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General Discussions

The Executioner Still Has The Potential To Be More Skill-Based.

Member Posts: 1,048
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

(Edit: I do NOT want this killer nerfed, and I do NOT think he's OP in any way, what I'm proposing are changes to make his gameplay more in-depth and skill-based for a higher skill ceiling. In a sense, you can call that a buff!) I'd like to preface this with saying I'm a killer main, and this is my stance as someone who wants to play a more fun killer. The Executioner, as you know if you're aware of how he's best played, is a killer who does a LOT of baiting and zoning. If you don't know what that means, it's basically when he holds down the aim for his shockwave, the survivor starts juking expecting the shockwave, and then Phead cancels the aiming and goes for a basic M1, as the survivor is out positioned because they were juking and losing distance.

This is why he's really good in chase. Either you juke a window in front of him and he M1's you, or you go for the window and he uses his shockwave to hit you. Same with a pallet. It works, it makes him good, but it's just plain bad design.

This killer has an ability that can be used skillfully, but the game does not encourage more use of it outside of animation locks, as it has a very punishing cooldown if you miss, and it's quite easy to juke. Thus, this killer is often known for leaving not many options in chase to counterplay, as like I said, you either vault a window and get hit, or juke and get hit anyway. It's a very annoying thing to go against, as good as it is.

Thus, I propose some changes may be in order to encourage more usage of this power, but give more room for counterplay and make hits on the survivors based on skills, and not a no-win situation he puts them in. I do NOT want this killer nerfed. I just want his shockwave to be used more frequently and be more preferable in situations than baiting it. If it DOES weaken him, then further changes can be made, especially to his cages which are okay at best.

For example, I'd really like to see a much less punishing cooldown for using the shockwave. Currently, if you go for a shockwave, survivors can just hold W and make distance while you stand there and pick your sword back up for ~4 seconds. I don't think it should be huntress level, there should be some punishment, but it should at least be much easier on the killer. To tone down the baiting and zoning a bit, I'd put a window of time where Phead cannot swing his M1 after canceling Rites of Judgement (charging the ability). Kinda like Doctor after using the shock therapy, but maybe a little longer. At this point, you could buff the actual speed it detonates, range, how wide it is, but this might bring up an issue that the shockwave is now way too difficult to dodge, and he's once again putting you in more unavoidable situations where you're getting hit no matter what with no counterplay. I'd still buff the shockwave slightly just to see how it goes, as I think a less punishing cooldown after using the ability combined with some very slight buffs to the ability would definitely encourage more use, along with the window of time you cannot M1 after canceling the charge.

I think this would make the killer much more fun to play (as it's fun to use ranged abilities and hit them!) and hopefully more fun to go against. What are your thoughts?

Post edited by Haddix on

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  • Member Posts: 4,652

    I wouldn't mind..though dependent on the buff to the shockwave allowing it to torment may be nice, it's kind of inconsistent currently

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2020

    "This killer has an ability that can be used skillfully, but the game does not encourage more use of it outside of animation locks, as it has a very punishing cooldown if you miss, and it's quite easy to juke. Thus, this killer is often known for leaving not many options in chase to counterplay, as like I said, you either vault a window and get hit, or juke and get hit anyway. It's a very annoying thing to go against, as good as it is."

    This sums up PH's issues exactly.

    Your ideas for change almost identical to my thoughts for improvements as well.

    Basically we want to shift his power to being used for mind games and predicting survivors movement/zoning when out of line of sight and not just auto lose/lose hits at windows/pallets.

    You mentioned some of this:

    Take 2 seconds of recovery off his fatigue after using his ranged attack and add 1 second of recovery after canceling his sword from the ground. Make the shock wave faster and apply the trenches on the ground of its radius. This will allow for zoning strategies and apply Torment on hit.

    These changes take away the lose/lose scenario at pallets and windows by adding some counter play time. However, it now incentivizes and makes it actually worth it to make skilled shots when out of line of sight. Outside of animation lock it's current just not worth the risk for such a low reward, it's just too easy to dodge and too punishing.

