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Stuck on a (not Silent) Hill

I've had this happen along these hills many times now. Usually around the sides or in the corners where totems spawn. You can't perform any actions besides trying to walk and crouching. Dropping items and actions like pointing doesn't work.
Edit: Also, I've had two lobbies tonight which appeared to be bugged. Either 1 survivor or a killer never appeared after 5 minutes of waiting.
Had the same exact thing happen to me today on MacMillan. Magically fixed itself when the killer closed hatch.
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Had this happen just now on suffocation pit. Was playing demogorgon. Downed a stuck meg. Picked her up and i was stuck. She wiggled off and i managed to place a portal and teleport away.
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This just happened in my game twice. Once to me and then once to a Kate. I got video of it happening to me, but not the Kate.
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This also happened to me between 9 and 10pm EST and we were able to recreate it in Custom Match.
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That's a really old bug. It happens for both killers and survivors.
And not only on hills, It can happen near every inch of raised terrain.
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Yes, but there's something to be said about the frequency of it today it seems.
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happened twice today in my matches. Once to a Meg as she was the last left alive, and in another one 2 Fengs got stuck in the hill at the same time. After 1 Feng got killed the killer got stuck in the hill trying to kill the last Feng.
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This just happened to me & another survivor on autohaven map, on the hill by the exit gate. I got stuck. The survivor came by to see what was up & got stuck also. Had crows flying overhead but the killer didn’t come, so I don’t know if it notifies him? After the other 2 survivors died on hook I suddenly got released then a minute later the other survivor got released.
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Lol this just happened to me. 2 of my teammates were stuck on the hill. Another was being camped. Match immediately ruined.
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I hope that they fix it. Because when it happens, it's gg.
It happened to me just before playing with pig, and I could get out of that place using that dash attack. But when I was walking, I did it super slow. Even if you get out of it, you still have problems.
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PC/Steam here as well.
Map: Disturbed Ward: Crotus Prenn Asylum
First time I have encountered this glitch. Crows begin to appear at 0:47 (as expected), but magically disappear at the 1:34 mark despite me still being stuck. Just like OP, pointing and beckoning do not work
Not shown in the video was receiving error 112 at the end of the match
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Exactly the same on PS4. Ruined 4 of my last 7 matches. Happens on several maps. Either myself, a teammate, or both got stuck in the hill. It also doesn’t kill you when the endgame collapse is over either. I sat there with a wraith trying to hit me for about 2 minutes before he just quit the entire match—after killing my other 3 members.
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It’s keeps happening