Salty survivors do not allow me to use my YELLOW MORIS

I just want to see a nice killing animation or use shroud of separation without impacting the gameplay in a negative way. Yellow mori is completely harmless version and do not dc please in loading screen because you know that yellow moris and shrouds are still possible to see. Don't be such selfish being and allow me to have a game after 15 minutes waiting in lobbies.
I try to do the same thing and they always seem to d/c mid match or at the loading screen expecting the ebony or ivory mori, cause who would bring a cypress? Not too many of us i suppose lol.
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I had FIVE lobby’s of people dc during loading in a row. I just want to see a cool kill animation.
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Personally I get a great deal of enjoyment out of people DCing when I bring Cypress or Shroud. I got in their heads, and they ran like the cowards they are :)
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I mean, even if they didn't d/c the chances you're going to get to use a yellow Mori? Slim to none. The stars have to align for you to be able to use that baby, you'd be better off bringing a green.
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That's like complaining that a killer DC's after a quickswitch to key. Sure, it could be a green key with a reading add-on, or it could be a pink key with bloodamber and extra duration.
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Well if they ever Balance Ebony and Ivory Moris then the loading screen “crashes” will stop.
Doesn’t help the fact that people who bring aforementioned offerings tend to play extremely toxic as well.
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Like you gotta love the insta tunnel off first hook moris the most. /s
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This is why the yellow mori should be just base kit for every killer.
If everybody else is dead chances are you werent going to wiggle off.
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I'm a survivor main, and ngl, if I know someone has a mori, im staying. I don't get to see it very often and I always hope that it's Legion, Myers, or the Doctor. If i'm in the mood for a casual run, I always hope they have it. That being said, if I see its clown, that might be the only time i'd ever DC. His animation makes me wanna puke.
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I'll stick around to see if it's an ebony mori. If it's ebony, I just leave. I don't want to waste my time with a high-chance toxic killer to get 5k blood points.
If it's legion, I leave the second I see a mori of any kind. Their animation makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and honestly I am surprised it's stayed the same for so long. They really should change it to all 4 running out and stabbing them quickly or something.
But in short, I've never experienced an ebony mori where the killer wasnt 100% tunneling or camping. So it's never worth it from a survivor perspective.
When I get mori quests, I use yellow ones because it doesn't feel like I'm wasting anyone's time then. Or the spirit rancor.
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Sorry but the yellow mori is ridiculously OP
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I'm a survivor main, relatively new to the game (June). I've experienced a few mori's but the overwhelming majority of killers do use them sparingly, and fairly. Tunnelling and camping are far more annoying traits and far more toxic than a Mori user, in my opinion.
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You really shouldn't be surprised if survivors d/c during load with a secret killer offering. It sucks to deal with, but many survivors don't want to deal with Ebony or Ivory Moris as often the killer just tunnels the first person off hook to turn the game into a 3v1.
Neither Shroud or Cypress Moris are common enough that survivors consider them to be actual possibilities.
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They should just make the yellow one public.
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They DC on loading screen even on console when the survivor queues are like 15 minutes sometimes
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I fully understand survivors who do that. Why bother risking having an ultra unfun match when you can just move on to the next one?
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So you sit through lobby simulator, take the time to see if its a certain killer. Wait until killer actually uses it. And then DC. Because you dont want to waste time for 5000 bloodpoints. (Which if you play the game you get more than that even if you are morid early. ) Which then after you DC you get zero points.
I honestly don't get the logic?
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Did I ever tell you about the time I burnt Hadonfield 3x in a row cause Killer kept DC???😊🌈☺
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I understand tunneling killers with moris.
It is a long time ago since I have read the mori descriptions, but was it not so, that some only work after a unhook, by the person they have hook before?
If so, I totally understand this behavior, because it literally forces them to act like this, if they want to use it.
Mhm, would I play regulary dbd now, I would choose some of the other secret offerings, just to set the heartbeat of the survivors a bit up before they later see that it wasen't a mori xD.
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As long as a Survivor has been hooked once at all during the game, and you have a Green or Red Mori, you can mori them. It doesn't matter if you've hooked someone in-between, Say you hook Survivor 1, Hook Survivor 2 and 3, you can still Mori Survivor 1 at ANY time (except if you third hook them, because obviously then they're dead lol). You can Mori a person after 1 hook, or 2 hooks. But you don't have to Mori someone STRAIGHT after you hook them. Whether that be first or second hook.
If you want to Mori someone you can't 3 hook them, but you can Mori them anytime with a Green or Red Mori as long as they have been hooked ANYTIME during the match.
The Yellow Mori is a bit different as it just means you can Mori the last survivor, even if they haven't been hooked all game.
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Blame the devs for having that be a secret offering.
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Ah thanks for refreshing my memories. Is a long time ago where I have read the descriptions on them.
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If they dc, they dc... I throw in the shroud of separation just to mess with the survivors and I get mori dc's... and laugh when they find out it was a shroud and they wasted their blood points. so just go with the flow, it is what it is unfortunately... personally I don't care if you mori me at all if I'm caught, i'm caught it's all the same I love moris, and enjoy watching them!
you left out the most important part of the yellow mori.... you still MUST have hooked that survivor. that is still part of it.
