All those rank 20's can breathe a sigh of relief.
Honestly they made the right decision there. Glad they listened to the feedback.
RIP MMR Threads :

"At 10 AM ET today, the matchmaking rating system will be disabled on all platforms. We made this decision following reports, data gathered and player feedback. We'll keep you posted as we continue to work on solutions. Thank you for your feedback."
It's not like I warned you all they can reverse it if it don't work as intended.
IMO they should have tried to put an MMR system when the game was released it would have cause less trouble.
F, we will not miss you.
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Good riddance. It was so bad.
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Haven't played DBD since they implemented matchmaking on PC, but damn, it really must've been a complete disaster if they're backpedaling on it (even if only temporarily).
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Aw, I hope they find another solution to match making. I think MMR would have worked out in the end, considering you can be a trash garbage booty doodoo rank 1 potato, and be a candidate for getting matched up with 6k hours rank 1 gods. But in the meantime, it just wasn't working out as intended and I really think they should have put more emphasis on making sure the old ranking system still came into play (if you have no info for your MMR- you shouldn't be thrown into a random lobby. You should be matched with someone who has the same rank color if possible).
I'll miss the rank 20 vaulting Nurses and Billys who never once revved their chainsaws with the sick Insidious mix ups 😪 but they deserve to be in the hands of Self Care Claudette and Urban Evasion Nea as God intended.
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All those rank 20's can breathe a sigh of relief.
Honestly they made the right decision there. Glad they listened to the feedback.
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I mean not the rank 20 killers, the old system did the same thing to them as the new one.
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Not nearly as regularly. No way.
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Probably not as much, no. Still too often tho
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We were getting daily doses of multiple complaint threads about it. I know popular content creators who stopped making videos because of it (Ussylis for example).
Its not in the same ball park as before. I haven't seen this many rank 20 killers and survivors in my matches since I was one myself three years ago lol.
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How many years before they 'fix' it and bring it back?
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And now let's welcome the "I told you BHVR doesn't know how to code" and "what will they break next" avalanche of complain posts.
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I give it a week or two to be back.
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The truth hurts. The only thing BHVR is good at is releasing new cosmetics on a regular schedule. Anything else is playing russian roulette
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Good news bhvr finally you take a good decision
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What a weirdo. Instead of simply posting up news, you’re trying to bash people in a strange way? Very odd
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Are we pretending that it ever lived? 🙄
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MMR was way worse.
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At least with MMR I got to enjoy killer for a bit again.
being survivor sucked.
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Hopefully crossplay if it comes tommorow comes in great so we don't have that failure to.
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What do you wanna bet they never turned it off. Just made the announcement to test the placebo effect.
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Ay lmao, this is only the second time the devs have actually reverting something that the community criticized them for (first being the pallet grab/insta flashlight update). How exciting!
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There was also a pig nerf and an annoying visual effect after being pallet stunned
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I heavily doubt it, I only met players of my rank my whole session.
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They weren’t reverted, they just brightened them.
U right