Rift pass disagreements/concerns and the massive grind on it, possible solutions.

seki23 Member Posts: 833

So, there is already a massive grind already with the characters bloodweb especially for killers, but then and if it wasnt enough there is one on the rift aswell, after u paid you literally get nothing, you just start to get stuff after playing an insane amount of games to unlock stuff. (not everyone has the time to unlock all tiers because you need hundreds of games especially when u got all the challenges from one tier and the waiting time till the next one, if u ever managed to complete it anyway) the progress you get from normal games wich are the ones without challenges to do is very very little almost unnoticable (at least increase the rate of progress considerably with normal games aswell), and if u want to progress when u have no challenges or just faster, of course pay more!!!! how would it be in other way???. also you cant unlock all tier just by doing challenges so you still need to unlock the rest of the rift by playing insane amount of hours with normal games. basically play every day a couple of hours, is just too much, imo the normal rift should get completely unlocked after paying ( i mean you already paid cammon) and in the normal rift or free you need to unlock it by playing games and on it it should be more rewarding stuff like EXP to unlock more Iri Shards at least or more Bloodpoints since the gridn is massive wouldnt be bad if we can get points by doing challenges and on the rift aswell, so is actually worth to play the game.


  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Last rift i completed it when only 1 week was left.

    Also i completed every rift until now without spending any cent. As long as you do the challanges its easy.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I have completed the rift without buying anything before, and it's not hard. just play. if you get every challenge in one shot well sure you'll have to GRIND some but thing is you don't have to finish the rift before tome level 4 is out! I am feeling no pressure to complete it i even don't play more than an hour or two unless friends drag me in! You want to make a mountain out of a mole hill you will do it! but really the rift is easy for a casual player. the rift is open 70 days, and has 70 tiers. each tier needs 10 shards to complete. you play 3 games and you'll generally get 2 shards and some (600 exp is given if you play killer once and survivor once a day) and then you can get 500 or so exp each match that's 1600 right there. then toss one more match up 400 exp and blamo 2 shards. and in three matchest you could easily get 9 other shards or so by challenges that's 1 tier in 3 matches. now if your matches happen to take you a bit off course and you don't get a challenge, that just adds to what you get for doing them.

    this is easy but if you only want to play survivor it will be hard and a huge grind. play killer it won't be that hard. hell i completed the last rift without completing all the challenges. make it hard if you will but just because you decide to play one way doesn't mean the devs have to cater to your every whim. they made it to challenge people to play killer or survivor if you were one or the other. This has benefits most don't care to think about. now if you don't want to do so that's fine but your choice is not a flaw in their vision on what to do. why should they just make it easy for you to get things without paying for them? why, they shouldn't at all. grow up and play the game your way but if your way doesn't match up with someone else's then just keep playing your way don't blame them for your own short sightedness.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    The Grind can be a problem sometimes saying I did this in one game so it should work in this game is a very stupid argument.

    Honestly there's a lot of problem Rift has personally coming from a grind heavy gaming background Dead by daylight Rift is really nothing to me me when it comes to grind and I do have a problem with the contents of the Rift though

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Last Tome, I didn't play for a good month, and didn't end up finishing all the challenges. I still got to tier 70...It may require you play a fair bit, but not as much as people here are implying by any stretch.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Almost completed the last rift after not playing for two months and doing every challenge. Was 9 ranks off. It's not completely unreasonable.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    cosmetics don't give you an advantage over other players, and the rift gives you a good excuse to grind. I do find it odd that the rift system is set up much like something on a F2P game would be set up, despite DBD costing money to buy, but it doesn't effect the balance of the game at all, it's completely optional.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    LIke others have already wirtten, the first rift was kinda grindy, I didn't manage to finish all tiers in time and had to use some auric cells to get to tier 70. But all the other rifts where easily doable, just doing challenges and playing casually was more then enough to max it out. You certainly do not need hundreds of (additional) games. Since you get rift fragments depending on XP earned, you can also facilite the daily XP bonuses for playing survivor / killer to get fragments. The main source for the fragments should always be the challenges, do them all (survivor AND killer) and you will get pretty far in the rift.

    If you max the tiers, you even get all the auric cells back you need when activating premium pass, so there is no "loss". You can wait with bying the premium pass until the rift is nearly over, when you activate it then you will till get all stuff form the premium track.

