why does it take so long to find a lobby as Killer? Not enough survivors or bugged?

When I Q as survivor: INstant lobby, 10 seconds wait time max
When I Q as Killer: 10+ minutes
What I find is that queue times change for the roles. Early in the day it's really easy to find a game as survivor and it takes forever to find a game as killer. Then in the evening it takes forever to find a game as survivor but it's quick to find a game as killer.
I think this is because at night more people play swf after work or at the end of their day. If you want to play killer with good matchmaking times then try to play later in the evening.
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for me its everyday at any time the same. Longass Killer Qs but instant survivor Qs
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Actually, this started happening to me weeks before the mmr patch. So, I'm not sure what the cause could be.
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It depends on the time you play, and probably also your MMR score. I get pretty instant games as most kilelrs in the evening, but if I play during the day it's a half hour wait. Survivor is almost always 5-10 minutes no matter the time.
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That's because prior to the mmr system, it was the archives. Every time a new tome is released, people need to play killer and survivor evenly to finish the challenges which is gonna cause longer queue times in a 4v1 game for killer.
Then they released the mmr system which means every time you play a killer for the first time, it's going to be searching for a match with survivors at baseline mmr. However, most survivors are going to already be at higher mmr because there's no shared mmr for survivors and there's four survivors per game for every killer meaning their mmr gets updated much faster.
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Yeah queue times are going up since the changes. I used to get into killer lobbies pretty quick but now its a bit of a wait. Usually no more than 5-15 mins but any longer than that and I go do something else. I have no patience for long queue times and frankly the payoff from a game usually isn't worth a wait any longer than 5-10 mins max.
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The timezone, your rank, and number of players playing killer argument just seems soooo weak. Really, there's 18,000 people online and you can't find 4 people to put in a lobby with me for like 10 minutes?!
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Cause Killer is Way easier, and give better bloodpoints.. thats why :)
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yeah this might be the reason. sucks, cuz I enjoy playing both sides and have to deal with one side having huge Lobby Qs
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Depends on the time of day, for me. Here in Cali, noon has slow queue times as killer, but past seven, near instant.It's survivor matches I can't get into, no matter the time of day. Ten minute waiting times is the norm.
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East coast here, Maryland. I usually start hitting two-minute killer queues around 4pm or so, and near instant starting around 7pm.
For survivor, they are fast until around 4pm, and increase to the point that I give up starting around 7pm.
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Im from Ireland so complete different region, used to be Id have really long killer queues all the time and near instant survivor queues, but when crossplay came those flipped, since I like playing both its fine for me.
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Everyone is realizing killer is more fun at this point
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or less annoying/frustrating is a way to see it aswell lol