Remove teachables

Laurie_IsLife Member Posts: 15
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think everyone is missing the big picture on why dbd has such a problem and often people argue that its because of perks and yell out specific perks they hate

The problem with dbd is survivors and before you disagree with me please note that I am a survivor main and you should hear me out.

Survivors have no downside to them you can play any survivor without any penalty where that is different for killer, you can't play any killer and it be the same. Killers have different abilities which leads to different playstyles survivors don't you can play any survivor and run at the same speed etc needs to change

My suggestion: Completely rework survivor and remove teachables.

Survivors needs stats like killers, some survivors should be slower than others leaving them at a disadvantage but could have pros like more strength (by strength I mean throwing down a pallet faster and it stuns the killer for like 0.3 seconds longer)

Exhaustion needs to be base kit, there needs to be exhaustion you shouldn't be able to run across the map without stopping to catch breath and this gives killers like hag a chance in chases where you run a -5% slower if you run for to long

Teachables have always been a problem on the survivor side anyway and have continued to be a problem throughout the years. They honestly make a character less important since all you have to do is get someone to level 40 in the blood web then be done with them this can be done in a day. I propose they remove teachables as a whole and yes I'm aware that this can be argued with but I have an example

Say you wanna use dead hard but you also want to use decisive strike you can't anymore you'd have to play David for dead hard or Laurie for decisive strike.

I know there will be entitled players who won't like this idea but I think every survivor main realizes that killer has harder than survivor and something needs to be done other than reworking powers and perks.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Laurie_IsLife
    Laurie_IsLife Member Posts: 15

    I agree with that, but it's not that hard to get teachables on people you can do it within a week or less they really should remove it's the stem of toxicity in this community

  • Laurie_IsLife
    Laurie_IsLife Member Posts: 15

    I'm not a survivor main if my opinion is different from yours?

    I am a survivor main but I watch killers play and I see how hard they have it compared to survivors like I said you can play any survivor without having without have any penalties its ridiculous

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Why would survivors need to change? Survivors are just a skin change. A T3 Meg is no different from a untouched Yui for example. Killers are different because of the powers they have. Survivors 'power' comes from their perks, being their only defence barring Pallets/loops. So of course Killers play differently each time. You wouldn't expect, for example, a Demogorgon to try sneak around like a Myers because their powers are so different. Demogorgon is loud and you know how he can cover distance easily, where Myers will try sneak around and get his power from you without you realising. Survivors don't need to build up anything, or setup the match.

  • Generator_Repairer
    Generator_Repairer Member Posts: 84

    Like she said, it's part of the game and it can't be removed SNAP like that. This kind of rework would create a lot of questions and balancing issues, but it's an interesting idea nonetheless

  • Laurie_IsLife
    Laurie_IsLife Member Posts: 15

    Which is the point i was making, you can run any survivor without a penalty you can't do that with killer. Every survivor is just the same the only differences they have are their appearance. Stats would be an interesting concept for survivors to have if you really think about it, it makes no sense how survivors all run at the same speed, or how we can run across a map like coldwin farm or rotten fields without being exhausted

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I agree, it would, but then the game would grow old and boring. You'd see the exact same 4 survivors every match because they would have the best stats. We already have that in form of the 4 Meta perks for Survivors. Doing it with the same character wouldn't change much.

  • matther
    matther Member Posts: 3

    I was thinking about something similar to this. I don't think survivor movement speed should be changed for any of them though. I do feel like vault speed/healing/gen speed should be something to think about though for each character. Straight buff though, keep all the same base speeds survivors have now (because of the perk changes i suggest below) That being said though, it couldn't be anything ridiculous. Probably something in the 2 to 3 percent over normal speed. I also think the main staple perks to survivors/killers should be locked to that character. It does limit creativity a little bit but it also makes it to where you cant just run all the super strong perks at one time. You'd have to settle for either using ruin or pop by playing hag or clown, or on the survivor side youd have to play laurie or bill if you wanted to choose from unbreakable or decisive strike. I think doing that would honestly also create more variety of builds as well, and we would see more of the less used perks. Sure it would suck not being able to use super strong over powered builds but in general i think this would help with multiple issues in the game. I feel it would help bring out more builds, we would see lesser used perks, and i also feel like it would severely cut down on the toxicity in the game. No more would killers have to worry about survivors all running dstrike unbreakable dead hard some other strong perk, and no longer would survivors have to worry about bbq corrupt pop other strong perk here killers.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    no because then survivor we only see the same 4 survivors every match we got that already with killer it boring.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Okay and? Survivors do get nerfed all the time. You think this game really needs more variables to consider when making balance changes by giving survivors unique skills and weaknesses? Survivors are just skins and we like it like that. People need to stop trying to make killer and survivor the exact same thing. It doesn't work like that. You really want survivors to have abilities on top of 4 perks like killer? Sometimes I think ppl just have no idea how 4v1 works.

