Who do you think is the most unbalanced killer in the game right now?

I would like everyone's opinions on this!
Edit: Wow! This blew up more than I expected. Thanks for all of your opinions!
MMR. 🥴
But nah, Spirit. She's just a guessing game.
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clown and demo. Super OP nerf immediately!
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I can agree, even as a spirit main.
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I like to play a bit of Spirit, she's fun. Just not so much on the receiving end of her.
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This guy knows what's up
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Stridor spirit are the worst.
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Unbalanced as in weak? Or OP?
I might be the minority here, but I feel PH could use some more balance. 🤷♂️
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NOED is the biggest killer. :^)
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I recommend Off The Record, it completely removes grunts of pain while iron will give a reduction of 100%. However, it is a gamble.
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I'm trash as demo so I can't relate, but I play some clown and 75% agree
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Stridor Spirit. I want her deleted.
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No one is going to use off the record over iron will, iron will is way more better
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Off The Record is a gamble, but helps more against strider as it completely removes grunts of pain rather than giving a 100% reduction.
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That is true. I cannot lie but I'm just saying that it works.
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What changes would you propose?
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I'm the only one here that doesn't mind Spirit (although I do dislike Stridor Spirit)
I hate slowdown Freddy especially if they just spam snares on loops as there is little you can do in those situations. Other than that though, I'm not sure.
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Fire up clown.
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His bigg ol' kitchen knife needs a it faster use in both swing and torment need less holding down button to use. 🤷♂️
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I would also go with freddy. He does to many things in my opinion. Most of the time you are asleep so you have constant debuffs and you can´t hear his terror radius. And for the broken sound system in the game you often cant tell from which direction his singing is coming from. He can slow you down (on loops or whereever he wants) and he can teleport to generators. So he combines map pressure with chase pressure and is able to weaken the survivors passivly. In my opinion, thats to much.
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Buffed Leatherface, he's better than killers who need to charge their power just to get that sweet one shot
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Yeah, especially with certain add-ons. I tried to play leatherface the other day and couldn't figure out how to use his new chainsaw, then I realized how short of a time window there is.
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spirit still needs a visual power tell and legion needs alot of help
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People became so sick of Spirit that no one is even playing her anymore. At least I don't see any Spirits anymore. I see more Nurses than Spirits.
People are probably extremely bored playing her, including me. I usually rather pick Nurse or Oni if I want a powerful Killer, Spirit is so brainless. Just have functional Ears and you'll do well with her.
I'd probably go out of my way to say that she is even more brainless than Freddy. Just press M2 to outplay.
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I play spirit and nurse most of the time. You might have gone against me.
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Well like I said, I don't really vs Spirits. I vs a few Nurses, I usually get a lot of variation but one who sticks out is Pyramid Head, he is pretty common.
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Baby Megs
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I like, never give against a pyramid head, if I do its normally a new player.
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I think base Spirit is ok but some of her add ons and Stridor make her pretty cheesy.
Freddy would be my pick, personally. I think it would be easy to tune him down with some number tweaks or small changes that would make him less of a pain in the bum without gutting him or changing him too much. The fact that he has strong slow down, anti-loop, map pressure and a load of small bonuses like a confusing lullaby and the ability to ignore BT is just too much, in my opinion.
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Freddy is pay to win
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I mean he's strong but many free killers can compete with him or are virtually better (Nurse for example).
Pay to win seems a bit overexagerated.
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Unbalanced in terms of far too strong, spirit without a doubt.
Unbalanced in terms of far too weak, Legion.
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Just a small point, his lullaby is like huntress' and is 2d. You're not supposed to be able to hear which direction he's coming from whilst asleep.
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Nurse of course.
A chase against a good spirit can last 30-40 seconds, against a good Nurse you are dead within 15-20. On top of that, Nurse can immediatly down the next person, slug, snowball...
Spirit is more annoying because she feels you are not able to do anything against her, while Nurse gives you the illusion of counterplay (which is... an illusion)
The reason why some people think Spirit is more broken then Nurse is that she is more common and much more easy to play.
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Ok thank you for the information. I didn´t know that this is intentionally. But it doesn´t change my point. It just gives freddy even more different powers.
