Would you guys like some "classic" monsters?

As the title states, would you like/want any of the classic monsters to join and if so which one? I'd personally love Gillman to be added and, more specifically, his look to be much more like the Monster Squad's Gillman then the classic one. There was always something so cool and badass about that version to me.
I also wanted to say if this discussion is in the wrong place, I'm sorry, feel free to move it to its proper place.
Since the developers added the Demogorgon, more classic monsters would be a great addition to Dead by Daylight.
Personally, I'm waiting for the Xenomorph.
C'mon BHVR, don't leave me hanging! 🤗
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I'd absolutely adore it if they added my girl to the game.
Honestly, another classic monster I'd love behind Gillman and a Xeno is a Werewolf.
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As long as they didn't look hokey, why not.
A werewolf would be cool.
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Carpenter's Thing could be nice , they literally can give it any form/model since it's a shape shifter .
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Being able to switch from walking on 2 legs and being similar in movement and posture to Demo, to getting down on all 4 for fast running would be neat
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Personally not a fan of monsters. Demogorgon does not fit in this game at all, I dont like going against him, because he simply should not be in the game at the first place. I mean, even his Lore they have written down is so boring...
I hope that there are not more monsters, for Demogorgon, I fully understand, ST is actual and a good way to get players, but I hope for Demogorgon being the exception.
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As long it fits the game's designs it doesnt really matter what the killer is.
Im morecurious as what is accepted as "classic". Arent there debates the 14th chapter might include an oni ? Might be obscured by the big fat "JAPANESE"-tag, but its a classic monster, just of a different culture.
The classic western monsters would definitely work... Frankensteins is just a dude that walks funny, like hilllbilly. Vamps are just fancier dressed than doctor, and jiangshi are just stiffer vampires... Werewolves depend on the grade of morphism, but range from hairy huntress to hairy demogorgon.
More importantly would be if their abilities match their archetypes.
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Low-key I'd really like Frankenstein's Monster added to DBD but I doubt that's ever going to happen.
The Thing is one of my favorite movies so I'd like to see some sort of adaptation for that in DBD but I don't even know how you would do that.
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Only classic monster I want is a vampire and that's it
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I would main this SOB day 1.
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When I said "classic" I was generally talking about the classic universal monsters but sense the topic has already shifted gears heavily I'm not going to be a pill about it.
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That's what I assumed you were talking about, at least what I thought of when you use the word classic. While I definitely like the idea I think it should be an entirely separate game, a new asymmetrical based around monsters. This game is more about Killers than monsters in my opinion.
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Dracula, Frankenstein
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They could just get a HAMMER license creation model and do their best with cosmetics. Essentially just having to create 1 basekit and having multiple cosmetics.
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It all really comes down to what you define as a "killer". Do you think it just pertains to slasher type characters because personally I don't, obviously. Now, if it was labelled as "slasher" then I'd agree with that sentiment 100% but it's labelled as "killer" and personally I find monsters to be natural born killers. Hey though, just my opinion and I'm just happy to see people sharing theirs.
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I think killers are driven to kill and actively enjoy it. Monsters are just creatures who are good at it. Does Frankenstein want to kill? Does Dracula enjoy killing or just do it because he needs it to sustain his life? That's where I draw the line between killers and monsters.
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I would like a Mummy character. And not a yummy one at that.
Using all the Egyptian mythology would be interesting and a map would look good.
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Maybr a Vampire? His ability could be if takes a health state away, he gains speed. I don't know.
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It all really boils down to the intelligence of a monster. I brought this up before with the Demogorgon and Pumpkinhead. The Demogorgon does it out of a will to survive but also to serve, as the case with the MF. Once the entity took it in it fit like a glove because it was able to be trained to serve the Entity.
Now, Pumpkinhead knows exactly what he's doing and capable of. He seeks out the most vile ways to torture and kill his victims and enjoys every second of it.
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Man, I would have loved to be able to try fruity yummy mummy. It's a shame it was discontinued so quickly, from what I heard it was super good.
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I want Godzilla
Person 1:It’s GoDzIlLa!!!!!!!
Person2: Wait it cant be Godzilla due to international copyright laws!
Person1: Well lets run away and sCrEaM like it IS GOdZilLa!!!!
Person 1 and 2: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Guess that movie! ( if you want)
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*Godzilla spawns in, one foot literally takes up the entire map*
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Survivors: Spams flashlight
Godzilla: exists
Godzilla: Steps on the whole map and instakills everyone.
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They could utilize Myers’ tombstone mechanic and allow the vamp to bite when he gets close enough. What that does? IDK
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I would love to see a werewolf killer.
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i would love classic monsters but this community is dead set on only having "slashers" from the 70s-90s. this well is pretty much dried up outside of pinhead jason and chucky. but this game is working on 5 years as an online game only its time to think about DBD2
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Yeah, well, that stigma was shattered with the Stranger Things release, even if people liked it or not, it's now not exclusively just "slashers".
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Universal monsters like Frankensteins monster? well Frankenstein's monster is a def no, but things like dracula could work. as long as it works well I'm fine with it.
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Are you stupid or something! Man what did I mean by this?! Stupid younger me!
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Gillman? Creature from the black lagoon? Fish person? Honestly that could be a Hag skin.
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dracula would be amazing! an amazing horror icon
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Mostly as halloween skins
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Not really my thing, but if people want it so why not? I wouldn't be excited about them but i would be happy if it was what the community wanted.
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Why did this post get necroed lmao
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I’d be down for something like The Thing. The Carpenter list would be complete then
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Oh, god yes.
I would play as frankenstein, wolfman, dracula or the beast from the swamp all the time. I love cheesy classic halloweeny characters. Maybe even add the blob in there. I know all the models have to be humanoid but considering the blob is literally just a big ball of ooze I could sort of see his model actually getting made.
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Well they added a Minotaur Skin for Oni, they could have made a full Killer out of that Skin alone if they wanted to. Would have been really cool, guess there will be no Minotaur Killer. : (
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Xeno and Wolfman/werewolf
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Older thread, but I'd love to see something like Frankenstein's monster. A wretched amalgamation of different body parts put together, the primitive-minded monster easily fell to the whispers of the Entity and now serves its purpose.
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