BHVR: *release a hotfix patch* *forget about Plague*

So what was the point of the patch again if one of the most bugged killers in the game still sees no fixes? Not a single trace of her in the patchnotes. Do we need to re-iterate what her core issues are?
- Survivors don't cough anymore, not until they're fully broken at least.
- Her aim is completely messed up, she can't infect survivors in front of her anymore.
These two aspects are what define Plague's gameplay. If they don't work nor can she. I own every single paid cosmetic you've released for her and yet you still deny me the ability to play her.
It's a known issue and there working on it.
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I would also say, they didn't forget about her, they just can't fix everything at once. And why not release other bugfixes just because that one is not done yet?
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There's patch notes already? Can someone send the link?
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She is definitly playeble right now. I reached rank one with her last night and could use her as usual (PS4). Her vomit had problems before too, there are so many hits that you can clearly see, but nothing happens (or one second later the survivor suddenly falls...) but thats nathing new (sadly). And I think I heard not fully infected survivors cough yesterday, so that seems to work at least sometimes.
I hope they change the point of view back to the old one, although I gut used to it in the meantime.
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there are killer bugs that have been in the game for 4 years now.
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It's unbelievable how a game continues to get bugs and bugs every patch, it's just not on.
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I'd really like to play her but she's not really playable to me atm. I'm not going to relearn her aim due to a bug.
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3) "Missed" attacks.
Can't mention Plague's bugs without that glaring gem.
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No game is bug free, did you know? Did you know that Fallout (the very first one) is considered the buggiest game ever? Still playable because most of the bugs are not noticeable or not gameplay affecting.
The game will never be bug free and depending on how it is coded there might be decisions to just keep bugs because fixes are too complicated and might break the entire game on second step. They are constantly working on the game, you cannot deny it. It is just about the priorities on certain things we can argue.
But it's not like "whoops, nurse can't blink through temple? totally forgot about that". It's more like "I'm on point 15 on my list, Plague is next one" - "Wait, I got another 10 for you that need to come first"
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*Laughs in Nurse*
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They just announced another hotfix patch and Plague is STILL missing in the notes.
Please tell me this is a joke. This'll be the third patch in a row with an unplayable Plague.
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There's still the Oni bug where you can't activate your rage. I bought him but only played one game where his power didn't bug and didn't try since. He seems fun but I have only played him successfully as an M1 killer with his red addon.
There's really nothing to do but player another killer, play survivor, or just play another game. I'm going to replay Slay the Spire :)
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They really should stop releasing new killers until they sort out the ones they do have. Nurse is buggy, Myers has issues with stalking wrt the servers, GF has the same stalk issues and is just janky in general, oni seems pretty bug prone and spirit gets screwed by the sounds never working properly. And now plague joins the gang.
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Ghost Face's reveal is bugged from the start, Nurse is bugged on some maps, Billy still suffers from ghost saws.
Clown still does have the old pickup animation, Oni freaks out when hitting a Survivor while in Demon form.
The list goes on...
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About Ghost Face, that isn't a design decision, you can look at him dead in the eye and still not reveal him, and sometimes you get revealed behind walls as Ghost Face...
About Ghost Saws, not sure if it is a latency issue, it's here for a really long time.
Oni just spins his camera around extremely fast when downing a Survivor, nothing game breaking, just disorienting.
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Both, I'm aware that the player model blocks the reveal. (Which is pretty stupid imo)
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You know what WASN'T a known "issue"?
How about fixing ACTUAL ISSUES first? NOBODY was complaining about Billy.
That "issue" goes both ways. You can also be revealed by survivors who don't even have you in their line of sight. You can't stalk throug corn, but can be revealed through corn etc.
That being said, I never have issues revealing Ghostface.
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Nurse players would like to sit down and have some tea with you.
I don’t really expect these things to be fixed until they decide whether or not they want playing Billy to be annoying or not.
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not to mention that the hotfixes FIXES NOTHING
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sounds have been bugged forever for killers. Can't hear gens properly when they are one level above or below you, can't always hear survivors breathing or running, can't always hear survivors when they are on the ground. I experienced a pretty rare bug the other day where all my sounds were reversed, left was right and forward was backward.
Most of the issues are killer sided, so if you don't play a lot of killer, you probably won't notice them. The devs are usually pretty good at keeping survivor bugs to a minimum.
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Survivor bugs are a lot easier to notice though. There are always four survivors, while there is only one killer and not every game will have the same killer. Survivor bugs that affect specific characters are rare.
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Oni and Plague might as well be disabled with how they currently are.
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Honestly I actually have been getting better hits with bugged plague then normal plague. It's nice not having to tilt the camera so damn high for way too many shots. Can see better having to tilt it down. Probably really messes with plague mains practice though. I can't ever get non plague dailies for like the last 4 months so I mostly play her from necessity.
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May as well add to the growing list of bugs specifically Oni power lock, Nurse in general and sounds not working and get worse and worse with every new chapter not to mention the console fps issues they've been having when i thought they were supposed to get console to a stable 60fps but i guess they forgot.