Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Do people actually thing they got tunneled when they can hit the killer with DS?

it blows my mind.

Im on ps4 and I have my messages turned on ( I play overwatch wich is toxic too, but there for every bad message i actually get well played messages too so it makes up for it) and I am not turning it off just for DBD...

But more about the content of these messages.

So on Red ranks Ps4 you have always a DS (90% of the games at least) so i work around it.

But somethimes you will still get hit by a DS.

People have to realise that its more then 60 seconds a killer has to worry about it.

If you hook someone and he gets rescued 30 seconds later its still up for 60 seconds and the killers probably in another chase by then or is even on the way to hook another one.

So long story short:

sometimes after a hook I chase a full healed survivor and when I down them they still DS me.

Well bad luck, but EVERY time this happens I get a post game message "thats what you get for tunneling noob"

first it was funny, i answered messages like this with "i get a 4k? guess imma tunnel actively next time"

but Every DS i get hit by you will recieve a message on ps4.

So do people who got fully healed and work on a gen again really think the killer tunneled them? are people really that braindead? or are they trolling?

I saw a video a few weaks ago where some small streamer got hooked next to a gen, got unhooked, got healed, got back on the gen and then complains about the killer checking on the gen and of course downing him... then DC because the killer tunneled so hard.

Is this the mindset of red rank survivors?

what do people expect killers to do.

"Oh theres a fully healed person on the gen I wanted to check, well too bad i have to ignore him because of some made up rules"

Im all for punishing tunneling and camping, but im also for punishing bad plays by survivors.

If you sit with your DS and unbreakable on a gen after being unhooked... thats not a skilled play, its just perks being strong in a situation they shouldnt be strong at.

Im all for buffing DS until you cannot tunnel a person anymore. make its uptime 3 minutes if youre being tunneled ffs, but nerf the invincibillity aspect former rank 15 players abuse to get to red ranks.

Yes MM was there and it worked perfectly, ranks dont matter, rank 20s are rank 0.5s and so on i dont care what excuse will be thrown around under this post.

So back to my question, this wall of text doesnt even matter:

If you hit the killer with your DS with 55s down or being fully healed again and sitting on a gen or somebody else went on the hook in the meantime... Do you think the killer tunneled you?

Thanks for not reading correctly, i know this forum by now. :)
