Probably not the right time to say this but...

Can we please have these skins? It would be a dream to have them in game. The new movie was delayed so a DBD skin would make up for it being delayed.
1,000% want these as skins.
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I would be so down. What I’m about to say is probably gonna offend someone but I liked the new one more than the original. I didn’t even know they were making another movie lol.
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That's not really an offensive statement. A lot of people enjoyed Halloween (2018) favorite about it was JC coming back to do more music. The song that plays when he kills the fat kid and sees Allyson for the first time gives me chills every time. I can't wait for the next one to be honest, shame it had to get delayed.
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It ok if you like the new one over the original. Yeah there is a Teaser trailer for the new one. Was supposed to come out this Halloween but was delayed till next year because of the pandemic.
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It's a trilogy. Halloween (2018), Halloween Kills (2020, now delayed to 2021), Halloween Ends (2021, now delayed to 2022).
The original actors for Lindsey (the girl she was baby sitting with Tommy) and Leigh Brackett (the original Sheriff whose daughter, Annie, was killed), from the 1978 film are back in Halloween Kills as their original characters, and the team has already stated that the citizens of Haddonfield start hunting down Myers en masse and it has the highest body count of any Halloween.
Teaser Trailer released last month.
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I´d pay good $$$ for those !!!
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Well, the current license is obviously from the original holders. For the 2018 stuff, they would likely have to license again, this time from Blumhouse for the new mask design, and also from Jamie Lee Curtis for her current likeness. Not that the current Laurie in DbD looks anything like a young Jamie Lee to begin with, though.
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Id 100% buy both.
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Yeah, I was honestly so shocked when Michael straight up murdered the kid, music was phenomenal. Most people think the OG is an untouchable masterpiece, and while I think it was good I really don’t see the hype. Most horror fans get real upset when I say I liked 2018 more.
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Good to know , thanks for the information. Its nice to have something to look forward to.
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it would be really cool if they could get the license for these
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The Love for the Original Halloween results from a contemporary perspective. It was the first real Slasher (yes, there are movies that heavily paved the way for this but still). For it´s time it was phenomenal and it held up as a great movie for the longest time.
I´ve seen every Halloween movie time and again, and I must say the 2018 sequel/reboot is definately up there with the original imo.
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Thats fair, I personally always saw TCM as the first real slasher but I see where your coming from. I just think the new one was way more tense. After he killed the kid I honestly started second guessing everything, the new one ignored the tropes, the original created them. I see the respect for it but people have called me mentally disabled for thinking the new one was better. I’m glad the comments here seem to be more supportive though. Thank you for being so understanding.
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I really want the 2018 Myers mask!
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I am a huge fan of the John Carpenter Halloween from 1978. I was five years old when it came out, and have always been a Myers fan. My forum icon isn't because I main him in DbD (killer queues are absolute ######### in this game, so I don't bother anymore).
And I loved the 2018 film. It was finally the sequel the original deserved.
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I’m glad you liked it more than I did. It was a little slow for me, which is strange cause I normally love slowburns. I did really enjoy how the camera lingered on some shots, almost like something else was there. I just enjoyed the new one more, the characters all felt realistic and likable. Michael felt like a threat whenever he was on screen. I’m glad its getting a sequel, hope it doesn’t turn out to be another resurrection.
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Am I forgetting a kill? I know it wasn't the black kid being babysat because he ran out of the house and left the sitter's arriving boyfriend to die. Are we talking about Oscar? Because like Allyson he was in high school, which has always been within Michael's target zone since the original Halloween where they were all also in high school. Even his very first kill, Judith, was only a teenager.
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At the beginning when Michael escapes the bus a young boy and his dad go to see if everyones all right. After the kid accidentally shoots Michaels doctor he runs to hide in the car. Then Michael straight up ices the kid, They even gave him the raspy voice puberty kids get. I expected him to knock the kid out or something, that put me on edge for the rest of the movie.