    Also you put it as if it is an additional grind, which it is not, imo. Rift challenges actually help you with your "main" grind, since they give you additional bloodpoints. You get to finish most of the challenges with normal play, and others require you to run some strange perks, which makes the matches more interesting and less redundant, imo. Independent from a selected challenge, you will always get your regular BP. So the Rft grind is not something coming on top, imo, but a separate source of BP (so actually helping you with the main grind) and some incentive to play the game a bit differently, if just for a challenge (to spicy it up a bit, if you will).

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    The rift isn't for everyone it's for the hardcore dbd fans that play thousands of hours and need something to do so they don't get burned out. The rift or any battle pass isn't made for casual players otherwise there wouldn't be a grind to it. I feel people just complain to complain if they don't like the rift don't participate in it. It's not mandatory to play the game

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    The rift last like 75 days or something? There is plenty of time to complete it and you get back all 1000 cells you bought it for.

    Like someone else said the rift aka battle pass is meant for players who play the game alot more.

    And to be honest its only 10 bucks which is what you would pay for almost any single decent cosmetic as it is, and the rift LITERALLY comes with like 6 full outfits along with other single pieces, charms, and your cells back.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517
    edited August 2020

    I feel like a major point is being missed here - the devs said the rift could be completed with an hour of play per day for the 70 days of the rift, if all the challenges were completed. That is comically inaccurate

    I played probably 150 hours on the first rift and didn't hit tier 55 (had about 95% of the challenges done too). I think people would be a lot less angry about the whole rift thing if:

    A - It took as long as they said it would (and not 2-3x longer)

    B - If doing all the challenges got you closer to tier 70. It's kind of ridiculous that you can do all the challenges and still have to grind your way up from somewhere around tier 40/50. Means it's less about skill and more about just taking an absurd amount of time. Especially since match performance has virtually no impact on XP/shard progress

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    One thing nobody else is mentioning;

    It's been confirmed that every cosmetic on the rift will appear in the store at some point. So unless you're a die hard completionist (in which case you wouldn't be complaining) or you just really want those charms for some reason, there's really no reason to complain.

  • deeziebaby
    deeziebaby Member Posts: 31

    Cool story bro, how are you getting these numbers because I put some serious grind since the rift started and I'm only like level 11 that's with most of the first part of the challenges done.. gave up last week and now put only a few hours a day if I play I barely went one level up yesterday playing 4/5 hours 😂 meanwhile apex I been finished their battle pass like a month ago or longer and it ends Tuesday.. fall out guys just came out I'm more than halfway through their battle pass playing casually with friends.. battle passes are not supposed to be like working a job fam this is terrible game design OR exactly what they wanted for people to throw money into it for their crappy charms just to get the few nice skins 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    the rift just a cash grab get or don't it just charms and outfits with the charms just the same charm with different rarely and color.

  • deeziebaby
    deeziebaby Member Posts: 31

    So you are saying you almost did the entire rift in ten days? It's 70 days so you did op grinding then or I call bs

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    I mean it's not in bhvr favor to let you complete the rift, it means you won't purchase any auric cells for the next one.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I'd imagine they are probably trying to implement a way to put charms in the store as well before they do this.

  • Ashetiz
    Ashetiz Member Posts: 11
  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    We've known their PR department was ass for years.

    One of the most recent best examples of that was how they explained the ruin nerf, and the Doctor rework earlier this year. Sure they turned out great, but there's no way they looked at how the patch notes for each were worded and thought "nobody will hate this".

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413
    edited August 2020

    This is probably where the AFK killer bots come from. I have all the current challenges done and 99 hours played (embarrassing I know) in the last 2 weeks, which is more than a full time job, and I just hit 4/9. They're full of #########.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you are not supposed to get to tier 70 right away. if you look at the 3 previous tomes (4 levels each) you will see how this works. they haven't changed how the fragments are set, 3 per standard challenge plust 5 per master challenge. I am at tier 11 and i'm almost done with level 1, i've got about 11 more fragments to go. when level 2 is released you'll get more, and when 3 is out you'll get more and same with 4. how am I getting the numbers? EXPERIENCE "BRO" .... that is how it was in the last two tomes. the first tome was a bit grindy more than the others because it was the first one. but if you think this level is supposed to get you to tier 70 then you didn't look at the release! it said level 2 released on day X, level 3 released on day Y and level 4 release on day Z. this will still be within the rift's time frame. now YOU do the calculations, or if you want, look for the whining posts for the last two tomes and you will see many people break it down and it turns out that the 4 tome levels give you about tier 61-62 just in shards alone, and your game experience should get you to 67 or 68 at minimum if not tier 70. it's just a numbers game. here you go though:

    Master's challenge 5 shards ie 1/2 a tier.

