Clown is a bit OP?

Hear me out. I like that some killers are strong and you can adjust playstyle. However, I don't know how, but regardless of what perks i'm using (or even the randoms i play with) Clown always cuts me down fast.
I've tried being sneaky with Nea, Sabo with Jake, Quick'n'Quiet with Meg and Loud and brutal with David. Somehow I still die quickly???
Any tips or thoughts about this?
Edit: Thank you everyone for all your tips and tricks, I think I've got a better understanding of the clown now. 🤗
split up, do gens
this strategy works for every killer. It will destroy even the strongest nurses and spirits
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imagine complaining about the worst killer in the game
get gud
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Ive literally been playing less than a week. This is the only killer I have problems with.😕
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true clown should be 70% movement speed, also he should start with 3 bottles and could not reload ever.
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Do you know what looping a killer is? If so, you dont do it against the Clown, at least not on most tiles. You might be able to run around once at some tiles, but thats it. In short, you have to give the pallet quicker then against other killers. But you can efford it, because he is extremly slow (reloading bottle costs him a lot of time) and can not provide a lot of pressure.
My advise against Clown: If you are not familiar with looping and the maps in General, use the perk "Windows of opportunity". Work on Gens as fast as possible when you are not in chase and when oyu are, give the pallet quicker then you normally would against many other killers.
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Clown is one of the weakest killers in the game, simply because you can just drop pallets early and play safe. He has no mobility, no lethality and a terrible power that needs a long reload time.
Seriously, I cannot stress this enough: just drop the pallet. Don't try to loop it when it's up, that's how he gets you the easiest. His gas forces you to medium vault through windows, but pallets don't have a medium vault, so you can just sit next to it and fast vault away when he gets close. Add onto that the fact that you can just hold W and run in a straight line away from him and he's pretty screwed.
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I'll try that, i'm not particularly good at timing pallets though. But i'll do anything at this point. Thank you!
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Just my thoughts.
The thing about Clown is he has no map pressure. He thrives in chase, however. Sometimes you have to pre-drop pallets before he can smack you, since his bottles slow you down and get him free hits, even more so if he runs Flask of Bleach. If he decides to reload at a loop, run. Get distance and find another window to vault or tile to use. Lithe and Balanced Landing can save your life pretty effectively as well.
Other than that, Clown can only demolish teams that don't work on gens like they should. (Like any Killer)
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Drop pallets early if he throws his bottles. That's the main tip I can think of.
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The clown has the same issue as the doctor: the range of their area-attack. If you run spine chill you'll be in their range before it comes on, usually going down fairly quickly (I hate playing the doc for example, but even I can get my 3-4 gen left 4k against red ranks in with him... so, yeah, something can't be right there).
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That makes sense. I noticed he's pretty relentless with chases. I'll try your suggestions.
Ps. I usually do gens pretty fast, its just hard when i've got teammates running across the map in a clown fueled panic.
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Yeah that explains a lot. A pretty safe strategy against him is dropping pallets early while looping.
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Drop the pallet early. He'll eventually run out of bottles (very quickly) and then he'll have to choose between breaking the pallets OR reloading OR losing ground.
If you're getting cut off by his bottles try to be less predictable and he'll waste them. His bottles are extremely limited. If he sees you running towards the shack obvciously he'll throw one ahead to slow you.
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You welcome.
Trust me, Clown is only very hard to deal with when you are not that experienced against him yet. Once you figure out how to deal with him, he is the most braindead killer to go against.
Here is also a video of a strong survivor who is getting chased by a Clown. Dont expect to be that good after you watched it, but see it as some inspiration.
And there is another one, educational stuff
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Common counter for clown in a 1v1 situation is to drop pallets early.
Go with Kate denson and use the windows of opportunity is you have a tough time finding them.
Pre drop pallets and if your team mates are doing gens the clown will have lost the match by the time he downs you
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Wait, I'm relatively new to this game (started playing earlier this year) and you say that pallets dont have medium vaults? Does that mean that even if you come at a pallet at a poor angle and fast vault it, you won't have the same issue as getting a medium vault on a window?
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Oh my gosh, thank you! That first vid is basically what happen at CPA, except i'm not half as good, so it was a quick match.
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Exactly. You just stand there and hold shift, and you get a fast vault because BHVR reasons.
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Imagine flaming a new player for absolutly no reason.
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The person is asking how to 'get gud' perhaps be more constructive.
Even worse is people are upvoting your comment.
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This. Fungoose is a good educational content creator in general.
Also playing the killer (if you have him) is a good way to learn their strengths and weaknesses.
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Oh! That's really good to know for both sides. That also means I've gotten dedicated a lot more times than I realized LMAO
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My apologies, i did not know. As for your question, You should never really loop the same way you would to a normal killer.You should only loop around pallets,Drop them early, getting greedy will get you killed.
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Rude! But I do disagree with clown being OP. busted out laughing when I seen this however i love using Clown and I also disagree he is the worst.
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Unfortunately I do not have him and since I just bought Spirit, I don't have the shards to buy him yet. But he's def next on the list.
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Its fine. I'll def try getting him towards the more heavily pallet-ed areas. Thank you☺️
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Anytime 😀
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No worries, he has one of the best killers perks (Pop goes the weasel). I would suggest Leatherface too (as he has BBQ and Chili which is a solid tracking perk that gives extra bloodpoints).