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I'm sure it's because of the constant bullying you have to go through as a Spirit player after matches and on the internet. Social pressure and cancel culture is a popular weapon in 2020. In every match i win, at least one player tells me that i'm an ######### for playing Spirit, that i play her just because i want to win every game... when i lose, which also happens against good survivors (in contrast to what everyone who doesnt play her thinks), people can't wait to spam "ez baby spirit l2p LOL you can't 4k with spirit every game? you noob!". That constant myth that's being told that Spirit is an easy 4k killer (i'm sure if it would be like that, people would play her more often) and you're a ######### noob for playing her, was planted in the heads of killers over time. And of course it's more easy to repeat what everyone else is saying than to try her out for yourself against really good players who acutally know how to mindgame her.
I also don't see her often, maybe 1 in 20 matches. I find good Deathslinger and Pyramid Head much more prevalent and oppressive, and i think many of the good Deathslingers use crosshair-overlays, which kinda is like cheating but yeah... it's not Spirit with Stridor, guess it's not a problem then.
Sounds are bugged btw, in my last game i couldn't hear 2 survivors with Stridor. It seems to get triggered by certain actions, because sometimes after going in a locker or so, they start making noises again. And btw, it's detrimental against survivors without Iron Will, just try it out.
And comparing her with Freddy? Sry but he has so many build in passive powers, with Spirit you don't have that crazy map pressure and build in stalling (falling asleep -> wake up) if you don't use specific add ons. She is good in chases and if you're injured, but getting that first hit is not easier than with other killers, especially now that everyone in Rank 1-3 knows a little bit about countering her.
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There is an add-on combo for spirit that is broken. Otzdarva made a video on youtube about it, it's pretty overpowered, I think it's the mother daughter bracelet and the yamuyauke amulet put together. (I can't spell the name of the second add-on)
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yes ring+amulet is a powerful combination which gives you insane map pressure cause you can phase from one point of the map to the other without interruption on most maps. But you can't see scratchmarks anymore with Mother-Daughter Ring, which makes it hard to use for beginners, especially if survivors are not injured and you cant hear them. But with some experience you still can get them in some cases, just not as precise maybe.
But i don't think it's more gamebreaking than let's say iri head Huntress or Tombstone Myers.
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Yes, but this add-on combo gives her insane map pressure as she can traverse it very quickly without even a trace of where she is other than her phasing sound when she is nearby.
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Which is another reason people dislike spirit, you have almost no information on where she is when she is phasing
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Which happens to be another reason people dislike spirit they have almost no information on where she is when she phases.
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Plague, she as the weakest power of all killers.
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Pig. Best killer in game, no counter, pls nerf.
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Possibly unpopular opinion, but I think apart from a God-Nurse (which are so rare, they might as well not exist), no killer is overpowered anymore. Not all killers might have counterplay in chase (many people argue Spirit is one of them), but due to power recharge mechanics, outside of chase every killer is beatable by splitting up, doing gens, and not being overaltruistic.
In my conclusion I am assuming the killer does not use a mori.
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Um, spine chill is a good counter. But you can't tell which way she is coming from, and you can't counter surveillance.
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One time I played pig, they got three gen'd and it took them soooo long to finish the gen because of surveillance.
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That´s definity not true. Her ability can be realy powerful und sometimes crashes the games of hyper aggressive SWFs in a few seconds if they do one little mistake. Many people think it´s a counter to her if you just don´t clean yourself on a fountain, because then she gets her range attack. But guess what: Now your one hit for the hole round...
Sometimes it can work, if it´s a 4 SWF with realy good loopers and all of them clean themself simultaniously at the end of the round. But it can also crash your game in a few seconds. Plague isn´t one of the strongest killers, but can youse her power in enough different ways that it works well.
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Trapper. By far, Trapper. The game has moved past him so much. His power takes way too long to set up, in a game where an early snowball is required. He is easily the most map-dependant killer in the game, and he had an extra layer of map dependency: Trap spawns.
He is just the worst mix of every bad trait that killer have. No mobility, too much setup, no perk synergy, map dependency, survivor skill dependency, perk weakness, and even good old SWF call outs. Trapper is easily the most unbalanced killer in DBD: he is the reverse of the current meta.
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