    Standard challenge: 3 shards ie 1/3 of a tier.

    in game match exp normally caped at 600 exp per match.

    first survivor game of the day +300 exp

    first killer match of the day +300 exp

    with that you put the math in and you find out where you will be.

  • blindnight
    blindnight Member Posts: 1

    I'll admit it can be grindy towards the end as the challenges get harder or take a few games to complete. But to start its pretty easy. You need one teir a day which I have gotten so far playing 4 games or less a day. Like others have said you have to play killer and survivor everyday and that alone gives you about 3 points then a challenge or 2 and your done for the day. I've only been playing for about an hour a day and have completed the first teir and I'm 1 lvl up than I need to be for the one a day to win. If I play a day for like 3-4 hours that means I can get 2-3 levels than I don't have to play for a few days. The rifts have definitely gotten more doable since the first one.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Well, it's obviously going to be more difficult if you try to get their based on game rift progress alone. Challenges are rather important. I have less than a third the time playing than you but more than half your progress if you add my unclaimed challenges.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    No, it's not.

    I play probably two or three nights a week, for just a couple hours each time (so, probably about 6-8 hours per week), and I've completed every rift.

    I usually get to level 70 in the rift before the fourth level of archives challenges open up.

    Most of the challenges are pretty straightforward and easy, although there are a few that take more effort (and I've farmed a handful, because catching 6 survivors in a trap is just too unlikely).

  • DrKnockers05
    DrKnockers05 Member Posts: 137

    It would be nice if they did double fragment/XP weekends to help you rank up a bit faster.

    Even if they just did one at the start of a new pass, and one at the end, it would help a little bit more. Already got double bloodpoint events so making it so you get two fragments instead of 1 surely wouldn't be too hard to implement :)

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Another no brainer complain about something that is ABSOLUTELY FREE while also allowing you to buy the pass 1 day before it expires, so you can check what you get and if it is worth it, ALSO while having the possibility to get most or up to ALL auric cells back when finishing the rift.

    You need 2 hours per day, enough posts about it in general and I posted already on the last tome in detail what time I needed, how many attempts for the challenges etc and it PERFECTLY fits to the 2 hours per day. And I also had my challenges where I needed 11 attempts to finish.

    You need the challenges to be done and the challenges are designed that you can finish them within the 2 hours per day. This is the third tome where I check and take detailed notes to validate if it fits and it is the third tome where I can confirm that it fits. They said 1 hour is the average, the only thing already calculated as wrong is: it needs 1 hour of pure playtime. But you spend more time, by waiting in queue and spending bloodpoints and creating builds necessary for the challenges. But that's it. 2 hours works fine for me.

    And if this is too much grind for you: who the hell forces you to buy the pass? This is an additional feature for people spending time on this game, so they get a bit more content. And even if you don't spend that much time, you STILL get a lot of stuff for free. And even if you just want a single piece from the rift, 1000 auric cells is like the minimum you have to spend for cosmetics in the shop. Just go for it and see if you reach the stuff you want to have and decide if it is worth the money or not. What the heck is the problem? You want more stuff for free? Serious?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    One info on that one: you need half the rifts through XP and half the rifts through challenges. You got 1/4 of the challenges done (I hope you collected them all, or the example lacks a bit on detail). On average you need 1 tier per day to finish on time (70 days, 70 rifts), so at today, you should be at 14 to be on track.

    You are not "only at 26", you are 12 tiers ahead. Level 1 gives you 8,8 tiers, so you need 5,2 by playtime, and your playtime exceeded that by 12 tiers. With that playtime you could have finished the challenges of level 2 and half of 3.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Yes you are. Does Apex have a patent on battle passes so that everybody is forced to do exactly the same?

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    I had all available challenges done at the time I wrote it. There is another chapter open now.

  • mike2835
    mike2835 Member Posts: 83

    I don't understand why the dev's are so cheap with the rift leaving all those blank spots, when you play games to get award notification that you got nothing lol. I'm not asking for cosmetics or charms. The worst thing in game invented for rift, that are so small on survivors. You can barely see them. Accessories would be better. But how about filling blank spots with items from bloodweb or streamers. Charms are really only good on killer, at least you can see them. They made streamers so rare now anyway.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    I don't understand why the dev's are so cheap with the rift leaving all those blank spots, when you play games to get award notification that you got nothing lol. I'm not asking for cosmetics or charms.

    It's by design. You are not supposed to feel good about the free version. You are supposed to open it, see the items you could have if you spent money on it, and then actually do spend that money.