I have become very sympathetic towards killers

JLew Member Posts: 160

So im a survivor main...always have been...i dabbled with killer here and there in the past but just recently started really putting my energy getting better as a killer....wow...hats off to you killer mains...any of you who play non toxic deserve more than just a high rank...the insanity from tool bag survivors you have to deal with on a every single game basis is just absurd. Between being bullied and taunted from gen 1 until the last borrowed time hit, ive lost all respect for survivors....as a survivor i have changed my perk setup entirely such that i do not get 2nd chances if im downed...im down and hooked, the killer earned it. So many perks are setup so the survivor has to earn very little to have a 2nd chance and killer just gets to know through auras where a survivor is briefly. So sorry to all you killer mains in the past that i treated poorly or taunted...you are much better at this game than me and I just didnt understand. Psa to survivors....put the fukin ds,bt,and unbreakable away. I play on ps4 and have noticed much less are using the crutch perks but still too many use them...thanks for your time if you read this rant and i appreciate all those doing their best to not be complete tools. (PS4 player)


  • DarkestNinja666
    DarkestNinja666 Member Posts: 2

    I started playing killer recently only after playing survivors for so long. I agree with both sides about toxicity, I feel like it's gotten alot worse since the games already been out for so long. I have faced both toxic survivors and killers and I'll be honest it sucks....like really. I want to keep getting better as a killer and survivor but honestly wants the point when it's so toxic that the game becomes a chore more than a just entertainment.

    So long DBD, Claudette,Pyramid Head It was fun while it lasted...

  • DarkestNinja666
    DarkestNinja666 Member Posts: 2

    I agree feel alot of responsibility for my toxicity to killers now that I mained a pyramid Head for two months.

  • Leovanni
    Leovanni Member Posts: 52

    It is baffling to me how well killers are able to find me when I sometimes have trouble finding survivors myself. It's especially impressive on high pressure games when they use odd perks and killers. But it also now baffles me further when killers are super toxic. 4x slugging, camping, tunneling, etc. No challenge in doing that! I slugged 3 people one game and got so bored chasing the 4th I just let them all go. Must be a power thing...

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Or let people use whatever perks they want and stop complaining about it.

  • SkintKibbles
    SkintKibbles Member Posts: 6

    I think people who only play survivor or only killer tend to believe the other side is so broken. The game must be unbalanced. The thing is the game is more balanced then people tend to lead on. Also a game like this will never be perfectly balanced and people need to accept that. I don't really see a problem with pretty much all the perks as they are right now. Perks like DS, BT, and Unbreakable are easily countered when the killer learns how to properly play against them. Perks like NOED, devour hope, BBQ, etc... Are easily countered when knowing how to properly play against them. It is the fact that most people who play these games don't actually use their brain and learn from past experiences and learn ways to counter said perks. Survivors who complain that killers are OP don't learn the weaknesses of different killers and how to play against them. They also have never played killer and don't understand it is equally difficult as being a survivor. Killers that never play survivors whine about this and that when they don't know the difficulties of a survivor. Most people who play both sides will say that yes survivor is easier, but isn't that because it is 4 minds vs 1 mind. And I think most of us would say the game is not as unbalanced as people say. Sure it has its problems like every game does, but I think people need to put themselves in the developers shoes. Do you actually understand how much time and how much effort it takes to create and entire game and continue to fix and update said game. It is not easy.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    The only thing that really bugs me about survivor's is body blocking, its pretty immersion breaking. The hook campers are annoying too, but i think survivor's hate them just as much as killers lol

  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135

    Always good to play both sides, gives you a better perspective of the entire game. And also makes you better when playing the opposite side.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Ita really not that hard tbh, I 4k almost everygame if im against solos

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Solos is how the game was originally designed. Though - I'd say Solo survivor needs a QOL buff or two. Solo is the true hell of DBD.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    i usually use iron grip so idk worry when im carrying, its usually when im chasing a one hit. Like i get maybe tryibg to protect another person from a knife, but against a chainsaw? C'mon no reasonable person is going to jump in front of a running chainsaw

  • SkintKibbles
    SkintKibbles Member Posts: 6

    Body blocking can be good and bad for both sides depending on the situation. If all 3 are body blocking yes it sucks, but you throw the survivor down and get multiple free hits. I guarantee they stick around and try to pick him up. If only one or two people are body blocking, it is again free hits on survivors. I know sometimes though a survivor crouching in front of hook is hard to notice at first, but once it happens once you won't fall for it twice. Body blocking at the end of the game is what it is though. The killer should have done better before that point. Throughout the match though body blocking is only helping the killer get free pressure. Less gen pressure and free injures.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    i get the strategy, its just immersion breaking. Ive never seen a horror movie where someone just stands there like an idiot staring off into space while the killer is getting ready to hack them up

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    For ultimate SWF destruction, you need Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit and a perk of your choice to go with those. We call it the "Fruit Ninja Build". Much fun.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Wow, you have my respect.

