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On DC Penalties: From a Salty DC'er

I'll say it upfront. I'm a killer main who, while lacking a short fuse, definitely gets capital-s Salty. Like, so salty it seeps through my playstyle and makes it unfun for everyone involved. I've DC'd plenty of times when everything hits the fan (Like when you're trying an experimental killer build with low-tier perks and you get a red forest map of all realms while the 4 survivors run A tier perks.)

I've heard a lot of backlash about DC penalties a while back, which have died down recently due to the MMR system being the new hot topic, but I've been thinking about it.

If I'm salty enough to where the game is genuinely super unfun to me and I disconnect, why would a penalty really matter to me? Unless I've been doing it often and get a long ban, I'm not going to return to a game that infuriated me within the allotted ban time. Maybe it's just me and my lifestyle, but if you're really angry enough to DC that often and want to play immediately after, I think you have a personal addiction problem that the game shouldn't have to adapt around.

Oh and also I have ZERO clue if these are still active cause again, I don't pick up DBD for like another two hours if I DC. Please let me know if they aren't so that I can evaluate how much clownery is in my bloodstream.

(Also rework second stage hook so that survivors can't suicide and so that my spacebar doesn't get beaten to a pulp everytime I play survivor thanks bye)

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  • Member Posts: 18

    Thanks for letting me know! Hopefully the third time will be the charm for DC penalties.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Part of the DC Penalty utility, and the developers literally said this, is to give capital-s Salty gamers a forced break from the game. If you're in a mood, you'll probably still be in a mood the next game, too. Step back from it.

    The addiction diagnosis may be a bit of a broad stroke but it is an interesting thought.

    Also, I'm not a fan of it-doesn't-matter logic. It cuts both ways too often. Like, since it doesn't matter, we can just deal with the DC Penalty timeouts we earned then can't we?

  • Member Posts: 18

    I was saying what I was saying in support of DC penalties, sorry if that wasn't clear enough in the post. I agree with your points.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Gotcha, re-reading it with that context I see what you mean. Silly me. Hopefully if anyone misses that like I did they can see these posts.

  • Member Posts: 8

    They should be tracking DC's during the period when they are "off" and slap bans of full equivalent time when re-enabled. Would love to see the salty cries when they realize they have a month long ban. But they won't, so I may as well play the item stealing wraith. Bing-bong, franklin's, then dc. Best to do this with event items.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2020

    You're thinking about it wrong. The DC penalty always being in the background encourages people to actually try more often. "Might as well keep going, either that or I sit and wait for 5 minutes."

    But more than that, not having it actively encourages people to DC instantly if there's literally any part of the match they don't like, at any point, ruining the fun for others. Sure, a few folks might be grumpy they're stuck in a bad match every now and again, but it'd be the avalanche of manbabies who DC the second the killer M1s them for the first time less than a minute into the match that cause the real problems.

    The amount of people I've had DC the second I hit them lately is absurd. I'm not even on instadown killers, they're not even on the ground, they just quit because they got hit once. You can't encourage ######### behavior like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    They should make it so if you DC frequently, every once in a while when you're about to escape it'll DC you, or if you're about to hook the last survivor.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I, m pretty happy the dc trash penaltys are gone literally I don't want to get slugget for five minutes every round same as killer I, m definitely not playing nurse on indoor maps I just dc nest round and everything is fine dc penaltys are on so many ways trash if it's active again I just go afk and make some other things if I don't want to play against some tryhards why should I, right make no sense to play a lost game

  • Member Posts: 39

    But how is it cheating to let your friend escape? Yeah sure, dc'ing to do it is a little annoying but it isn't really cheating. If it was cheating, then there wouldn't be a disconnect button in the menu.

  • Member Posts: 39

    What if we give the constant DCer's red text on their name, and then tweak matchmaking so that the DCer's get matched with all the other red named DCer's? So they can all DC together? :)

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't care if you are Salty. I don't care if you aren't having fun. This is a community and there are expectations. I don't enjoy a lot of games, particularly those going south, but I play them to the BITTER end and give my all so the other Players get the best return on their time. The only time I have disconnected is when my internet has gone down. Real life emergency? Sure. Internet goes down? Sure. How often should those happen? Rarely. A good sportsman doesn't upend the table and stomp off the second they stop having fun. They respect their fellow players, the community, and the game itself. If you can't do that, find another hobby.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I don’t think that rare rage quit is the issue, as survivor we’ve all had “those teammates,” and we just don’t wanna spend 15 minutes trying to carry them. As killer we’ve all faced those teams that outmatch you but refuse to just win and leave they wanna rub it in. You won’t get much backlash from me for DCing there.