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Damn it. I did forget a kill! Thanks.
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The three years now I have always complained about the wiggle escape the killer's grasp I've replaced lots of controllers over the years and I'm just hoping that we could either half that or maybe make it to still check levels
end the other one I have concerns about is the hatch at the end game if there are people that wait untill the last minute to cross the line hatch doesn't open it automatically and if someome is waiting for the hatch it automaticllay kills us now we have the left behind perk for finding the hatch. we also have keys. so if we are waiting for the hatch at the end game and the people take too cross the line we automatically get killed that's a bit unfair
I feel that if both gates are open the hatch should automatically open
Post edited by hardcoreplayers on0 -
I both hate and love this comment.
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Of course, there were a lot of creative kills in there so the neck snap wasn’t very memorable. I just remember it so well because of how much it ######### with me lol.
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Oh, I remember it now. Admittedly, it's been over a year since I last saw Halloween 2018. I plan to watch it again after I do my Jamie Lloyd timeline watch-through again.
Sadly, I've viewed so many horror films throughout my life (I am 47, and started at 5 years old), and write horror as part of my living, that the kid getting killed didn't even register with me.
(Note: That's for film or a novel. In real life, it would screw me up badly.)
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@SCP_FOR_DBD But it's interesting that you reacted to it the way you did. There's an old writing trope in horror, and King even discussed it back in the 80s, that if you want to quickly get your audience invested: endanger or hurt a kid. And for King, it's something he's used to great result. Look at Salem's Lot, IT, and Pet Sematary, to name a few.
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I’m only used to it being a central plot point or flashback (A Quiet Place and IT are good examples). Stuff like F13 6 and Chucky conditioned me that kids were basically invincible in slashers lol. Stephen King is a crafty one. Still trying to get ahold of the Dark Tower series.
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I think that's because during the golden age of slashers it all became an imitation game between one franchise and the next, so they all stuck with the sexually active teenagers and the Final Girl/Guy.
Freddy at least diverged from that, as did the Jamie Lloyd Halloweens. But too many kept repeating the same trope to the point that we finally got the take on it used in Behind the Mask: The Rise of Lesie Vernon. Which is an absolutely great film, by the way.
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Myers X: The Mask
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Yeah, the tropes got old pretty fast. Luckily those aren’t as big of problems today. I’ll check out Behind the Mask, seems kinda like a different take on the Scream idea.
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Yeah, same concept as Scream: breakdown the Slasher tropes. I honestly have a love/hate relationship, bordering on the dislike, with how Scream handled it, despite my love of Craven's works. I much preferred the way Behind the Mask did it.
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Dang, I loved Scream. I'm excited to watch BtM now.
Post edited by SCP_FOR_DBD on0 -
That's not offensive. That's just a matter of taste. Alot of people hated the Rob Zombie ones. I personally like them. The first more so than the second.
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That´s fair too, a case can be made for TCM here for sure. I guess people calling you mentally disabled for an opinion about a movie says more about them than about you though.
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It’s always the right time to ask for Miguel and Laurie Strudel cosmetics.
Jamie Lee Curtis actually played as herself in DBD in 2018 in a Twitch stream, so she must be okay with her character being in the game. I’m assuming it’s an issue with the studio as to why ‘our’ Laurie doesn’t have her resemblance / more cosmetics.
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Sad thing is they would be legendary. So no mix matching
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Well, naturally. If Blumhouse did license their version to BHVR, they would expect it to only appear in the game as their version, not "kind of" their version due to mix-matching.
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Disagree. Peeping Tom, Psycho, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre all did it first; however, Halloween is still one of my favorite horror movies of all time. Playing peekaboo with Myers throughout the movie is great - Carpenter is a legend.
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Those definitely ought to be made into cosmetics! You have my vote.
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The skins we got were technically inspired by 2018 halloween iirc, mainly the asylum outfit for myers. I'd kill for proper 2018 or 2021 skins though.
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So basically a new mask for myers.