Reduce Max Active Phantasm Traps to 2

I feel that the Hag's max active phantasm traps should be capped at 2. It is too toxic otherwise. Especially when you play a killer who abuses it. Maybe have an add on that allows for 3, but 10 is extremely too much.


  • my_hat_stinks
    my_hat_stinks Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2020

    Could you give more detail about why you want it nerfed? "It is too toxic" isn't really useful information unless you say why.

    Personally I think the number of traps is fine, though it should be made more obvious to survivors in some way that crawling over a trap doesn't trigger it. It's one of those things you'd just never know from playing until you see someone else do it. I'm not sure how it could be fairly implemented though.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    So just make hag a killer that requires plenty of set up, intuition, and skill to use worse by a massive margin, just because its toxic that people are good with hag

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    HAHAHAHA no.

    I don't like playing against Hag either, but this would kill her. Also, people being good at a strong but hard-to-learn Killer is toxic? Lol.

  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77

    The powerful thing about hag is that she can virtually be in multiple places simultaneously due to her phantasms. Subsequently, she has quite nice mobility for a 110% killer, has awesome defensive capabilities and can shut down loops very well, but it requires a ton of skill and experience (I'd say that after Nurse, Hag is the most difficult to play well). That combination makes her IMO, one of the most balanced killers. She is strong, but can be countered and requires a ton of game knowledge. So don't cap her, that'd just ruin her.

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    She is one of the top killers for sure and first I do wanna say, what is wrong when tables are reversed? Is it too hard to imagine a game where killers are the ones that have advantage in some way? I personally would enjoy the game way more if killers were all up to a par with a hag and therefore be more threatening.

    That being said, as someone who started as a trapper, it blew my mind just how much better hag is, when both are set up killers. She could use more cool down on her traps at most or perhaps don't let her just continuously place them if she ran out, only replenish when trap been triggered or destroyed by hag itself. However and thats a big one, only when game gets some balance on survivor side, cause I am a bit sick of dealing with friend groups that think that tunneling is bad but ds + unbreakable, kobe, hatch, key + map, insta heals, voice coms, gen rush are ok.

  • T1meLord
    T1meLord Member Posts: 5

    I agree that making the traps more obvious would be a good alternate to reducing the amount of traps. Probably even better actually. Maybe make them glow orange or red. As far as what I meant by too toxic: Some players would put the traps literally everywhere, not just around hooked survivors or gens. I felt like every few steps I took, there would be a trap. It was almost like they had more than 10 active traps or something. Or I was just very unlucky.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    You were probably just unlucky. The thing is, that's her power, and without that she is just a useless 110% movement speed killer. Her strategic placements of traps is what makes her good, if you only let her have two or three traps, she'd be completely butchered and by far the most useless killer in the game.

    I'm gonna be honest I absolutely hate going against Hag but I don't think she really needs a nerf.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    here it is again this dumb post

    git gud hag is only good if the person plays them competently which 80% of hags don't play at that high of a level

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    no this would nerf her so hard she be useless.