  • jimmy5200
    jimmy5200 Member Posts: 85

    yea I’d love to see the same 6 survivors over and over again because they have the best stats. this isn’t Mario kart.. It would be harder for killers as now they have to deal with all these meta perks flooding in at every rank. Rank 20s with ds, selfcare, unbreakable, dead hard, or adrenaline, etc, all in one, need I say more? sounds like a fun time for brand new killers.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Bruh it took like 2 months to get the good ones, you know everyone wouldn't hate to see no mither go

  • Ready
    Ready Member Posts: 12

    i disagree with you completely im less then 2 weeks old on this game and i can play as a level 1 killer killing even red ranked players so easy and this is without using more then 1 lvl 1 perk and can win the game verse survs easy its a matter of how you process the game if anything perks should be dumbed down on killers and or removed completly as all killers are exactly the same other then their very own exclusive ability this also brings me 2 it is not penalizing any killer for being on a new killer to play against their own rank levels if anything make them rank up against people a few ranks back not against noobs and i do have proof i can post of how bad this rank system is 1 game someone d/c before mat you know the rank levels ?

    R18 surv r20 surv r20 surv r17 surv | Then R1 Killer this is fair how? you realize he desomated all of us then proceeded to say not my fault we cant see ranks prior to the end of the game so you are punishing new players instead of promoting good game play its rediculous oh let me go again here is another example the game i played right before this post.

    R16 surv r17 surv r20 surv r20 surv ||| OMG another r1 killer? this is fair at all most of my games have been like thjis tonight now you tell me how this is fair and once again the killer says how was he suppose to know he was bashing on noobs let me take a breath for a second and think uhmmm because it was super easy to kill all of us off before we get gens and anything done? BH you guys need to pull your head out of your rearends and fix this problem the new match making system will NEVER work how can i tell you this its common sense if new killers are matched against noobs to learn their killer you have 22 killers in game that means 22 killers later they finally stop matching 1 player with noobs but how many more players will be goign through 22 different killers use your brain for a minute if your goign to fix this you have to pull the killer playign a new killer back a few ranks not back to the noob stages put them with the purple players give the rest a chance you realize in the past 20 days you guys have lost 2.6k players? most of it has more then likly been in the past few days since this new match making system its broken and will not calibrate the way you are planning for it to you cant test o na small scale and expect it to work on a larger scale you tested it on a SET number of PEOPLE not the entire gaming community and everyday you get new gamers you also have old VETS that come back and can snap right back into it like riding a bike hence why this system will never CALIBRATE i was goign to buy this game for pc as well not just my xbox one i wasted real money on your dlc's cosmetics and rift pass would have done so on pc as well i own every dlc you put out and im only a little less then 2 weeks old on this game i will not be buyign for pc anything till all of this match making bs is corrected if i find a game i like more then this game before that match making is fixed i more then likly wont end up coming back and wont be spending more of my money on this the game was enjoyable before the mmr was released now the game is a major headache i had to switch to a new accoutn to play just so that my rank isnt shattered that i worked so hard to level to just get to r12 with 1 pip away from 11 and now im literally 1 pip away from dropping back to a r14 due to facing r1 -r4 killers and occaionally a purple once in a blue moon i get a new killer with a ranking of 15-20 and can get a safty pip and or 1-2 pips but in most cases its r1-4 killers and they just slap the whole game then they say not my fault its the mmr i dont know your noobs you do though based on how we play WE CANT EVEN LOOP right that in itself should tell you we are NEW

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    No. I hate this. Then we’ll just keep seeing the same survivors, there will be no variety.

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122


    Instead of perks being meta, certain survivors (can you guess who?) would be the meta. And that means even less variability than we see now. I DO like the idea of "enhancing" the game (secondary objectives, more customization options, ever more characters and unique, and hopefully useful, perks), but I don't think this is it. This idea will just detract from what we already have, imo.

    Speaking of which, what's the deal with the so-called Red Glyphs everyone was talking about a while ago? Mere rumours?

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    No, we've seen what happens when they implement big changes years into the game's life (the new MMR), if this had been the way the game had been from the beginning? Sure, interesting idea and concept. But now? Four years into the game's lifespan? No. If they ever make a DBD 2 this would possibly be a fun shakeup to the game.

    But not now. You don't completely change the way a game work years into it's lifecycle without losing a LOT of the playerbase in the process. could it bounce back? Maybe? Would the old survivor playerbase who left come back? I sincerely doubt it.

