The new matchmaking system and why it made me stop playing dbd after only a few days

So after a month break from the game I decided to start playing it again a few days ago.

I read about the new matchmaking system and how it should work, sounded great but it showed itself to be the end of the game (at least for me).

I played around 30 matches and in every single one the killer was between rank 1 and 3, I started as rank 20 of course and now I am on rank 16. Even if I have around 200 hours I never was any good, it only was enough to get to rank 11 or 12 in the past.

Obviously I only escaped 2 matches, the rest was around a 3 to 4K for the killer - which most of them actually said in the end game chat that it sucks to get into matches with players that have no chance because of the missing skill.

After rereading how the new matchmaking works I found some things that simply just don't work: You can't just pick the players by how many hours they played with a survivor/killer, you have to take a look onto how good he actually was! Also the game should recognize how the last 5 to 10 matches went for the players and change the opponents considering to that - if that isn't working properly at the moment you shouldn't release such a bad matchmaking.

I think every player that wants a match that is fair and balanced is on my side if I say that the matchmaking never was good but now it's just a bunch of bullsh*t.

The matchmaking needs a rework right now or at least has to be the old one until it's working properly, because that can't be what the devs want us to experience in the game.

For me dbd isn't playable at the moment and I will stop playing it until the matchmaking works better so I can have fun again playing it.


  • knee_ah
    knee_ah Member Posts: 56

    I agree and I hope they will fix it . I have been playing a lot of survivor and it seems pretty decent sometimes but then I get a rank 20-13 killer when I am rank 1 and I am about almost 1k hours and I probably ruin their experience..

  • wtfbbqboy
    wtfbbqboy Member Posts: 5

    It's going to get worse. I thought i would try out killer to see if MM was making things fairer for new killers. I got 2 reds and two purples on my first ever Freddy game at level 1😴

    So your going to only see red/purple killers and maybe the odd rubbish masochist in future.