MMR should be weighted for looping and for similar style killers

If you are rank 1 clown or trapper and you start as a rank 20 clown you are going to destroy survivors in a way that is unfair to the matchmaking. some killers have very similar play styles and ranks with similar killers should be taken into account even when trying killers for the first time.looping is a heavily transferable skill.
This is specific to looping but there are other metrics and play styles that have transferable skills namely stealth killers.I just chose looping to get the idea across and i though using something like this would make it most obvious.there are clear other ways to weight killers.
what do you guys think? is it right to rank all killers completely separately even if they are extremely similar?
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The base MMR for killers needs to be raised if the player is skilled at playing killer (even if its one). So when switching killers you aren't playing rank 20s.
I am not sure whether time played is factored in or not. But if it isn't then it should be.
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what do you mean? just starting all killers at rank 10 if they've been to red ranks as any killer?
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That would be a start, Im rank1 as Killer, usually play Myers or Jigsaw, the other day I played one game with Nurse (I have 6 games in total with her) to test the MMR, I got 3 rank 20 that had only one perk.
I stomped them (I let them escape at the end) even with Bamboozle no-blink Nurse I would have beaten them easily, one had like 20 minutes of total gameplay.
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I agree with the general idea that there should be a common base MMR among all killers. There are so many transferable skills for experienced killer (Map awareness, mindgames..etc), being a rank 1 spirit for example doesn't mean you will suck as a wraith and should be matched with rank 20's.
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Don't let survivors escape, just kill them. By allowing them to leave you will increase their MMR and they will end up again with another experienced Killer just to be stomped again.
(EDIT* If you manage to escape against a Killer with a high MMR you MMR as survivor will go up very fast. That's why as a experienced Killer, you never should let "baby survivors" escape, they will get stomped the next game, make them stay in the lower base to avoid this)
He wanted to say that your experience in other Killer's should reflect in your global MMR killer, since the experience of playing Killer is all the same(basic concept of looping, mindgames, m1, m2).
They should make a global MMR for all Killer's you have. For example, I played 100 matches with Huntress and I've done a good job on my matches(a lot of 4ks), the next time I play with another Killer, my MMR with other Killer's should reflect with the Killer I will be queuing, that means I won't have my MMR at 0 for that Killer, but it will start from a X margin, avoiding unbalanced matches.
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"By allowing them to leave you will increase their MMR and they will end up again with another experienced Killer just to be stomped again."
They got paired against a guy with 1000 hours and red rank because the game only took my 0 games as Nurse for the matchmaking, which is extremely wrong and needs to change, they will be paired against people with very little time on the Killers they select not little time in the game, only if the system gets fixed theyll get paired against new players too.
Also, how much lower MMR can a guy with 26 minutes in the game get? Id rather play the game holding back and throw them a bone by letting them escape after I get my hooks and chases than bullying newcomers sot hey can close the game, uninstall and never touch it again.
"If you manage to escape against a Killer with a high MMR you MMR as survivor will go up very fast. That's why as a experienced Killer, you never should let "baby survivors" escape, they will get stomped the next game, make them stay in the lower base to avoid this)"
Right now they wont because the game took only my MMR as Nurse (which was 0 since I didnt play her during all 2020 and half of 2019), the game tought they escaped against someone as new as they, thats why there has to be a baseline MMR for Killers, to avoid pairing newcomers against people who know the basics and the advanced stuff.
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I used my Huntress games as a real example, I play Huntress everyday and end up facing new survivors all the times, thats why I won't let them escape, otherwise their MMR would rise a lot. Yeah, it's sad they will get stomped and probably stop playing, but at least I'm doing them a favor.
The MMR system with the "10 matches played" clearly is not working, as I would expect because in a game like DBD you can't measure players skill with such little data. Like I said on my post, all your Killer's MMR should reflect on the Killer you're queuing.
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Yeah I know, but I clearly stated I played Nurse 6 games in my life, none of those in 2020 when allegedly they started recording statistics for MMR matchmaking.
The matchmaking was using my 0 MMR as Nurse and treating my like a newcomer so it paired me against newcomers even when I have 1000 hours in the game. By letting they live the game is going to calculate and raise their MMR as they had beaten someone with 0 MMR not like they beat me as Myers (the one I play the most and reached Rank1 all seasons until today for like 1 year).
What im trying to say is by letting them escape with a low MMR Killer they wont be getting any higher in the system, since the game doesnt take on account other Killers or playtime. And newcomer Survivor is harsh and disencouraging enough for me to bully fresh fishes just because the MMR is busted, I dont want the comunity to shrink because it will hurt me in the long time.
On a sidenote, Killer mains always complain how incredible frustrating and miserable they feel and how the evil SWF bullies them to misery and hopelesness yet since the MMR got implemented Ive seen some really nasty acts from veteran Killers against super obvious newcomers, like tunneling, facecamping, slugging to an excesive degree, Mori etc... thats the magic of being paired with newcomers as Survivor too, you can watch some red ranks going postal on ranks 20.
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Something like that yes. Though ranks aren't considered in this MMR - so the rating equivalent basically (i.e. base rating has a higher floor).