    Also as someone else said if you're going to restrict survivor perks in this way killer has to go the same route. How fair would it be if Laurie could only run her three base perks but killer could run whatever they wanted? Not very fair at all.

    I'm gonna have to give this one a big no chief.

  • NoMithertime
    NoMithertime Member Posts: 2

    This is idiotic in my option as this mean every survivor is the same meaning there is no reason to play different survivor other than cosmetics, teachables make survivors unique, also the shrine of secrets would have to be removed completely as there would be no reason for it as teachable can't be unlocked, I don't really understand your hate towards teachables I think they make it fun to get them.

  • notameatybassriff98
    notameatybassriff98 Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2020

    It seems pretty cool, but a penalty for running too much and a decrease in certain survivor's speed seems a little too excessive as a survivor already moves slower than a killer

  • notameatybassriff98
    notameatybassriff98 Member Posts: 53

    But now what if survivors had their own little buffs that are different for each survivors? That would seem pretty cool

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    You could play that way yourself without it affecting every other player if you wish. Oddly enough, not everyone that plays this game plays it to the point of having every perk on every survivor. Not everyone that plays even has access to every perk. For example, I don't have Laurie on my Xbox account so DS isn't even possible for me to use.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    You must be drinking your own bath water. That's a stupid idea. Like someone said earlier, some of us have spent years getting all perks on all characters..... Sooooooo hell no from me...

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Now this is just my way of thinking but why not add a 5th locked perk to every character in the game so that they're not just reskins. It could be the same for killer so that you still can freely choose 4 perks but you could also have a perk with a benefit and also a consequence. Just my thought tho

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    New Dynamic Perk Rules:

    Level 3 perks: you get 2

    Level 2 perks: you get 1

    Level 1 perks: you get 1

    You fill the slots in 3-2-1-3 order. If you swap a 2 to a 3 it becomes level 3 and vice versa.

    You want the best perks? You gotta decide which ones are stronger in your build, and which ones take a hit.

    Could be a fun way to nerd perks without nerf-nerfing them. And give you a little strategy on your surv build.

    I know I get kinda bored with em and just basically run one or two. But some cheese juggling would be fun.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    Either a fifth locked perk OR a 5th & 6th slot. But with a catch:

    You want your 5th or 6th slot? You have to trade out one of your first 4. And you can only do it once per trial. (And not while the perks in cool down or something.)

    That could be fun for killer or survivor. Basically add a mini-deckbuilding mechanic to allow some actual instant counterplay.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    That actually sounds quite fun! It would take time to figure out what works best with what. But hey I'm willing to spend extra time for some fun builds

  • FieldAgentReaper
    FieldAgentReaper Member Posts: 25

    this is the stupidest thing ive ever heard for this game this isnt even input just shut up please

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Killers get extra already. Freddy can learn every perk while also getting to base teleport or demi base dig holes, etc etc. No survivor gets those boosts on top of sharing perks. Let's make the argument to give survivors more base ability pending survivor. Yall don't want that either because then you can go every match with hateful messages after they over.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    We already have meta perks and meta killers, we don't need clear meta survivors as well. I mean survivors already have little differences, there's a reason "Blendette" is a term, and some survivors have more quiet breathing or injured noises than others. But it's small enough of a difference to still see good variety in survivors (even though some are more rare than others of course)

    Knowing a certain survivor can't have a certain perk has issues as well. No Lauries or Bill's? Tunnel away, there's no DS or UB for example. And no one's getting up on their own unless there's a Cheryl and you have a hex totem.

    And same goes for killers if it would apply to them too, there's lots of perk combos that use perks from different killers. PWYF + Nemesis, Enduring + Spirit Fury. And perks that many killers use like Corrupt Intervention, Pop Goes The Weasel. And if you want to harvest BP you better like playing Leatherface or no BBQ & Chili!

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    You'd need to do the same for killers. Keep BBQ exclusive to leatherface etc. Yall can't handle that though

  • Fr3e
    Fr3e Member Posts: 13

    I don't think teachables should be removed, killers have those too, but the idea of making certain survivors faster, slower, stronger, weaker, etc... Is interesting to me, BUT a part of me feels like it would just end up making it were every game had 4 Meg's running around at light speed crouch spamming windows and pallets because that's "meta" lol

  • TomatoeJoe
    TomatoeJoe Member Posts: 1

    In theory, I think getting rid of teachables could partly be a neat idea. However, it'd lose them a lot of money, as half the killers mainly purchased for their perks. Plus, you couldn't do a hex build.

  • 47v3ctorlulz
    47v3ctorlulz Member Posts: 7

    I like both of these, but here's another concept:

    The proposed 5th perk slot could be a restricted slot containing one of the character's teachables. From level 1-24 it's tier 1, from 25-49 it's tier 2, and at level 50 it reaches tier 3. Perhaps you start with the level 30 teachable, upon reaching p1 it switches to the level 35 teachable, at p2 it switches to the level 40 teachable, and at p3 you get to choose the teachable.