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Well you cant blame people for not wanting to take their chances and play against something that can be really unfun, its the same when Killers lobby dodge when they see four P3 Claudettes with Flashlights or the squad of Neas with ugly cosmetics, we all know they didnt come to the trial to fix gens.
I understand the yellow one is mostly harmless but in my experience if I see a hidden Killer offering 95% of times is an Ebony and in my experience Ebonies are brought to vent steam because some meanies were mean towards the Killer last match and someone has to pay for that. Screw that, Im not your personal punching bag I dont DC but I do suicide on first hook against secret offerings.
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The yellow mori has no hook requirement. Once the other 3 survivors have been killed or d/c you can mori the 4th guy. I've been Mori'd by someone using the yellow mori and never been hooked the entire game.
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Honestly though, to be a bit off topic, they NEED to add more offerings to this game, and make some of them secret OR they need to remove the ability for offerings to be secret at all. Like there's literally only like...5-6 secret offerings? Moris and shrouds, which means EVERYONE knows what's secret. It's dumb.
No one pretty much EVER brings shrouds, the only useful one for Surv is the one to start as far away from the killer as possible, the one for starting together is theoretically good, you can maybe bang out 1-2 gens really fast, but the smart way is really to get on as many separate gens as possible. The killer offering for all Surivors starting separate actually kind of ######### you over, as if can allow the survivors to be as efficient as possible if they all manage to get on a separate gen, and there's very little earl game chance of catching out two or more survivors at once.
I've heard some people argue that the shroud offerings (barring the one for a Surv starting as far from the killer as possible) for Killer and Surv should actually be switched, and I somewhat agree with them.
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I'm pretty sure you don't have to hook them? Could be wrong though. Like even the wiki just says: Grants the ability to kill the last remaining Survivor by your hand during the next Trial.
Nothing about hooking.
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fair enough i am wrong and i thought it was part of it. i never use them and avoid them in the blood web generally thus why I just added that requirement to it.
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You don't, the Yellow mori is still completely worthless though. The odds that if you down the last remaining survivor in the match that you won't kill them by either hooking or slugging them is remote. If it also required you to have previously hooked that person it would make a worthless add-on even worse.
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Don't waste your bloodpoints on yellow moris, hooking the last survivor and walking the ten feet to do it is already a yellow mori.
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You don't have to DC, just cancel the match. Every time I see a secret offering thankfully someone cancels the match. And 99% of the time it's a beautiful ebony with beautiful perks and add-ons like Iridescent Head. What a fun match I missed out on!
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Well I have only used moris on 1 day, but to be honest... There has to be some penalties for such a behavior.
Where would we land if everyone just dc's/cancel a match/and so on, if something there annoys him/her?
If I would be so soft, I would have needed to dc/cancel 90% of my matches because of some survivor addon/perk/behavior/whatever, but I had only dc'd 1 time and that was because of a bug that would have maybe lead to a ban if I would have continued to play.
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Oh no, I know that. Yellow Moris are weak AF, I even told OP they'd be better bringing a Green. I was just worried my knowledge of Yellow Moris was fake lol.
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That's only at night in the morning to after noon they are pretty quick.
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Cool. Yeah, I've been posting the same suggestion for moris for a little while to beef up Yellow and tone down Red (Green is ok as is I think.)
Yellow Mori - Lets you kill any survivor you've hooked twice (aka on death hook). Similar to Pyramid Head's Final Judgment. It's an ok benefit but not as good as Green.
Green Mori - Let's you kill one survivor that you've hooked once. (No change from the current version.)
Red Mori - Does both of the above. Lets you kill one survivor that you've hooked once and any survivor that you've hooked twice. Not as powerful as the current version but still better than Green and still allows you to do multiple moris.
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Idk my ques as survivor are instant on PC. Then I only want to play because I have a chance of winning. If I am 4 gens to go and I see legion mori'ing someone after first hook. That becomes a waste of time to me. I'll maybe earn 15k, very hard earned. As in I unhooked the other two and we each healed each other plus each did a gen and escaped a chase once. In reality this described game was always a hatch game and those odds are very very low. The game becomes extremely stressful and I'd much rather wait 5 minutes and instant que than earn 5-15k blood points over a 10-15 minute game that I stopped enjoying 2-5 minutes in. I just do not have the skill to pull that off that stressed out either. So my points would probably be around 10k.
Maybe wouldn't mind it if bring mori'd gave me the escape points. But not legion's. Foreal though, legion's makes me insanely uncomfortable. Stopped playing for a few days the first time and only time it happened and I refuse to watch it again.
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I typically wont play toxic when using a ebony mori. If its green I will usually kill the first.
However when the survivors get toxic assuming I am, then i cater to them.
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That's not going to happen enough because people get punished with the DC penalty. Canceling a match is a completely different thing. No one loses any points, you just get sent back to the lobby. 100% agree with cancellations related to a Mori offering.
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yellow mori’s are still hidden in the loading screen.
Nice bait