    This would add much more skilled, dynamic and fun game play to PH for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 114

    I dont know about that if you make good predictions you can hit through walls in choke points without the need of only going for the animation lock hit. I've played PH a ton and for me using his skill is extremely skillful also dependent on good reads. I pull off god shots quiet frequently against good players. By god shot I mean we're running a loop they go around a corner and I hit them several seconds after they've left my fov. I play survivor a lot as well I understand how the loops work and how to run them so I make those good predictions fairly frequently. I have days like anyone where I miss majority of them and end up baiting the shockwave for the m1. I dont feel hes a skill less as is being implied.

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    The main proposed issue is that he can cancel it for an instant M1. This is what makes him as good as he is, but he shouldn't be nerfed. He needs to be good, but for the right reasons - which isn't the case now.

    Getting rid of the baiting is the #1 change I want for this killer, but his shockwave alone, without being able to "mindgame" with the charge-up, is not good enough. Like I said, there needs to be more ENCOURAGEMENT to use the power, and that comes in buffing it in some way. I made a point of saying to nerf zoning, buff the shockwave, but not enough to the point where he still puts survivors in a no-win situation in a chase.

    "but if he's punished less for missing he'll end up just using the shockwave more" This is absolutely my point. He SHOULD BE using his shockwave more. The current problem is that he's not using it enough. It's just used as intimidation, which is poor design. If you increase the cooldown after missing, the hold W counterplay is even stronger, and he would not be viable nor would he be any more fun. The point of this would be to make him more fun and make it more rewarding to use your power, like Huntress or Nurse or any other killer who requires mechanical skill.

    Maybe lessening the cooldown would be a bad thing, I don't know. The bottom line is, I'm saying this killer needs encouragement to use the power, and have hits on survivors be based on the player's skill with the killer (again, Huntress or Nurse), and remove the no-win situations. However that may be done is great. My suggestions are only potential solutions.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Pyramid head has a cooldown between drawing trenches and going for M1. Do you mean to say it's currently small?

    Besides being able to instantly M1 while drawing trench is most likely a bug and needs to go

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    Yup, it's too small of a window and it needs to be changed.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Anytime a killer can't normally be looped survivors complain about them. Which killers do survivors hate?

    • Spirit
    • Nurse
    • Freddy
    • Deathslinger
    • Pyramid Head

    What do they all have in common? You can't loop them like you can every other killer in the game. You have to play differently.

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    I believe PH is totally fine as he is. He doesn't need to be buffed or nerfed in any way, except addon changes.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I'm a PH main, and I agree that there are some changes that he could benefit from. While I don't think that punishing him less for PotD is the best idea, I think that rewarding him more for using RoJ would be better. As of now, not many people leave torment trails, they just play him how you described. I'd say completely remove the mini mori he has and make it so that his torment trails act similar to plague's vomit and damge survivors that stand in them for too long.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited August 2020

    You're completely missing the point and making it about something else man. Like I said, I main killer, I find survivor to be miserable in general and I don't play it often. This is a killer player's standpoint.

    The entire purpose of this post is to discuss changing the killer in a way that he's more fun to play (and play against) and for him to require more mechanical skill to be good at, rather knowing when to bait your power (as frequently baiting is optimal play). Again, think Huntress. A viable, good, fun killer. I literally am asking for this killer's ACTUAL power to be buffed.

    Either contribute a comment relevant to what the post is about, or don't comment at all. It's clear you didn't actually try to understand my post and just came here to make a point of "Survivor whiny."

  • Member Posts: 577

    Dont feel like ph needs any changes tbh. The baiting attacks is what demo and huntress and deathslinger all can do. Ph excells using his power only at loops. When the survivors hold w he need to go for a M1 because his power is garbage anywhere but loops.

    And if there were so many counters to a killer.power then it wouldnt be a power.

    Because Lets look at the limitations the power has;

    -He.slows himself down when throwing his knife into the ground but also when he is in his.power.

    -it shows the shockwave to the survivors before they get damaged al they van react most of the time

    -shockwave has a delay.