    Personally I think it adds more value to the prestige system rather than increased odds for rares and some bloody clothes.

  • marlinson
    marlinson Member Posts: 1

    I agree a lot with what you said. maybe not all teachables but it does need to be reworked. I've always thought it was dumb that survivors can just do whatever build they want. Don't think killers should be able to do it either though. I'd say probably make one perk per survivor/killer would not be teachable whereas the others would be teachable. The fact that all perks can be learned just makes balancing this game more difficult. It won't happen though. Survivors would cry and moan more than they already do. Would probably kill the game lol.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Not allow a survivor to run freely?? Foolish foolish suggestion. If they ever did it killers would get a significant Nerf because most games would be an easy 4k if survivors just couldn't run indefinitely. Tunnel one person hook em and try to catch the next before or as they're running to hook. Hook death time would have to be changed. And lots of other things. Terrible suggestion.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Stop. It's never gonna be taken into consideration firstly. Second it's a terrible suggestion to fix any problem you claim is a problem for the game. Most of the players aren't good enough to outrun a killer for long anyway this would only off those players and rocking everyone to use Meg or Laurie. Most of the characters would be dead patch day and any future ones would be dead before release. No to your suggestion

  • Rainbow_Nugget
    Rainbow_Nugget Member Posts: 18

    imagen they did this:

    People wanne play David for Dead Hard but he´s also the slowest survivor.

    You play a killer like Bubba and Dead Hard can be countered too easily.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    I just like the idea of immediate counterplay, since right now perk countering is very abstract.

    So you get a noed this game? You can play ASSUMING you'll get it next game, but that's pure luck.

    Or they lucky dip purple flashlights? Woulda been nice to have Franklin's, too bad bud. :/

    But if you could trash one perk for another, suddenly the game becomes dynamic in that regard.

    Though I bet everyone would just have DS and BT and NOED in the chamber, lol.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    Should've asked for it very loudly back in 2016.

    Too late now. It would be a huge disgrace to players, who have put hundreds and thousands of hours to get all the perks on their characters.

  • Beefmer
    Beefmer Member Posts: 7

    I have never disagreed with someone so hard in my entire life you “Survivors have no downside to them you can play any survivor without any penalty where that is different for killer, you can't play any killer and it be the same. Killers have different abilities which leads to different playstyles survivors don't” you ever go against a blendette bro? There’s a play style

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    You can run any killer and the game gives you there power , plus the power of survivors having the hit box of a house

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    So killers don't get teachables either , they get the three default plus the like 10 noon killer specific game perks to choose from ?

  • Alphiax
    Alphiax Member Posts: 34

    Ummm you do realize the shrine exists right ds can be gotten there all perks are attainable in the game regardless of purchasing dlc. And before you say that still requires money it doesn’t you use in game currency so there you go get yoslef some ds

  • Alphiax
    Alphiax Member Posts: 34

    I honestly don’t think this would matter much considering core builds include things like inner strength self care adrenaline to name a few that really don’t matter what tier it is like I’d have ds 3 inner strength 3 adrenaline 2 and self care 1 and it really wouldn’t change anything

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    You don't need to play a killer or survivor to get their teachables, play someone else and level up the person you need with the BP you earned. For example: I have all of nurses teachables but I didn't even touch her and I never plan to, same goes for Billie.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    I'm a main killer myself, but also I know something about survivor obviously (I have to know my enemy in order to face it).

    You are indeed extremely right, killer is harder than survivor, and one reason for this is that every killer is different.

    Making every survivor different would definitely balance this game more, and certainly, more fun to play.

    If every survivor has downsides and upsides, even I would want to play survivor.

    The only reason I don't like playing survivor is because I get bored of them in 2 or 3 games. It's like playing the same thing again and again = boooring.

    Each killer has its unique identity and power, and it's so cool being a killer main.

    Also, playing killer is playing dbd in hard mode, and playing survivor is playing dbd in easy mode. Thus, I prefer killer.

  • Ready
    Ready Member Posts: 12

    sadly i disagree here because im not even a full 2 weeks in the game i can play a brand new killer ive never played before and still kill all 4 survs even when its a game of swf red ranks so this is totally disgree with it is actually harder to play surv then it is to play a killer and the sad part is i can do this using a level 1 killer so if you are having issues playing killer and think it is hard to do then you arent very observant in your matches or hard of hearing because its easy to follow red scratches and to hear survs crying out in pain etc its very easy to track if someone jumped in a locker even without making a sound etc so i do really disagree here