The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

This game is nowhere near as fun as it used to be.

So I'm not exactly a new player I've owned the game since 2016 and have 2k+ hours on it but this game feels like more of a chore to play than anything. I'm not sure if it's because of the rifts that force you to constantly play if you want to complete them (I know some people say that isn't true and finishing rifts is easy but good luck if you actually want to play other games but don't want to miss anything). Maybe I'm just burnt out of the game and it's time to put it down but I just wondered if this is a common thought throughout the community or this game just isn't for me anymore.


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,144
    edited August 2020

    Well I think this is kind of normal. Do you play alone or with friends? I noticed that WoW became nothing but a chore with all the dailies, twinks and whatnot additionally because most if not all of my friends I played with left the game over the years.

    In league of legends on the other hand I still can have much fun and am still playing with friends for 10 years. If I had to play with randoms all day long I think I would have quit at some point.

    Edit: Correcting typos and autocorrect.

  • ArtCrusade
    ArtCrusade Member Posts: 30

    The game has changed a lot over time and often for the better. The recent downtrend in quality patches has been hammering the nail in the coffin almost though. Hope they start steering into the right direction again. This game can be awesome, just not right now

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    For a game like dbd where the only new content is DLC and reworks its pretty easy to get burned out. I mostly play the game a lot 1 week then i take a break for 2 weeks.

    This is mostly because there arent new gamemodes and every match feels the same. Also there arent that many balanced changes. In League there is a balanced patch every 2 weeks so you can try out the buffed champions also new events. This way you have always something new to try out.

    So it is normal for you to get burned out, maybe try another game and come back when you really want to play dbd.

  • DuckDust
    DuckDust Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2020

    I have different groups of friends I play with and it seems that most of them have the same problems with the game that I do. It's not even just the rift taking too much time it's how it effects the gameplay. So many of the challenges want you to do something counterintuitive to your objective or just flat out make you sweat to stand a chance of getting it done and it makes the whole experience so much more draining.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 934

    It's the same for games like these. Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online. Anything with an objective that's repeatable tasks.

    It's anything with a grind, plus the negativities of outsiders in your circle, other players.

    It happens, you just gotta step away and do something else. Come back when things feel like " hmm, I haven't touched *game name* in awhile... " ya know.

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328

    Maybe you can take a break after this rift and let the next rift pass. The cosmetics will hit the store eventually in the future.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    These games you mentioned have a lot of content and replayability. I play both Destiny and ESO and DbD doesn’t even come close to these games in terms of content. There’s just so much to do in these games like doing quests, exploring, they both have a number of different online modes, lots of events. If you’re bored from something there’s always something else to do. DbD has been stuck at one mode for 4 years and we‘ve barely seen anything added to the base game. Just DLCs that add more characters.. no new games modes or anything of the sort. It’s easy to get burned out from a game like this.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 934

    Yes but if you're like me who got into ESO from the start. It does tend to be repetitive. The names have been changed is all. But it is still at the most part replayed the same. Quests. Dailies. Leveling to make better armor and weapons. And then another for their jewelry long after. It became a grind. Plus the guilds where guild masters upfront their real friends while a mate in the guild they dont know personally gets passed by. But agreed. Dbd doesnt compare. But still they are grinds. One just lasted longer than the other.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    They are all super grindy games, I’m not saying they’re not. It’s just DbD is too barebones and lacks a lot of things which is why some players tend to get burned out quickly.

  • Smeagol83
    Smeagol83 Member Posts: 33
    edited August 2020

    I feel you 100%. I haven't been playing 'seriously' for a week or so. and when i played during that week it was out of total addiction to the game but realizing that i was burnt out to the core. I even have more hours than you but i'm also susceptive to addictive things in life so there's that. I used to play WoW too, especially 10 years ago, I have played some BfA when it camed out when i had a 1-2 month break from DbD during the horrible Legion release.

    This time it feels worse. DbD is in a very bad state if you ask me, it's staleness has been nagging me even though i had still some fun now and then. It's problems keep adding up, and the MMR has been pretty bad as well. They keep adding cosmetics and the once 'oh we get a new cosmetic' (read: we have to pay for the best looking) has worn off. Excitement for new content is temporarily. And i doubt they can surpass the hype they created with the mystery surrounding the Silent Hill chapter (and all its theories on youtube).

    I feel like the next chapter will only be a disappointment and just another x survivor with x perks to level AGAIN, which adds nothing to the game because useless. Same for the killer. Maybe a long -ish break will do me good. But i will keep following news since dbd has been in my life since 2017.

    Edit: also, i play almost exclusively SOLO. i 'm not a fan of distractions during voice communication. i like to be immersed in my gaming.

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200


    both sides are equally miserable to play rn