    If more survivors like you would acknowledge the reality that killer is harder than survivor, the toxicity will lessen for sure.

    I'm still ok with that, because I love challenges, and If I get a merciless killer I know that I'm way better than those 4 survivors I faced.

    Now you really understand why main killers like me, or like famous ones like Otz or tru3, we are really patient and strategic people. Because that's the nature of playing killer.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Casual Killer only here. Honest question, I know that DS, in and bt themselves are counterable but what about the insane synergy they can have?

    Imagine someone getting saved with BT (counter: you wait out the timer or go for the unhooker),

    you down them but they have DS (counter is to slug or ignore again, I personally just eat it since I don't put in enough effort to keep all possible DS in mind),

    you slug them to counter DS but they have unbreakable (counter: don't slug or camp for the duration of the 1 minute from DS, which is the dumbest thing to do, or just leave and let them get up).

    In my inexperienced eyes there is no real counter for such a setup (which is nearly constantly run by many survivors, even in middle ranks), without a huge loss in form of time or simply loss of pressure on this survivor.

    Again this is a honest question because normally I don't even care.

    I go for the unhooker Everytime I can see them (even when the unhooked runs straight into me with their bt/DS). I simply pick ppl up and eat the DS as early as possible/simply don't take it into consideration. I don't have really any strategy against unbreakable and just get surprised a little when they get up when I know noone was able to heal them.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    I'll stop using DS and BT when killers stop camping/tunneling.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    I'm mostly a killer main. I too had to play survivor to get the rift done and killer queues are like 20 minutes long. I found out the exact opposite really. In the span of 2 days I was able to go from rank 16 survivor up to rank 3. Solo queue too. Even getting spirit and pyramid head with moris in like 10 out of 20 games was nowhere near as frustrating as getting even a single game of toxic survivor squads. Playing survivor, even solo survivor, is so easy, even with bad teams and against good killers. With a few hours of survivor play, I'm able to run even decent killers for max chase points and 1-3 gens done. It's so easy to run to a strong tile, loop it, get hit and use that speed burst to get to a junk tile near another strong tile, loop that for a few seconds, then go to the strong tile to waste a good 3-4 minutes of the killer's time. Then if my team mates suck I just find hatch.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    I sympathize with solo q survivors, that can be really rough some games, no sympathy for the seal team 6 swf sweat lords, they are the sole root as to why balance is so hard.

  • SkintKibbles
    SkintKibbles Member Posts: 6

    DS is only available for 60sec after being unhooked. Chances are the survivor unhooking was not recently unhooked and in turn you go for the survivor unhooking. If the BT survivor body blocks just hit them. They then waste time body blocking and having to mend. Chances are you still seen where the other survivor went and continue to chase the person that unhooked. Now say the person unhooking just got unhooked and has DS. It is best to go for the person unhooking and eat the DS. Since they just got unhooked they are probably still injured and you'll eat it right at the hook. You then chase them and hook them. It really depends where you are on the map. If you are across the map when the unhook happens, then I'd continue doing gen patrol in search of the other 2. I play a lot of trapper and he requires a lot of time management. I also use save the best for last often and BT is useless against that if you have stacks since it is a major slugging perk. I always eat DS early if given the opportunity too. The thing is though you can slug them and go for someone else and not care if they get up because their time was still wasted not working on gens. The only time I run into unbreakable is when I'm slugging multiple people down. I always never slug more than 3 without hooking someone and never attempt to slug unless they are body blocking, or trying to flashlight save. Your strategy every game will change slightly as you learn your opponents tendencies each game. The one thing I love about killer is your constantly evolving through each match and swapping things up. Survivor on the other hand is the same thing every game. The chases are the one thing that is really fun for the survivor, but besides that it is boring. Sorry for writing a paragraph haha. My mind is constantly wandering.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2020

    I can see why you run with this attitude probably very often into camping and tunneling killers.

    But don't change anything... Must be fun :).

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Thank you :)

    Yeah this toxicity is so ridiculous especially since the Billy&Bubba rework.

    I play both sides and both sides have they toxic gamers.

    I don't consider tunneling and camping as toxic(but face camp ect)

    But what I expierenced is that Survivor's are way more toxic as Killer's and that say's someone who play both sides equal and bc of this and the new mmr it is SO unfun to play Killer right now.

    I am rank 11 with Killer right now and I had recently a match where a Dwight was constantly t bagging me. In the tally screen I saw he was rank 1!!!!! Imagine I wasn't rank 11 and I would be a brand new rank 20....

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270