    Its the people who constantly DC over and over again hoping to log into their ideal match. For example survivors who instantly DC against Nurse, spirit, Freddy, legion, Doctor, PH, and slinger... basically they’re just hoping to run into a bad clown and then laugh in endgame “git good noob.”

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    No, it is cheating. I had a Claudette do that to me just yesterday, D/C herself to stop me from getting a David so the Hatch would open for him as I closed in. :) She used the button. So 1. They were clearly survivor friends and coordinating that outside the game, and 2. they just unethically cheated me of points. Can they do it? Sure. There is a button, but that isn't what the button was intended for really. And defending this behavior is scummy.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Ok, so you lost some points. If I assume the Claudette was already on the hook and David was hooked at least once, plus the points that you get from them DC'ing, then you lose about 675 of the tons of other points that you get from other things in the game. You were not cheated out of points. SWF is also allowed in the game. A better word to use for describing their actions would be 'underhanded'.

    If you need more, here is a link to a wiki that someone very dedicated to the game has made listing every single score event for survivor and killer that is possible.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Underhanded is a good description, it's legal and people even did it when the DC penalty was up.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    That isn't the point. The question is whether or not it is cheating? It is. Is it unethical? It is. Is it scummy? It is. :) I got cheated. It doesn't matter whether it was for a few or a ton of points. I'm pointing out it isn't a victimless crime. It is unsportsmanlike behavior at the very least and should not be defended by ANYONE.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I've DC'd maybe 10 times in over 2000 hours of playtime and whenever I DC'd, I was done with Dead By Daylight for several hours if not days.

    So I agree with you; If people get so upset that they regularly DC only to get right into the next match a few minutes later, they really should take care of their addiction.

    They're clearly not enojoying the game so why are they playing it?

  • Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2020

    Fair play to the OP for being open and honest about it.

    I think from the perspective of a survivor main, I would be more arsed with team-mates DC'ing if things weren't going their way than the killer. It drags us all into an unrecoverable situation where we risk potentially losing good items and a good experience. If a killer DC's, they are really only losing their own experience. If team-mates disc / ragequit, it puts the experience of three other people at risk.

    I'll always give the benefit of the doubt to someone who has genuine connection issues, and to some extent even newer players, but if I find someone experienced who is moaning because someone didn't equip cake (or whatever) or doesn't like the MMR / map / killer, I'll straight up report for unsportsmanlike conduct every time, because i'm sick of losing items and good game time.

  • Member Posts: 188

    The devs are too scared to make dc penalties actually bad. Like a few mins off is nothing and only ever builds up if you do it in quick concession. Probably gonna get some hate but I think people who dc should just be banned. Yeah they'd have to make the system more accurate and not punish people who just have their internet disconnect mid match. I've had that give my a time penalty once. But yh if they could fix that then I don't see why they couldn't make the punishments harsh.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    well, you let your friend escape when he should have died. You pretty much explained it yourself. :^)

  • Member Posts: 93

    I've had multiple games where survivors DC'd when I was trying to do that "Kill all 4 survivors" challenge in one of the tomes. One game with an ebony mori I had two DC. Maybe "there's a button" but feels like I got cheated out of 60k bp 😑

  • Member Posts: 41

    Unfortunately, it has to be an all or nothing system. If the system detected internet failure as the reason for a DC then people would just pull their Ethernet cord to prevent penalties. It's happened before. It's kind of like you have to take the bad with the good. Does it suck getting a penalty when your internet legitimately dies? Yeah, it does. But there are too many ways for leniency in it to be abused sadly. I'd say the pros far outweight the cons when it comes to DC penalties.

  • Member Posts: 21

    It actually is an exploit. Devs had said so in the past. Having a dc butting for bugs is different then exploiting a game mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 576

    I understand feeling that way. As a survivor main whose goal is to escape when I play I get extremely frustrated when the other survivors are basically taking turns being hooked and unhooking. It's rare I will DC, but I always want to do so when it's obvious my team isn't even attempting to escape.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Lmao this is hilarious, I would love to see it and join the dc team XD

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