    So in conclusion he excells at looping but has no map pressure so he gets gen rushes into oblivion. That's why he doesnt need any nerfs

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Pyramid plays very similar to huntress at loops though, the difference is he is faster. Huntress has the exact same gameplay in fact. The difference between the 2 is PH can't reliably use his power outside of animation locks, whereas huntress can, and at a longer range, so she suffers movement speed.

    if you don't like the way PH plays, why do you like how huntress plays, when they effectively do the same thing at loops?

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited August 2020

    Toss in some more resource management.

    The DEVs seem to like that, plus he's already got the red cooldown bar.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Why do killers need to be harder to play than survivors who just have to hold m1 and W to win while getting handheld in chases through the red light and third person camera with maps that are mostly still very biased for them.

  • Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2020

    Huntress is slowed down when she rise her hatchet and have to wait to get the maximum range.

    Demogorgon dont bypass palette he destroy them, he's also slowed when he does his m2. so you can still vault without being punished whatever you do.

    PH and DS are unique case of lose/lose situation.

  • Member Posts: 279

    No ph don't play like huntress at loops. Huntress is punished HARD if she prepare her hatchet and i dont drop the pallet, i can do another loop. Vs PH i just pray he's a noob and he can't aim.

  • Member Posts: 577

    PH is also slowed when he is using his power

    and heavily punished if misses. Huntress and demo doesn't have that much punishment for missing.

    Also Ph power is really bad outside of loops. Demo and huntress still can use their power effectively outside of loops.

  • Member Posts: 279

    Ph is at 4.4 when using his trail still way faster than survivor + he can cancel his trail for free.

  • Member Posts: 649

    It absolutely is, it's already a miserable feeling to play alone while 4 others are trashtalking you.

  • Member Posts: 327
  • Member Posts: 1,048

    Has secondary abilities (significant)

    Is 115 (significant)

    Can hit through walls

    Can hit through pallets (huge)

    Wastes less time on hits

    Every hit is a guaranteed health state, no reeling in and struggling from survivor.

    No reload

    I mean, they're already similar AS IS. I'm not the one who released 2 killers, 3 months apart, who both excel at baiting their ranged power. They both do nearly the same ######### currently!

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    This is not about SWFs or how easy survivor is compared to killer. I have no idea why you're talking about people trashtalking and your personal feelings toward that. Not what this post is about man.

  • Member Posts: 649

    It absolutely is, what is the point of playing killer then purely from a perspective: You're not just playing alone but you're also way more stressed and people here for some reason want the killer to require more skill than the people who are in the numbers advantage.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    There is a much larger initial slowdown when you start using your power.

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    Those are your feelings man. I don't get stressed by killer as I've been maining it for years and consistently perform well.

    Either way, back to the point of the post (as, again, you being stressed by killer has nothing to do with this)...skill-based does not equal bad.

    The best killer IN THE GAME is the most difficult one. Nurse, an insanely strong killer, requires a lot of skill. Huntress, a very good killer, also requires a lot of skill. Making this killer require more skill is not a bad thing whatsoever. I would buff him and make him more skillful.

    If you want to go complain about your thoughts on survivor being easy and killer making you stressed and angry, go make your own post about it. I have no idea why you're going off about this under this post about the executioner.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Because it's not neccesary, he's B tier, he's not insanely strong and we don't need to make everything a god damn skillfest in a game that isn't meant to be played for 10.000 hours.

  • Member Posts: 1,241
    edited August 2020

    This guy PH, lost his ability to tunnel.

    No one plays him anymore.

    All the pre-nerf "i'm maining PH" are long gone now after the justified nerf.

    No cage tunnel, no point to play PH.

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    In what way would everything be a "god damn skillfest?" There's about 2 killers in this game that require a high amount of mechanic skill/muscle memory to be skilled at. God forbid there's 3, and he's potentially stronger due to it. Even then, it's not even about strength. It's not about nerfing or buffing. It's about a change of gameplay for the sake of healthy and fun counterplay while the killer also being more rewarding to play with practicing his ability and using it more frequently.

    If this game was a skillfest, 90% of the killers in this game wouldn't exist. I'm only making the point of PH being more skill based because the ability he already has, which is a ranged shockwave.

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