I also like the fact that you are assigning roles to your survivors.
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Pre dropping pallets makes his bottles useless. Also, the perks spine chill and dead hard help against him a lot. Clown will be looking at you a lot, giving you faster vaults and dead hard allows you to get between pallets safely while going through the gas.
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Ooh, i'll try to get them then (rip my auric fund for Myers)
And yes, I assign simply just because I like using their base perks as a basis for how they play. Meg has already been through prestiege once because of it, and Nea is so close and yet so far😅
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So you just started the game and you don't know how to play,which is normal, but then you come here to complain about a killer ? Alright man.
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Asking for help isn't complaining - btw there is a question mark in the title.
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I didn't mean to sound rude or disrespectful, I was just very curious why I was having so many issues with one killer in particular when i've been tunneled by Trappers and Face Camped by LF's and still gotten wins. I even had the unfortunate accident of feeding Myers into tier 3 thinking he was a glitched survivor and still gotten out with my whole team. I guess the fault lies in my inability to pallet drop properly?
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You will find some people on this forum are quite divided and biased unfortunately. If you say anything about their preferred side then the pitchforks come out.
Best way to learn the game is to play both sides and pick up what you can from content creators. The game can be tough for new players as extensive training/induction doesn't really exist in this game.
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Unless you are at a very bad place (like one of those LT walls in the corner of the Swamp) you will probably reach a pallet before the Clown can get to you. Windows are not very safe against Clown, don't use them unless they are very safe.
So lets say you get hit by him and you sprint away to a safe pallet, he has nothing to do. He literally cannot do anything other than breaking the pallet. If you loop efficiently there won't be a problem.
The title is "Clown is a bit op?", is this really asking for advice or saying a killer is overpowered ?
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Mm, i've noticed. I'm gonna try and do my best and hopefully i'll get better. Thanks for the encouragment btw.☺️
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Clowns strength is in his chase ability. Unfortunately you have to rely more on your teammates against him
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Perhaps you should read the original post properly then. The poster only joined yesterday - you expect them to know all your terminology? or the strength of every killer in relation to one another.
Even then the title was phrased as a question not a statement.
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I wish you good luck and a good time in DbD. Its really hard at the beginning but once you learn it, it gets much easier.
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They aren't. They're asking for advice.
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Dude clown is one of the worst killers in the game u need to learn how to counter him
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To be fair a fast pallet vault can be done from standing and has a short duration of the animation before you jump when you're stuck in place which isn't present with a fast window vault.
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Yeah, I get that. I've been playing for a week or less and I have done some pretty tough matches, but for some reason he's really hard to go against. Working on advice from some previous responders rn.
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Clown, like Leatherface, is very strong in a chase. He isn't without counterplay but you have to learn it with experience. Y'see, to make up for how great he is in chase, he doesn't have much for gens beyond that. This actually leaves him a pretty weak killer overall, but in time I think you might come to appreciate how fun he is to both play and oppose, unlike, say, Spirit.
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As a person who plays some clown, a good way to counter him is to not let him force you where he wants you to go, stay at safe loops, if he throws a bottle on the pallet try to keep track of him and throw down the pallet if you think he's going to lunge. Just dont let him corral you with his power, clown can be very strong.
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I've had problems with him too early on. In my experience, baiting out his bottles and forcing him to reload helps a lot. Sprint burst is also nice, as his bottles are a lot harder to hit with and a lot less useful if you are farther away.
But to reiterate the others, just stay split. I've seen a lot of games fall apart because two people stack, get hit, then body block each other in the acid fog.
You can drop pallets early on him when he is coming through a choke point as well to bait out and waste bottles.
Most clowns also announce they see you by chucking bottles at you from a distance. Just waste their time running and stopping to bait more bottles out then treat them like any M1 killer.
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with addons he can be more annoying and an easier killer for new players maybe while you get better at catching people. if you're clumped is usually when he's bad or you're in a tight area like the lower chambers beneath the temple map. try to keep an eye out for him and get to leaving early, some of them will also chuck a jar in areas where people might be hiding to see if they can hear them cough and have an easy start on them. Try to not let yourself get caught in area you can't avoid the cloud in or escape easily from. Also you can bait a throw and go in the other direction since he has a limit by default just a few iirc, and making more takes him a moment so he can't make more in a chase without automatically losing you. I played him a few times and it helped me play against him more easily getting a feel for things like that. It also takes some time getting used to his throws, if you're playing one you think might be bad at the throws take advantage of that with the fakes. Distance is helpful on him, and stuff like spine chill can help you maintain it as well as keeping an eye around when gens are in a good spot to see at a distance. I treat him like hillbilly and nurse where I don't take chances being greedy on gen time if I see one coming.
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I understand keep playing the more u play against him the more u learn how to counter him
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^ this, the only way that DH is bad against clown is if the clown is using exhaustion addons, but yeah pre drop pallets if you got gassed never try to loop a clown unless you didn't get hit by it.
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I think the concensus is clown is pretty weak. Sure, he can win chases quicker. Sometimes, and can negate hard loops, but longer or chained loops he can suffer at.
And on top of that, his power is chase only, so he has no tracking, and most importantly, no mobility. He has to walk to every gen on his own, with no way to really threaten them from afar.