Hard for when you need it, while Sprint Burst requires managing when you can or cannot run. Sprint Burst isn't bad, but it's used in a very different way and often results in you playing sub-optimally to keep it at 99 or to prevent it from activating early. Dead Hard has its own button, and has i-frames. Why any ability in this game has iframes is beyond me. Is a quick dodge not enough? I'd rather it have 0 iframes and 2 charges rather than the current setup, but that's just me.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Is there a video between the 1000 advertisements? I would appreciate a timestamp.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
    edited August 2020

    The issue I see with DH is that there's no way to fix it without completely reworking the perk.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    SB is not outright better as if you have it 99d you can work on gens.

    So if your not the one being chased your basically worthless.

    Dead hard works on demand and can be used to avoid an attack / get distance / go through traps.

    If servers dont screw you dh is better imo

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146

    It's really 50/50 most of the times i press dead hard and get downed with exhaustion 🙃

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Ahem. Head On would like a word with you.

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    Dead hard is over rated, its bust, the amount of times i'm exhausted on the ground with the DH pop up is ridiculous, it's way too inconsistent and much too hard of a mechanic for indie devs to get right, not a perk worth running unless you literally only use it for distance

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Pretty much, but at least is only that and wastes 1 perk slot

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    If you really want to understand why a perk is strong in a certain match you should watch the whole match.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    edited August 2020

    Here's what I mean, time efficiency.

    And this is a problem caused by the connection, the perk is super strong. One lag hits will be retired dead hard will be much better

    Head on is a completely different style of gameplay, but I'd rate it better than sprint burst, just because of what you can do with it in combo with DS and inner strength and borrowed time, so you jump in a locker, be invincible for 60 seconds and make super aggressive plays possible

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Dead Hard is incredibly buggy and when I play with folks that have it, they are constantly talking about how it failed them. Perhaps when hit validation comes to the game, it will be worth using again.

    And for those saying Sprint Burst is better, it's garbage. Sprint Burst is only good if someone really uses it properly and doesn't hold back from running. Lithe is honestly better if you look for the nearest vault every time you go work on an objective (or really do anything).

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    that's because you're not using dead hard effectively. Dead hard's strength does not really come from being able to absorb a hit, it's strength comes from giving you 2-3 seconds of invulnerability which is enough to get you to the pallet or window to start a 2-3 gen loop on the killer.

    For some odd reason, the algorithm that determines the strength of a tile operates in a vacuum, it doesn't take the strength of adjacent tiles into its calculation, so you can very easily have 2-3 extremely strong tiles stacked right next to each other. Now if the algorithm puts these 3 tiles next to each other, the rest of the map will be weaker, but the problem is that unless you're hitting survivors at the complete other edge of the map, they are able to easily get to these tiles using the speed burst from the first hit and maybe a second chance perk like dead hard. These tiles can be so strong that it takes breaking pallets plus bloodlust 3 to catch up to survivors.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    If you use dead hard to gain distance at loops and not to pass through the killer hitbox you will have those milliseconds to predict the lag always

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Dud cowshed: 4 path pallets completely uncounterable, (just break the pallet and move on), a big tile pallet in the corner of the map ( one of the 2 where there isn't the cowshed or shack), 4 jungle gyms connected to path pallets, cow tree, god pallet, cowshed really strong windows, it's nasty, dead hard is gonna dominate completely everything

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    The only thing that bothers me abaut deadhard that it literally has no reguirements and if you mess up a loop; just press a button to extend the chase. Without deadhard you would have been hooked. Even zubatlel sarcastically sometimes says "oh deadhard, just press a button to undo the mind game"

    Most killer perks don't work like that. You need to actively make them work; pop: hook a survivor and find generator under 60 seconds, ruin is useless without pressure, thanatophobia becomes stronger then more you hit survivors. Even survivor adrenaline has requirements that you need to repair all 5 gens and it only works once.