this game is survivor sided even tho its a killer game aight

zyrems Member Posts: 24

why are all these killers so dog #########. u literally gotta play freddy.nurse,spirit,hag ti even have a chance at winning u cant even play wraith or trapper or clown without addons. killers should be good not dogshit. the addons should make them better to win not oh lets slap on a addon and still be a dogshit killer. literally buff the killers for ######### sake. survivors should be scared of the killers not want to teabag and be chased. every killer should be like infinite myers or iri huntress. now those r threatening everyone else is just eh


  • Guiltron
    Guiltron Member Posts: 149

    Come on bro put more effort on your bait posts...

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Obvious bait is obvious.

    But anyway Infinite Myers and Iri Huntress are some of the worst examples of "threatening" as there is no counterplay outside of "DON'T GET HIT" and that is far from what DbD is about.

    Yes, some killers are more reliant with add-ons than others, but that's not an issue considering they're also good with brown or yellow add-ons to supplement their power enough.

    The survivor side of things is dependent on HOPE. If you make every killer an Infinite Myers, Iri hatchet Huntress or do something mental like make the Ebony Mori base-kit, then there is just no hope for survivors and no reason to play.

  • zyrems
    zyrems Member Posts: 24

    but every survivor uses the same ds and unbreakable build no counter to it so make killers have no counter

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Skill = OP plz nerf ty

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Pfffft. No they don't! I have Self-Care on all of mine, Spine Chill in 2/3 and Lithe in 2/3 and DS as literally an anti-tunnel perk in ONE.

    And you can counter it easily.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    never going to happen survivors are they cash cows.